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Cart #spaceranger-3 | 2024-05-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This game may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.


Move: Arrow Keys
Shoot: X
Bomb: Z
Pause: Enter
NOTE: Shoot / Bomb buttons can be swapped in the Pause menu


  • Defeat 30 waves of space pirates and recover the doubloons they leave behind.
  • The ring around your ship indicates the range which will attract doubloons
  • Destroying space pirates will increase your score multiplier. Letting a space pirate escape the area or taking damage will reset this multiplier to zero
  • Collecting 100 doubloons will grant you a temporary shield which will absorb damage once without resetting your combo

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Hey guys. I was wondering if I could get help to get a game over screen when the enemy collides with the player.
If anyone wants to help comment on your ways to help.

Thank you.


a = {x=10, y=25}

b = a

b.x = 99


This prints 99 but I assumed it would print 10.
I wrote code with a start table. Then I set a position table equal to the start table. I was hoping to update the position table but reset the position back to the start point at any time I wanted. I tested this out in php to make sure I wasn't crazy and it worked like I expected. I tried it out in strict Lua but it gave the result above. Why does Lua change the a table when I only changed the b? How do I deal with this?


The Packbats' 2-node Instrument Collection - on the BBS as #packbats_2node - came from the same place as our guide to Picotron's instrument designer: with PICO-8 you had loads of instant sounds that came with the fantasy console, but with Picotron you didn't. So: we wrote a guide, then we made some instant sounds.

The 2-node part (is it 2 nodes? does the output mixer count? if the output counts it's three) was for three reasons, only one of which makes us feel arrogant:

  1. By forcing us to make something simple, we get it done faster and easier, which means the community has it sooner.
  2. By leaving space for more nodes and leaving unused envelopes, we make it easier for musicians to modify our instruments to their needs.
  3. By refusing to use all the tools at our disposal, we refuse to make you as a sound designer feel like you can't compete. We're proud of what we made, don't get us wrong, but the joy of playing in Zep's playgrounds is futzing around with Zep's beautiful tools and getting inspired. If you're down to give it a try, to get over the hump and to the point where you can just have fun making cool sounds, you'll find all kinds of amazing stuff you can make. If you then type "[instrument] synth design" into DuckDuckGo and click on some links, you'll make even more cool sounds because you'll have way taller giants than us newbies to stand on.

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Is it possible to run the terminal in a window on the desktop similar to an OS?

Would really love this feature, and if not anyone think its impossible to make happen?


Cart #penny_the_pumpkin-35 | 2024-05-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Penny the Pumpkin: Directors Cut takes you on a delightful platforming open-world metroidvania with light puzzles to solve. Guide Penny, our lovable pumpkin, as she collects 18 precious coins! Your progress is saved every time she grabs a coin or enters a new area.

Once you've collected all 18 coins, put your skills to the test by unlocking the thrilling speedrun mode! Note that saving is disabled in this mode, so it's all about your skill and reflexes. Can you beat the programmer's current record of 3:31.4? 🏆

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I purchased Picotron on Humble Bundle as soon as it was available. I initially downloaded it from there. And, through version 0.1.e, I downloaded updates for Picotron from my Lexaloffle Downloads page.

However, when I went to download 0.1.f, it was gone from my Lexaloffle downloads page. I asked around on Discord and a few people verified that they had access to Picotron, but a couple of people referenced other downloads which had vanished from their page.

I attempted to register Picotron from Humble Bundle, again, and it had no effect.

I sent an email to [email protected], but I have not received any response.

Now a new version of Picotron is out, and it's not available on Humble Bundle (hopefully just not yet). So I can't download my purchase.

I'm curious if anybody else is experiencing this problem?

EDIT: I decided to try activation again, again, and this time it seems to have worked!


Cart #jurotebusu-0 | 2024-05-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

first release of goblin wizard: curse of travis
(arrow keys + z to attack)


Cart #redapipay-0 | 2024-05-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

Cart #flowerclicker-2 | 2024-05-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A simple clicker game about growing flowers. Also my first complete Pico-8 game :)

Left-click - Almost everything
Right-click - Drop tool / Cancel flower placement

Made in about a week for Minigame a Month - April 2024 and Chill Devs: Chill Jam 8.

Also available on itch.io.


Using window{pauseable=false} in fullscreen apps does not disable the ability to pause by hitting ENTER.

Steps to reproduce:
1) Boot Picotron.
2) Add this code to main.lua (as per the manual):


function _draw()

3) Run it.
4) Try to pause by hitting ENTER.
5) Watch in helpless grief as you continue to fail to pause, despite mashing ENTER over and over and over.

Oh yeah, and another thing I noticed. @zep, the Proggy demo is now kinda broken since you can't type anything in the editor window without it popping up the pause menu every time you hit ENTER. (I noticed when trying to use my Froggy app today and realized that would affect Proggy too.)


Cart #exitdidierbyte-1 | 2024-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little game where you have to find the EXIT.

Orange arrows -> The EXIT is on the UP, LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM
0 - 9 digit -> The EXIT is at "x" case (manathan distance)
Red arrows -> The EXIT is not on this row / column

Enjoy !


Cart #yakibayinu-0 | 2024-05-02 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Can you get to the final floor before your battery runs out?
Find batteries to refill the meter and find coins as a challenge.


  • Left = A
  • Right = D
  • Jump = W


I can find all the other secrets but not the last newspaper

Can someone at least give me a hint?


Music and sound effects in Pico8.


I started working on some projects and all that is left to do is to create the music and sound effects.

I watched some tutorials about getting started with making music in Pico8, took some notes and tried playing around in the music editor. I learned the basics of the editor and can find my way around it, I just get stuck trying to make music. This is the first time I'm making any kind of music so I'm quite new to all of this.

I just started learning about music theory to help me understand more about how to create music and or sound effects.

Beside following tutorials, taking notes, playing around in the music editor with both channels and trying to re-create some simple tunes and or sound effects of games (all 8bit).

I plan to learn about playing from ear in the future, after I feel more comfortable with my ability to write music in Pico8.

My questions

I saw people talk about how you can compare the notes in Pico8 to piano notes:

White notes | Black notes

"Z = C102_" | "S = CH105_"
"X = D102_" | "D = DH105_"
"C = E102_" | "G = FH105_" etc.

Would it help if I were to also learn about the basics of how the piano works or will music theory be enough with enough practice in Pico8?

Are there thing I might have forgotten about that I need to learn or are there things I don't need to learn in order to write music in Pico8?

If you have any advice please tell me.


I have listed some of the rescources here that I have used.

  • Gruber
  • Nerdy Teacher
  • Dylan Bennett
  • Reddit
  • Lexaloffle forums

Thank you

  • OffensiveWare

Very much WIP using some of the graphical style/themes from Mint in a Vampire Survivors style game.

WIP has:

  • 2 characters with different modifiers
  • 6 weapons and 1 passive item. weapons and passives have level upgrade modifiers
  • A wave spawner (but it spawns the same stuff every wave - need more mob types)
  • Boss mobs drop a chest that will drop a random upgrade to an item in your inventory
  • Standard mobs drop xp, hitting the target xp for the level triggers a shop where you are offered 3 items (with some weighting towards items you already own)

"O" button does everything.


  • refactor for performance, I think I can improve collision handling
  • a proper map, thinking an infinite map like vampire survivors
  • scaling of mobs with XP
  • more items
  • more enemy types
  • probably refactor how I am doing classes, it's getting messy.
  • bugs, probably lots of them
  • everything else

Cart #diphwezu-2 | 2024-05-20 | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #picoweather-0 | 2024-05-02 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Very early implementation of a weather feature in Picotron.

As Picotron's "fetch" is extremely limited, I deployed a very simple middleware on my own server (https://play.quee.org/?lat=0&long=0) to relay GPS coordinates between Picotron and Open Meteo (https://open-meteo.com).

GPS coordinates are obtained using ipapi (https://ipapi.co).

Kelvin Quee

1 comment

Cart #ray-0 | 2024-05-02 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



  • arrow keys to move
  • mouse to look around it will eventually reach the border, you have to center the mouse again
  • x for viewing map
  • d for more detailed stats


After trying to make raycasting the wrong way, I came up with this method.
I really don't know if thats the correct way of doing it. My idea was to have rays being shot from the player, when they hit a wall the stop and draw a line in the center at the screen + index of the ray, also the further away the ray went, the smaller the line will be. So that make a pretty good illusion of 3d in a 2d space. You can poke around with the values like the field of vision, amount of samples taken (rays shot), the stretch of the screen and many other.

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I know there is still so, so much yet to add in Picotron, but there are quite a few features PICO-8 has that would be so nice to also have in Picotron. I imagine a non-zero percentage of these are probably already on some official/unofficial/mental roadmap that @zep keeps for Picotron. Nevertheless, I thought I'd list some here just to get them "on paper" and not floating around in my head. Feel free to contribute your own items to this list.

Keep in mind, I have zero expectation that any of these ever actually get added, let alone added soon. So if you decide to contribute to this list, keep in mind the vibe here is more "ooh, that'd be neat if Picotron did this too" rather than "why doesn't Picotron have this feature?!"

EDIT: Wow! A lot of these got added in the latest version of Picotron! (v0.1.0h) I've updated the list below to indicate what's now been added to Picotron. Thanks, @zep! 🤩

  • Having the option to show tab character indicators
  • Alt-up and alt-down jumping you one function up or down at a time

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Cart #harm_anim-0 | 2024-05-01 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is an audio-visual representation of the harmonic series. The sine waves are in size and
frequency, integer ratios of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, using bends to get as close to the exact tones as
possible. Every time the sine waves hit a peak or valley, they play the associated note in the
harmonic series and they oscillate in the same ratio.


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