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I just noticed, why is the page so weird? how can I fix it.

I have a problem

this is how my daily life goes:

  • I get a awesome idea.

  • I start forming the vision (in my mind or paper)

  • Have a full gamdesign document

  • Next day start new project

  • Next ~month I work and improve the game every minute possible.

  • the motivation starts fading

  • forget for a few days or I work way less

  • cycle repeats

And just by following this workflow, I have created many many games.
They are (mostly) all basically finished and are missing very little to completion.
Here is a list of all:

  • Failed Monsters

    Man oh man, this is basically my first game and I havent been working on it for months.
    This project has been dragging me for years. Because this has been looking like this

    • Make new feature

    • Oh, 8192...

    • Next two weeks optimizing and learning new things

    • Oh, I was so bad three weeks ago, this code could be done way better

    • One week later, what can I add next?

    and thats how time went making this game, which is a shame. To me this game is a result of my learning with pico 8, thats why its full with bugs. and my current skills clash with my old ones. thats why its hard to work on it.

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Cart #retroslot-1 | 2024-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Recently I learned how to add my own widgets to the tooltray, but I'd also like to remove the default widgets (eyes and clock) to further customize my desktop. Is there a way to do it?


Hi everyone, this is the second game I'm working on. It is a maze/puzzle game about a ninja that needs to find the correct way to exit the level (The G is the way out for now). It is still in progress but I think I already have all the mechanics I need for it, I just need to complete the set of levels and polish everything a bit.

Cart #konidemipe-0 | 2024-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #badoyopiru-0 | 2024-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi everyone, I'm new to PICO-8 and game development.
I wrote a simple top down shooter game for the console and I would like to share it.
I also wrote a simple post about the game and its development: https://santiac89.github.io/articles/face-of-mars/index.html

Hope you enjoy it!


Cart #mafuhotute-0 | 2024-09-16 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just made this vic-20 font snippet and graphic mimics today! Usefull for nolstalgics.


This is a Pico8 demake of one of my original games.


This is a programming puzzle game where you use simple commands to reach the goal in each stage.
And as a programming puzzle game, it at least expects you understand the core concepts of programming, like execution order, variables, loops, etc.

This game does feature save data.
It saves automatically upon beating a level, or unlocking a new area.

Cart #reprogram_v1_04-0 | 2024-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Arrows to move
  • Z to Jump
  • Click with the mouse to examine grid coordinates
  • Use the keyboard to type commands in the code editor.
  • Enter to open pause menu

This game has a OST with enhanced music that can be found

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1 comment

In 0.2.6 and earlier, this code snippet would print out hi.


In 0.2.6b, this is a syntax error instead

'then' expected near 'print'
1 comment

I'm working on my 2nd official project, watching tutorials and self-teaching (not the best idea, I know.) I'm trying to do a very simple adventure style game for my wife to play, and I'd like any enemies that I place on the map to only move when the player is onscreen with them. I'm obviously not thinking this through thoroughly. Any help would be appreciated. I apologize for the code snippets I included, I'm still learning the formatting for the message board

Cart #jirjawra-0 | 2024-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

function draw_map()

--map screen x,y in tiles
--follows player

--camera and hud x,y

--bound camera within game area
if (cx<=0) cx=0
if (cy<=0) cy=0
if (cx>=1024) cx=1024
if (cy>=512) cy=512


function move_enemies()

for e in all(enemies) do
--priorty one
--restrict offscreen enemy
--movement...debug needed
if mapx!=flr(e.x_tile/16)16 or mapy!=flr(e.y_tile/16)16 then
--x,y for movement


if e.etype=="beetle" then
--random move variable
local r=flr(rnd(4)+1)
--checks for bamboo and
--"eats" it
if check_tile(bamboo,e.x_tile-1,e.y_tile) then
elseif check_tile(bamboo,e.x_tile+1,e.y_tile) then
elseif check_tile(bamboo,e.x_tile,e.y_tile-1) then
elseif check_tile(bamboo,e.x_tile,e.y_tile+1) then
--if no bamboo then moves in
--a random direction
if r==1 then
elseif r==2 then
elseif r==3 then
elseif r==4 then

--bind enemies on map and set
--offset for wall collision
if can_move(e.e_newx,e.e_newy) then


Creating boxart for your games

After watching @thesailor create a manual I felt inspired to create some boxart for their game.

I also turned the file I used for that into a template that I would like to share with all of you. Your games deserve a nice box, your games deserve to be displayed! Maybe add a little manual or a QR code that leads straight to the game. And do share what you come up with :)

Make your own boxart!

You can find the template on my itch.io


Final E-o-L Boss :)


Cart #jamapejiwu-0 | 2024-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #siyubokatu-0 | 2024-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #siyubokatu-0 | 2024-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #siyubokatu-0 | 2024-09-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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I created this booklet design for my game Gemstone Dredging
It's a tiny printable booklet template you can use to create a custom game manual for your Pico-8 games (or for any other use really).



Pls comment your favourite PICO-8 game and cart


la verdad no tengo ganas de traducir al ingles entonces nada de ingles bueno e desidido aser un par de juegos de prueba
antes del juego de sonic la pelicula solo eso a y para terminar no copien mi idea de un juego de sonic la pelicula por que a nadie se le ocurrio y solo a mi entonces seria el primer fan game de sonic la pelicula repito no me copien


ESPAÑOL al parecer el dueño de pico 8 iso una version de navegaador gratis bueno eso creo por que ya me meti a la version de web y creo que si lo puso el asi que tengo pensado aser mi primer juego con ayuda de un video el juego se llamara sonic la pelicula el juego

ENGLISH Apparently the owner of Pico 8 make a free browser version, well I think so because I already got into the web version and I think he did put it in, so I plan to make my first game with the help of a video, the game is will call sonic the movie the game

ESPAÑOL por favor metanse a mi blog (esta en español el blog) esta es la url: https://898098123.blogspot.com/

Please go to my blog (the blog is in Spanish) this is the url: https://898098123.blogspot.com/


Cart #flowtris-0 | 2024-09-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Flowtris: A tiny and gooey action puzzler

My 2024 entry for Pico-1k!

A simple game in just 1018 compressed bytes of Pico-8 instructions. It combines the expanding goo mechanics from the classic Pipe Dream game with the block-dropping puzzle action of Tetris. Try to make a path for the goo to flow across the bottom before you spill!


  • ⬅➡ to move the pending tile
  • ⬇ to start the drop
  • ⬆ for a quick-drop
  • z/❎: Rotate
  • x/🅾️: Restart after game-over.

Difficulty modes

  • Easy: The edges of the tile also block goo expansion
  • Hard: They do not. Good luck!

Source code

If pasting this into Pico-8 to check it out, make sure you enter puny font mode (ctrl-p) first.

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Cart #gut_wound-3 | 2024-09-14 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update: Removed Diagonal movement as the collisions isn't currently working.

WASD or Arrow Keys for movement
Mouse to navigate UI
E to interact (i.e. open doors)
Left Shift to sprint.

Game I've been working on for the last few months, have big grand awesome survival horror game plans for it, but still currently just getting the survival...and honestly game aspects down.

I wanted to make things easy for myself, so there's not much random generation, all hard coding, hand placed items, hand placed rooms.

I'm happy with the progress but still have a long way to go before it's anywhere near ready for proper play, but I'm hopeful I'll have something usable this year.

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I'm trying to come up with ideas for like fantasy objects if I ever try to make a game or get time to make one. I could use help on the Mask of Justice.
Mask of Justice: Follows the player like a satellite.I don't know what its effect should be.

But I don't want it redundant to other powerups:

Jewel of Eternal Love: Generates a field of good energy and good magic, it negates evil energy, dark magic and misery and freezes enemies in place rendering them harmless. Perfect against demons and beings powered by hate and misery.

Miracle Crystal: Grants a miracle form. A super form that can exceed beyond given limits.

Quantum Amulet: Summons a fairy that shoots an energy beam.

Lamp of Eternity: Shines a massive light that light up entire areas, it also destroys shadow magic and dark entities and reveals stuff.

Wand of the Saint: Breaks curses, spells and bad luck. It negates evil magic and energy and can free people from possession.

Jewel of Invisbility: Makes anyone invisible to evil beings. The only thing is that your still visible to friends and family.

Arcane Hourglass: Stops time for a minute, stopping monsters and hazards like ghosts or fires.

Ankh of Revival: It can revive and heal anyone injured or killed. It doesn't work for malevolent entities though.

Hyper Crystal: Grants hyper abilities and hyper form. Making anyone faster than anyone granting bullet time like speed.

Amulet of the Dragon: Allows the person to summon the power of the Dragon.

Amulet of Raiju: Allows the person to summon the power of Raiju.

Lightning Orb: Allows you to create, manipulate and shoot lightning for electrifying attacks. This lightning uses a special energy magic that hurts malevolent beings and breaks their magic.

Lights of Magicus: A legendary source of mystical power renowned throughout the galaxy. Grants a shine armor super form and upgrades weapons. But it allows you to share it with friends and family. Why hog all the power when you can have your friends join you by giving them the same amount of power.

Teleportation Orb: Teleports people in and out of places, if you get eaten by a monster or get trapped in an object or pocket dimension, you can teleport easily right out, even bring friends, family and stuff with you.

Armor of the Guardian: Protects anyone from any kind of attacks or projectiles. It can deflect projectiles back or sometimes make enemies yield to you.


Hi, i'm new to the forums of PICO-8, and learning how to use the program yet, but i love the huge community here, so i wanted to share some ideas for fan games in case someone is interested:

1) A game based on Sonic, you can also use other games inspire by it like: Spark the Electric Jester, Freedom Planet or Kyle and Lucy: Wonderland, basically a platformer where you must run fast, you can included any original gimmick if you want.
2) A Castlevania-type game like Bloodstained, where you continue forward while dealing with any enemy in your path, or the Zelda-like Mina the Hollower, a game where you explore different places and get items that help you in your quest.
3) One based on Virtua Fighter, having different fighters with different moves, basically with an arcade mode that ends with a final boss.
4) A game similar to Hypnospace Outlaw, a point-and-click game where you explore a world full of different pages, trying to complete objectives as you see an entire community of people sharing their interests and creations.

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