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I purchased Picotron on Humble Bundle as soon as it was available. I initially downloaded it from there. And, through version 0.1.e, I downloaded updates for Picotron from my Lexaloffle Downloads page.

However, when I went to download 0.1.f, it was gone from my Lexaloffle downloads page. I asked around on Discord and a few people verified that they had access to Picotron, but a couple of people referenced other downloads which had vanished from their page.

I attempted to register Picotron from Humble Bundle, again, and it had no effect.

I sent an email to [email protected], but I have not received any response.

Now a new version of Picotron is out, and it's not available on Humble Bundle (hopefully just not yet). So I can't download my purchase.

I'm curious if anybody else is experiencing this problem?

EDIT: I decided to try activation again, again, and this time it seems to have worked!

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