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Despite experience programming for over a decade, this is my first real completed game, ever. I did it basically just as a learning project before tackling something bigger in PICO-8. It's a very simple top-down shooter involving what looks to be robots. Enemies spawn faster and faster, and have random health. The gimmick (and thing that made implementation easier) is that you can only shoot while moving unless you're pushing against a rock. See how high of a score you can get! I got to 47. If an enemy touches you its game over.

Cart #fedofawahe-0 | 2019-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I watched @zep talk about PICO-8 and cozy design spaces again today, and it really resonates with me. I work as a developer, and I really hate all the cruft we have to deal with. Like the web! God, I hate the web and what it has turned into.

I really like stuff like Zen of Python, programming aphorisms, principles like DRY, POLA, KISS, etc. I watched through the video and tried to write down some nuggets of wisdom. Apologies to @zep if he feels misrepresented in any of these quotes.


  • Small things matter
  • Discard and move on (the "license to abandon")
  • Inhabit boundaries
  • Follow a new path
  • Ignore the real world
  • Work in a cosy place

The Zen of PICO-8

  • When you type cls() you're not just clearing the screen, you're clearing your mind and your soul, preparing for something new.
  • You're among friends.
  • Value design over content.

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Cart #breakoutjbh-0 | 2019-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


It's VERY much a work in progress still, and there's a lot I have to do with it. Still, I hope you guys like it!


Cart #gotchimiya-0 | 2019-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #dollarone_thelichruin-0 | 2019-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

For years, the wise Magelords ruled Harberia in peace.
But now, everything is in danger.
The evil lich lord Afgorkon has taken up residence
in the old ruin on the island of Funeris.
A young magelord (you!) sets off on a journey to
challenge the lich and banish it from Harberia.

The Lich Ruin is a turn-based, real-time strategy game where you must challenge Magelords and other creatures to win spells and other rewards, in order to build up an arsenal powerful enough to take on the lich lord Afgorkon and restore peace to Harberia!

In these challenges, there are three lanes. You can spawn creatures from your spells in these lanes (using the arrow keys), but each spell costs a certain number of crystals. You gain one crystal each turn (every 2 seconds), and there are also two crystal towers that will yield an additional crystal to whoever controls it for 5 turns.

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I've created a two-cart application that uses two carts, and has two options:

  1. Use cstore to store data from the main cart into the 2nd cart, then finish the program
  2. Use reload to load data from the 2nd cart to the main cart

When I bundle both carts using a binary export, the cstore function creates a file named the same as the filename I passed to the cstore function. E.g. I use "cstore(0,0,4,"exporttest_data.p8")" and in AppData\Roaming\pico-8\cstore a file named that shows up, and it has the correct data in it. But when I restart the program and reload from the cart, it only shows the data of the cart as it was when it was bundled into a binary export.

When I don't bundle the 2nd cart, a file called "__(null).p8" appears in the cstore folder, with the correct data, although the program still doesn't appear to be able to read it.

Since there is a cstore folder and p8 carts are being created there I assume cstore is supposed to work in binary exports, but I'm pretty sure given the malformed "__(null).p8" file that there's a bug with it. I've added the main cartridge for testing.

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I'm trying to implement my "map to table" conversion as proposed in my previous forum post. To this end I created two functions: one for iterating over the map and storing it in a multi-dimensional table (generate_world()) and one for iterating over that table and placing the sprites (build_world()).


I get it to nicely iterate through the map, print out the tiles it finds and (presumably) store it in a table. However, when iterating over the table things get awry. I do get it to iterate over the first dimension (when printing it returns [table]), but when iterating over the second dimension it's empty (doesn't print anything).

All help would be greatly appreciated!


function generate_world()


	print "generating world ..."
	for x=0,max_x do
		for y=0,max_y do

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=60896#p)

Hey all,


I haven't done any development for many years and in general hardly did any game development. Now I'm getting back into it with the awesome Pico-8 and to get familiar with the engine and game dev I'm working on a platformer.

Current progress

The current status is that I have a player character, physics, a (very) basic map and some sound effects. It all works nicely and I'm currently working on items that the player can pick up (power-ups and such). Before moving forward I was hoping to learn some best practices from you all and get some feedback on my current approach.

Approach or implementing items

As I want to have rather large maps with many items I want to place items using the map editor, not by defining them manually in the code (as tweaking during play-testing would be a pita). At the same time I want the items to have some animation before they're picked up and of course an animation when they're picked up as well.

My current idea is to scan the map during _init() using mget() for these items and then add them to an array which would be scanned and updated during the game loop. The idea is to iterate over the elements in the array and use mset() to change the tiles to do the animation before they're picked up.

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Cart #maw-0 | 2019-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Based on a dream I had when I was a kid. Walk left.


Cart #mizojirifu-0 | 2019-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I did it!!!!


Cart #trexofflinegame-5 | 2019-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little demake of Chromium and chrome's offline t-rex game.

controls :

X / Up : Jump
Down : Duck
O/Z/C : Switch bewteen color and black and white mode.


Cart #mobajezade-0 | 2019-01-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A Bad Mole has kidnapped the beautiful princess PinkyBall, you must save her!
Survive trough caves and reach 10000 points to defeat the Bad Mole!

or simply, play endless mode and post your BEST SCORE! here :)


This is my first game with pico-8!
Actually the game lacks in music...


Cart #dungeocrawl-4 | 2019-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


"Dungeo" is an homage to the old RPG "Bard's Tale". The lich queen is threatening the lands, and it's up to four brave souls - a soldier, a rogue, a priest, and a mage - to venture into her domain and put an end to her machinations!

Menus can be navigated with the arrow keys and the action buttons (z/x).

Move around in the maze using the arrow keys.

In the town, there are several services available:

  • The blacksmith can upgrade your equipment for a price.
  • You can rest at the inn to restore your health points and magic points.
  • The temple can cure status ailments like being poisoned. They can also resurrect dead characters.

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Hey everyone,

I have an issue in Pico-8. Some of the clicks are not recognized which is very frustrating because I have sometime to click multiple times to select a tile or move my cursor in the code.

I think the issue appeared only recently. I didn't update to a new pico-8 version (I use the latest v0.1.11g). The only difference I thought was that I got a Wacom tablet at christmas but after uninstalling the driver the issue is still there and I also couldn't reproduce the problem on my other machine so I doubt the problem come from here.

I wrote a short p8 program to test if it was just the pico-8 UI or also in-game and the issue also shows up in game.
You can see it in the following video (the circle are from my recording program that show system clicks)

The issue is clearer when I click very fast but not only. Sometimes some click events are simply not registered.

Is anyone have a similar issue?

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Cart #vox_mine_28-1 | 2019-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Mine your way to fame and fortune in a continuously generated 3D voxel world. But keep an eye on your energy level and make sure you can find your way back through the deep and twisted caves.

Build block fortresses with a variety of materials.

Use the Far-View 3D Map and GPS to stay safe.

s,f: turn left and right
e,d: move forward and backwards
lshift or z: jump (hold to jump higher if upgraded)

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Cart #m00nlander-0 | 2019-01-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Try to land in the pad safely as many times as you can! Land slowly and avoid asteroids-- and don't go past the borders now, cowboy.

Left and right to move, Z to activate engine.

(EDIT: whoa, just saw that dakerfp poster a moon landing game just this week. I did not copy it, in fact, my game has been in the WIP page for over two years. Just a disclaimer. darkerfp's one is really cool too! Check it out: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=60654#p)

Small game based off of a Cartoon Network game back in the day.

Maybe a final version of a project that took too long. My first actual game and a really really fun game to make. After putting it aside for a couple of years, my programming got good enough so I could finish it. So here it is.

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Cart #finlayball-8 | 2023-09-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My first pico-8 game. Clear the screen as fast as you can!

Scoring brackets:

  • 3000-∞: Non-gamer
  • 2000-2999: You need practice
  • 1000-1999: Doing OK
  • 500-999: Respectable
  • 100-499: Good
  • 0-99: Thank RNGesus


  • Start and Win screens


  • Particle effects for boundary collisions, coin pickups, exhaust 'confetti' (Ⓒ Jill)
  • Player trail
  • Starting coins increased to 4

1.0 "Vlambeer edition"

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Cart #picosand-0 | 2019-01-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


left mouse button: create element
right mouse button: delete element
Z Key: change element type

currently implemented 4 different (experimental) element types, bugs included

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Cart #skyprocgenchurro-1 | 2019-01-13 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Trying some simple procedural terrain/cave generator. Results should look like Voronoi volumes. It's using random points, so generated terrain/cave is often pretty ugly.

k for a new one.

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