I had an idea to use a fast counter-based pseudo-random number generator (CBRNG) to try to procedurally generate information for an unnecessarily large game world that then does not have to be held in memory (or at least the default state does not, if one were to allow modifications those would still need to be stored in RAM)
I thought to do this largely because the PICO-8 platform is quite rich in available compute resource and limited in RAM.
So in this demo, you control a reticle and moving glides you and the screen in lockstep around the large world.
Holding down a direction key will accelerate you linearly.. if you build up speed for N seconds it ought to take another N seconds after you let go before all that speed bleeds off again.

Hello everybody,
I am new to Pico8, but I realized that it’s an incredible world that I didn’t expected! Just wanted to say hi and to congratulate with the community for the high-end work with the cartridges, and of course with Zep for this Incredible project!
Hopefully, I will do something interesting with Pico8.
Keep up the good work!
In this game you are a pricing manager equipped with an Excel sheet and dice. Your goal is to increase your companies profit by rolling the best markup for each item. Can you survive the harsh corporate landscape by balancing Cost-Plus pricing strategy and chance?
- Press X to roll a dice and increase the markup.
- Press Arrow down to save the current price and proceed to the next item.
Your goal is to continuously increase your companies total profit.
- Roll the dice to determine the markup for the current item. The markup is calculated as follows:
- Roll a 1: Increase markup by 0.1
- Roll a 2: Increase markup by 0.2


Hello or welcome back, I have a few projects lined up to be posted but this was my most recent one that I was pretty proud of which is a fully functional
QR Code encoder in picotron!
Features Include:
- Setting custom input string
- Copy & Pasting the input string
- Customisable Masking Pattern w/ auto calculating the best pattern
- Customisable EC level
- Hide menu
- Paint errors on the QR Code

You can use your phone or any other software to scan your QR code and decode your message :D
Thats all for now :)
Content Warning Pixelated gore, mild language, some religious imagery, & a flickering sprite that could pose problems for people with photosensitive seizures.
- New weapon - Chaingun
- New enemies - Nightmare Imp, Hell Knight, Arachnotron
- Minor sprite changes
- Minor UI updates
- New SFX added
- Fixed a bug that would incorrectly place decorative lights
- Fixed a bug that didn't change the player's visor color when moving to a new level
Hopefully this is the final version, but if any new bugs crop up, or the game has balancing issues, please let me know.
Thank you very much @Krystman for your Lazy Devs Academy rougelike tutorial. I had an absolute blast following along and learning from your videos. I hope you like what I've done with your engine. lol
Thank you also to Gruber @gruber_music on socials. The background music is track #9 Evil from Pico-8 Tunes Vol.1 (Update: track #6 Eyes in the Dark from Pico Tunes Vol 2). I am a terrible musician, and even worse with the Pico-8 editor. Boomguy's adventures would be awfully silent without Gruber's generosity.

Trying out optional full-colour vs low-colour (themed) picotron icons. The icon editor shows a preview of the icon in each mode, and gives the option to always draw an icon using only theme colours.
A fixed palette mapping is used to get from full colour to low colour, which is shown in the icon editor's palette layout. e.g. the top row of colours all map to theme("icon1").
This is quite restrictive, but perhaps nudges icon design towards being simple and high contrast. And it normally works well enough to just a paste a 16x16 sprite from a game into the icon editor and be done with it.

Place bombs, explode bats, get high score!
⬅️➡️⬆️⬇️ - move
hold to jump further
❎ - place a bomb
Current highscore 173
My first experience with PICO-8. Love it so far 💜
![]() |
[32x32] |
New to this scene. Love it so far.
I have a CubeXX and installed Knulli Firefly. I installed the paid version of Pico8 on a two SD card set up. Everything was working fine. I had splore access, all carts worked, every feature in Knulli worked.
The next morning, everything was the same but one aspect. Normally, when looking at the cart list you can long press the A button and a right-side menu screen shows up and you can change some cart specific parameters. One was the option to ‘Favorite’ the cart. Today, when I long press on A nothing happens, eventually when you let go the cart opens. I can long press on A on other games in others systems and the menu works as designed.
What’s odd is that originally it did work. Right after initial set up the side menu did work, but it went away on its own.
I’ve tried a few different solutions, but nothing but a fresh rebuild on both SD cards will work, and again only for a short time.

Sourcecode + Stand-alone-versions:

Rockfall is my interpretation of Boulder Dash from 1984. You play Rockford, who tunnels through dirt to collect gems. Gems and rocks are fixed until the dirt under them is removed, then they fall and become a hazard.
Your goal is to collect as many gems as possible and leave the cave through the exit. The exit only opens once you've collected enough gems. After completing a cave you get points depending on how many gems you collected and how much time is left. Every 500 points you get an extra life.
Every five caves, you have a chance to earn an extra life in the intermissions. If you fail, you don't lose a life.

🌀Cheese Hell🌀
Multiple composite rendering with screen copy.🎞️
Thanks @uchuzine for the hint!

The Bridge has been formed and the foe advances!
Manage your crew, and keep the cannons firing to hold them back until the infernal connection can be destroyed!
- X/(X): switch currently selected crew member
- Dpad: select a location in range to move current crew to
- Z/(O): move current crew to selected location (or view crew info)
- Mouse controls can be enabled
- The enemy advances with every second action you take
- Put crew members behind the cannons to keep firing them
- Collect ammo when (or before) your crew runs out
- Collect stars to promote your crew and give them special blast patterns and other abilities
- Hold out, and don't let the enemy breach the cannon line until The Bridge can be totally destroyed!
This is my first foray into Pico8 dev, and it has been a blast to work on. I had stalled out on a side project I was making in Godot and decided to try doing this little "demake" of it instead. The result was a much more focused and elegant design thanks to the limitations of Pico8. So I think might keep expanding on this little prototype here and see where I can take it.
I'm also still trying to tune the difficulty, so let me know if you found it challenging or frustrating (or any combination there of).

hey everyone, back again!
ive been experimenting a little bit, and i was trying to make my game Haste (found at https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=145177) be able to run at 60fps.
The original cart:
this worked a little bit, but many of the values were offset, and i wasnt able to simply halve them to make it twice as slow.
the main goal is to have more accurate times for speedruns, but also, i noticed that when running side-by-side against eachother, the v.16 (30fps) and 60fps counterparts look about the same amount of choppiness when moving around the map.
what i mean is, the 60fps version doesnt look smoother.

WASD, ZQSD, or right stick to move the fairy. Arrow keys, dpad, or left stick to move the tromino. Z to confirm.
This game was originally made in under 24 hours between 2025/3/21 - 2025/3/22, but then expanded on. I think it's a lot of fun.
Very much inspired by sylvie's approach to game design, Artemis' Minesweeper, and Neltris. Developed thanks to prompts from Washburnello & NiHiL on Discord.
Lapsus Pro by theguybrush
Anarchist by DamienG, based on a font by Igor of Anarchy
v1.33 Okay, I've actually been updating this a bit but haven't said anything. I think it's at a point now where I want to say Hey, this is a big update, even though it's technically a small update compared to yesterday's quiet update.
Someone requested a FreeCell variant so here it is!
I've been building a generic card game engine so it only took about 30 mins to make FreeCell with it. That said, I haven't tested it extensively nor am I super familiar with all the nuances of FreeCell so feel free to mention if you notice anything that doesn't work as it should!
As with my Solitaire game, this supports both keyboard/mouse and controllers, saves the current game, allows undoing previous moves, etc. (these all come free with my card engine!).
Move cursor - Mouse/Arrow Keys
Pick up/draw cards - Left-click/X
Move card to ace pile - Drag & drop/Double-click/double-tap X

I'm new to Pico-8 and game dev. I've been following a YouTube tutorial (Nerdy Teachers) and mostly everything works (the cam gets funky on the right side of the map but that's a different issue). What's killing me is the animation works for jumping, falling (I omitted sliding because I wasn't interested in it) and running right, but when the character moves left the animation is stuck on idle. I added debugging code to print the running variable and it's "true" when facing right but "false" when facing left. The code for movement is simple and the same for left and right, at least in regards to setting the "running" variable. I just can't figure out why it works for right but not for left. Am I missing something obvious? Code below.
Tab 1:
function spawn_player()