prince of persia and castle wolfenstein - two great tastes that go great together imo!!

Great game! Took me a bit to figure out how to kill nazis at first though :)

Absolutely superb! I loved Prince of Persia and I love this :)

Nothing like a bit of good old-fashioned Nazi stabbin'! Couldn't find the 61st Nazi, tho 😔
[EDIT: oop, wait, there he is 🗡️😊)

i dont get it ? just keep falling on to spikes at the start and dying .... some instructions would be nice !

@bigjus press X or C to jump! you can modify your action into climbing or lowering by holding up or down when you jump

Low % run, including glitch entering a door while shot.

Love the simplicity yet highly rewarding. Great level design. Not too hard but super satisfying. Well done!

I love minimalist/frugal demakes, and the crossover is brilliant!
Also the most annoying PoP element (the harsh time limit) is absent.
For all who need a helping hand...
:: controls
· 🠜/🠞 move left/right
· 🞬 jump
· 🠝+🞬 climb upward
· 🠟+🞬 climb downward
· 🠟 duck
· 🠟+🠜/🠞 crouch/stab

Based on my playthrough, I think the requirement to stab is just touching the nazi without being shot and after getting the sharp thing in the first stage.
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