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Cart #freecell-0 | 2025-03-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Someone requested a FreeCell variant so here it is!

I've been building a generic card game engine so it only took about 30 mins to make FreeCell with it. That said, I haven't tested it extensively nor am I super familiar with all the nuances of FreeCell so feel free to mention if you notice anything that doesn't work as it should!

As with my Solitaire game, this supports both keyboard/mouse and controllers, saves the current game, allows undoing previous moves, etc. (these all come free with my card engine!).

Move cursor - Mouse/Arrow Keys
Pick up/draw cards - Left-click/X
Move card to ace pile - Drag & drop/Double-click/double-tap X
Undo - Z

Feedback and any other single-deck card game requests welcome! (Technically my engine supports up to 4 decks of cards, including non-standard cards, but the way I render them makes it laggy if too many cards are visible at once so, until I find a way to fix that, I'm sticking to games with just a single deck.)


I have been enjoying your original solitaire game a lot. While I do enjoy the mouse support, my favorite way to play is with a controller on my RGB30 (or Steam Deck!)

I've only recently switched to playing Free Cell instead of Klondike and really enjoy the former, so I'm excited that you've now made a Free Cell version.

With dozens of variants on pico, and millions of versions online, the standout feature for me is that it is very intuitive and needs only one button press with the other one reserved for undo. Needing to press one button to pick up a card but a different button to place it elsewhere in other games has been off putting for me. I enjoy the combination of holding down a button which feels like I'm holding a card, when moving something around.

I like to play Solitaire fast, an update cards as fast as I can see possibilities, and your choice of controls make that intuitive smooth and possible.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to any other card games you put out with this engine.

I am not sure why this is an illegal move

@johnesco I really appreciate the kind words and feedback. Thank you! :)

@hardiwb I can't seem to replicate that issue but you're right; that's definitely a bug. I'll keep trying to figure out what's going on but, if it's not too much trouble, can you post the data from your save file?

Assuming you're on Windows, you can find it here: %APPDATA%\pico-8\cdata\frostbyte_freecell_001.p8d

EDIT: The only way I can reproduce that effect is if you're holding the undo button while you drop it but I assume that's not what's going on in your case?

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