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Cart #rocketdash-4 | 2022-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

my very first game with PICO-8! fly your rocket, collect letters and avoid rocks.

up and down to move, x/o (z/x) buttons to dash.

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I want to make a Pico Night Punkin' mod but there are 3 problems

1: I don't know how to import songs (or art)
2: I don't know how to make music
3: I'm using PICO-8 Education Edition, and can't afford the original release

Could I have help with this?


Cart #picooids-0 | 2022-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Fun little asteroids clone.
Left and right to turn. Up moves you forward. X fires your cannon.
Destroy all the asteroids to move on to the next level.
Collect blue power ups to recharge your shields.
Collect orange power ups to improve your cannon.
Beware the locals: they are friendly, unless provoked.

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Good news - I was able to bring the game over to Picotron! Check it out Here

Hey all!

It's been awhile, hasn't it?

I have a new Pico-8 project brewing. Anyone care to guess what it could be? (Edit: people guessed quick! It's a Castlevania Demake)

Cart #projectcv-34 | 2023-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I will update this post to keep everyone up to speed when I upload a new cart. Check out the spoiler below if you're interested!

Change Log:


Apologies for the long gap between releases once again. My job makes it difficult to sit down and work on the game these days. I got a good chunk of me time, recently, and I was able to add all kinds of stuff!

  • Several powerups have been added, as well as all sub-weapons
    • Stopwatch: Freezes time to give you some room to breath, but it costs quite a few hearts to use
    • Cross: Emits a blinding holy light, destroying all enemies on screen! One use on pickup only.
    • Invisibility potion: Makes you invincible for about ten seconds.
  • The whip upgrade is now fully working. Grab 1 to get a chain whip. Grab another to make it longer!
  • I've sprinkled candles throughout the level to play with. Every available item and sub-weapon should be attainable, but some of the more valuable stuff is placed in harder to reach areas. Can you find them all?
  • First Enemy has been added; The Bone Tower! (Thanks again for the art @HeyNetters. I saw your Bone tower and was inspired for my first enemy!)
    • Acts more like a sentry than anything, but where it lacks in mobility it makes up for in toughness. Recommend at
      least a chain to deal with these guys. Watch your footing...


  • I've decorated the map a bit, using assets and ideas provided by @HeyNetters. Many thanks go to them for the art! This is all preliminary for now, but these just looked too good to not include them.

  • Chain upgrade has been added. The chain graphics reflect the first upgrade, and the added length reflect the second. Collect the whip powerup to upgrade.

  • Gameplay pause added upon collection of the whip powerup.

  • Whip has been fixed so that you can no longer hit things behind you. Still need to look into that janky

  • Thanks to suggestions from @dw817, Simon's walk speed has been increased a bit, with matching animation. The whip also stays out for just a bit longer.

  • Minor changes to small heart to keep it from flying around so much.
  • Tweaking pass on SFX.


Sorry for the long delay, guys. I recently started a new job, and I have less time to work on this project now. I do, however, fully intend to see this project to completion. I need to work on some systems that can cut down on repeated code in here, as the token count is getting dangerously high. Despite that, I'm happy with where it is at so far. Let me know how you guys like it!

  • Candles have been added. Until I can work out a feasible spawning system, these are hard coded. Whip them to make
    items come out.

  • I have mocked up a status bar along the top of the screen. This is all subject to change as I figure out what will
    fit and what will not.

  • A game clock is in place. It ticks down in seconds, and once it reaches zero, you're dead. There isn't much you
    can do about it at the moment, but I thought it would be fun to add, and it was really simple to implement. The
    clock will even start to beep after awhile, just to give you some unnecessary stress.

  • Hearts have been added. You now have a limited stock of ammunition. Whip candles to find more.


  • Boomerang can now be caught. Small reason to post an update, but I thought it was important.

  • Boomerang graphics rearranged so it animates like in the original game.

    This may be the last update for a little bit. The code for climbing stairs MUST be rewritten before I will
    continue. While it works great as it is, the code is just too darned bloated right now.


  • All throwable weapons have been added. Hold ❎ and press ⬆️ or ⬇️ to cycle through them,
    and press ⬆️ and 🅾️ to throw one. Like before, you can throw 3 at a time!

  • Holy water was redrawn to not be so huge.


  • Holy water has been added, press ⬆️ and 🅾️ to throw it. You can throw 3 at a time.

  • Simon's sprite has been redrawn to make him more detailed and look a lot less scrawny. Many thanks go to the
    Discord community for their feedback on this matter!


  • Stairs now work in all 4 directions.

  • Plenty of stairs have been added to the map, so play around and let me know if anything breaks horrifically.

  • It is no longer possible to jump when a block is directly above the player.


  • Commented out the code and formatted it so anybody could take a look and decipher it all...

  • Taking a hit will now interrupt your attack.

  • Player can no longer warp through the ceiling when hurt.


  • Player health, hurt state and death are implemented. There aren't any enemies yet, so for now you
    can press ⬆️ and ❎ to beat yourself up. These are disabled while on stairs...

  • Continue screen has been added

  • Made a pass on music and sound effects. I feel like the music instrumentation is way better now, and many of the
    sound effects are improving as well!

  • Initial HUD elements added. There are here only for a visual to pair with testing health and lives for now.


  • Changes to walk and stair climbing movement and animation speed. It felt just a tad sluggish before...


  • Stairs are in progress. Right now there is only up-right and down-left movement, but this is a pretty good proof of concept. Whip is disabled for now while climbing them until I flesh out that aspect.

  • The bottom of the screen is now a bottomless pit, and you will die and be reset.

  • A small map to test out the mechanics and play around in.

  • Preliminary artwork has been added to make the view a little more interesting


  • Jump physics have been reworked and the jank is now gone for the most part. I feel like the jumping is in a pretty good spot now.

  • Initial work on the whip has been started. The animation is just a little janky, but I'm working on that :)

  • I am currently prototyping ideas for stairs. I haven't added stairs yet, so don't try...


  • Basic movement is implemented; Walking, ducking, jumping and hard landing are in. There is one little niggle
    with collision and platforming. I'm sure you guys will know when you find it. (Edit) I've created a temporary workaround
    for this. Please let me know if you like how it handles. Collision is still not perfect, and you might still get
    hung up, but I'm working on that.

  • First draft of music has been created. Let me know how you like it! I might need to shift things around a bit
    before I release: I've not included everything I'd like to, and I've run out of room due to some initial (less
    than optimal) SFX layout choices.


  • I've tweaked the jump physics to more closely match the original game.

  • Invisible walls have been added. I wanted a way to create impassible areas without changing the collision.
    You can test this out near the lone block on the right.

    Now is the time where I sit down and take a class on Picomap by @JadeLombax. I may as well get this figured out
    and implemented now, since stairs will likely rely on it...

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Cart #wist_3hos-0 | 2022-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi! First post here :>

I finished this during a gamejam just yesterday, and (no shit) it's made in pico8. So I just thought I would share it.

The code is licensed under the unlicense, assets under cc0. Basically, you can do whatever you want with it without having to credit me. I do appreciate being credited though. If you mod this or use something you learned / got from this then give me a headsup so I can check out what you've made <3

Oh and itch page is here for anyone interested.


The Treasures have been returned to their rightful depths!

Cart #nodufozasi-0 | 2022-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


The name is the game, its a tower, its full of lava. XD Nobody knows if it was an old ritual to climb the tower and gather your ancestors jewels or if it was a trap for adventurers from overseas.

Climb the tower!

Grab a friend (or foe) and see who can outclimb the other. Gather jewels and other treasures along the way and keep going because there is lava rising up and swallowing up the floors. You can´t jump in this game, but have a handy rope to throw with a press of the A-Button, while you can punch at the other player with the B-Button.

There is no escape!

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Cart #mixalloffle-0 | 2022-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Mixalloffle, by the Pico-Crew demogroup, a subgroup of the Moonshine demogroup.
Demozoo: https://demozoo.org/productions/308620/
Pouët: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=91602


Cart #nightovercelestia-0 | 2022-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Night Over Celestia by the Moonshine demogroup
Demozoo: https://demozoo.org/productions/307138/
Pouët: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=91283

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Cart #catrulet-0 | 2022-06-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A small game of luck about my cat named simeon


Hes a pretty good boy but after every couple of rubs one poor sucker get a nibble in the legs. This game is a highly accurate simulation of that scenario.


Cart #nowyouseeme-2 | 2022-06-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(v02 06-21-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #nowyouseeme

Demonstrating how to have a quick and easy to code field of vision without using a bunch of CPU processing or even complex code.

VVhat's new ?

  • Added cpu meter to show how quickly the scans are made. Notice they are < 1% CPU total.

  • Allowed ability of being able to hide behind enemies.

  • Changed the color of passive enemies to dark blue.

  • Distance by default is disregarded. To enable distance check, press the ❎ key. Again to swap.

  • Made walls to be drawn more intelligently where there is always an opening.

[ Continue Reading.. ]

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Cart #piggies-2 | 2022-06-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Bad Piggies main theme


Cart #bookkingdom-2 | 2022-06-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My entry for the 15th Alakajam "books"

Due to external circumstances, I had around 12h of time instead of the full 48, but I'm very happy with this little concept (the difficulty might spike a bit too suddenly and then it's already done, but well...)


Cart #tritris_orange-4 | 2023-08-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

updated aug 6th 2023 with v2.0-v.2.2 :)!!



Hello! I've been working on a pico-8 version of Tritris in my free time. If you don't know, Tritris is a web game developed by Goel based on Tetris but with a twist : the blocks are made up of triangles. (I recommend learning how to play on the official website.) I added a few features that make the gameplay a bit different from the original. It's kind of like the difference between modern Tetris and the classic NES version.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Hi everyone, I think this can't be a bug that only I just found out so I'm posting it here for some help instead of in the bugs forum.

I seem to be having the weirdest behaviour easing out a negative var towards 0: it never becomes zero again (either negative or positive), despite printing as such. Check the below reproducer code and gif, neither y==0 nor y==-0 conditions catch the zero, even though at first you can see true.

Please help?


function _init()

function _update()
 if btn(2) then

function _draw()
 print("time: "..time())
 print("is y==0? "..(y==0 and 'true' or 'false'))
 print("is y==-0? "..(y==-0 and 'true' or 'false'))

Cart #lcd_clock-2 | 2022-06-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A segmented LCD-style clock. It's pretty simple, but figuring out an efficient way of storing the graphics and not using any spritesheet space was interesting. Entry for the Pico-8 512-Char Jam.


I'm trying to make a block-pushing puzzle game to help me understand lua more.
syntax error pls help


I am working on a program to both read and write lowercase letters to the clipboard, yet I don't think this is possible.

Try out this code by copying it and pasting it directly to source-code.

function _init()

Where it says {text} go to that area, remove the "text" then press CTRL+P to enter Puny Font Mode - then type in the editor some lowercase letters between the two quotes. "abc" if you like. Then press CTRL+P to exit out of Puny Font Mode.

Then run it.

Then ALT-TAB out of Pico-8 and press CTRL+V to something like Notepad.

You see the problem. Lowercase letters are not sent via the clipboard.


Title. I'm using the web-based education edition at https://www.pico-8-edu.com, and i'm wondering if i'm allowed to post carts made from there on the BBS.


Cart #reallybadpong-0 | 2022-06-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

really bad pong game that i made using picozine #1

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Cart #sapuzujipe-1 | 2022-06-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Example cart to test out reflections and water waving effects. Code is not necessarily optimal, but demonstrates the basic concept.


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