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I am working on a program to both read and write lowercase letters to the clipboard, yet I don't think this is possible.

Try out this code by copying it and pasting it directly to source-code.

function _init()

Where it says {text} go to that area, remove the "text" then press CTRL+P to enter Puny Font Mode - then type in the editor some lowercase letters between the two quotes. "abc" if you like. Then press CTRL+P to exit out of Puny Font Mode.

Then run it.

Then ALT-TAB out of Pico-8 and press CTRL+V to something like Notepad.

You see the problem. Lowercase letters are not sent via the clipboard.


puny font characters a-z are encoded as ascii 65-90 (uppercase). if u printh() non puny font letters, you'll get lowercase, bc non puny font chars are encoded as ascii 97+ (lowercase) despite appearing uppercase in pico-8

Lowercase and uppercase are generally reversed, I think - PICO-8's puny font is ASCII uppercase. Do you get lowercase if you don't use the puny font?

Edit: Okay, got up and checked on my machine - regular (non-puny) text does indeed printh() to the clipboard as lowercase.


Oh ! I didn't even consider that, @ridgekuhn and @packbat.

And yes, it does indeed do lowercase ! Nice, OK, I can continue my 6-bit encoder.

I appreciate the info !

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