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I was recently looking at the source-code to a well-known Atari game called, "Adventure" and wondered if Pico-8 could have a piece of this pie.

Having seen @zep's mind-blowing, "Squiddy" clocking in at 1024-bytes:


I wondered if it was possible for Pico-8 to adopt the Atari's 6502-assembly code and memory locations (choose between P8 and Atari) and for a few reasons.

  1. Pico-8 could play any Atari game, source-code or not, you just need the binary.

  2. Most Atari games are at 4096-bytes or less. This includes PITFALL.
  1. New graphic tricks could be done, resolution would expand, sounds would be unique, and you would have a whole host of new colors to choose from. See Barnstorming skyline for instance.
  1. It would increase the existing Atari 2600 library, serve the Atari 2600 community, and educate people in new methods and styles of programming for it.

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Cart #celesteclimb-2 | 2022-01-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Celeste, but there's speed tech from the steam release, and there's climbing from the steam release.
Thanks a lot to RubyRed for adding the speed tech, I added the climbing.
To climb: Just act as if you were sliding into a wall, and you'll stick. Hold up to climb and down to slide. But be careful because you have limited stamina, and you won't be able to climb when it runs out.


Originally started as my first major Pico-8 project, I decided to just call this finished. I couldn't figure out what else to do with it. It was originally gonna be called "cheez adventure", but due to the prototype nature of this game, I couldn't bring myself to call it that.

With all that said, I want to thank @MBofflin for the very excellent Pico-8 topdown adventure game tutorial, and I also want to thank the Pico-8 for trying to help me expand this. I'll figure something out in the near future for my next game.

Here's the cart btw:

Cart #apad13-0 | 2021-11-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


So I recently got the Pico-8 Premium Bundle (https://itch.io/b/1104/pico-8-premium-bundle), and am wondering how the account stuff works.
Also it could be important for you to know that I have no prior experience in coding (though that is something I am interested in getting around to.)

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Cart #gesigewebo-0 | 2021-11-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

load #gesigewebo


A few years back I managed to write a program that would let you read and write data directly to the lower part of the sprite set. That was 4096-bytes. Recently I made a type of paint program proving that you could load and save 8192-bytes without remotely affecting your sprites, mapper, sounds, or music.

Now I have written one that loads and saves a true 12288 bytes. That is both the sprites and mapper memory area. However this memory area can also be recovered leaving you open to load/save 12288 external bytes of data to a local array you need for your cart.

I also programmed this quite differently from what I normally would. Using _INIT() and _UPDATE() instead of GOTO and FLIP().

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Hello again.
Following on from the other topic where I ask what I've done wrong to break my Pico-8 install....
I have this code that does a circle fill cross fade:

function invcircfill(r,c)
  local r2=r*r
  for j=0,127 do
  local y=64-j
  local x=sqrt(max(r2-y*y))

In the DRAW function I have this, that I also pilfered:


The above bit obviously calls the function but I'm not sure how it works.
It bounces in and out on a loop.

Would someone WAY more advance than I, please explain what I should have instead of that call to make the circle either expand once or contract one.

Thanks again



Hello all.
I have a problem suddenly with Visual Studio Code and I hope I've not broken something.

I found a nice bit of code on the BBS that did a circular cross fade and copied it over to my project.

When I run it through Visual Studio Code it says "WARNING NO PERMANENT STORAGE"

Then the game runs.

When I load PICO-8 it loads up fine and lets me load and run my game.

Does anyone know what I've done wrong??

I just hope it's not going to stop saving or just go ca-ca after so much work being put into it.

Thanks for your time.


Cart #drc2ferriswheel-0 | 2021-11-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

made a remix of ferris wheel from deltarune chapter 2


Quick question. I'm working on a bit of a text library and wondered if there is a way to use SPLIT where it starts with base zero ?

for i=1,4 do

To something like this:

for i=0,3 do



Hello everyone I just got an idea today and I wanted to share it with all of you to see if anyone wants to help me with my project.

What if there was a game like super smash bros for pico 8 with the characters from notable pico 8 games?

The problem is I am really bad at making games and pretty much the only thing I can do is UI and some art. So if anyone wants to help than just comment what you want to do and we can make it happen! I don't know if anyone will see this post but if you do, I encourage you to chime in with what YOU do best!


Cart #picoff-3 | 2022-04-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a demake of The world's first co-operative shooter, Rip Off.

You must protect fuels from pirate ships at all cost.

The players have unlimited amount of tanks, but once the pirates steal all your fuels it's game over.

there are 6 types of pirates that has different movement speed and maneuverability. if you defeat all 6 waves of pirates, you get an additional score when destroying pirate ships.

I personally didn't like that the original game tends to end way too quickly so I added some changes :

  • Enemies' maneuverability are slightly nerfed, but now each waves have 4 (one more in coop) pirates in max difficulty.

  • If you managed to defeat all 6 waves, you get a bonus fuel.

About Options :

  1. Number of fuels : number of fuels to protect. 8 or 16.

  2. Bonus fuel : getting a bonus fuel after 6th wave. Disabling it makes the game closer to the original.

  3. Level down : If pirates managed to steal fuels you get a punishment. if 1 fuel is stolen you have to repeat the same wave, and if they steal more than one you go back to the previous wave. Disabling it makes the game to keep progressing even if you lost fuels.

  4. Enemy num : Max number of enemies. increased spawns 4(+1) enemies, original is same as rip off.

  5. p1 & p2 accel key : setting the acceleration as O button or up for each players.

  6. color mode : setting the color mode as colorized or black and white like the original game.

Anti-aliased vectors by elice and freds72.




Sounds very irritating, I know, but that's also the problem with the original tune :-(

Pattern 0 is title theme.

Pattern 10 is the ending theme.


Hi there. I participated in Looptober (make a piece of music every day in October, even if you only have a few minutes) and I wanted to further learn PICO-8's music editor.

Well... I only used PICO-8 for five of the days, but that's better than zero. So I thought I'd share the short songs:

07 Glitch

01 Battle

09 Precipice

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Cart #julia_sets-1 | 2021-11-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Left/Right - change real part of the parameter
Up/Down - change imaginary part of the parameter
X - redraw with new parameter
Z - show/hide the parameter


This is a visualisation of what is (wrongly*) called Julia sets after a French mathematician Gaston Julia who devised the formula governing them. They are drawn by assigning each pixel a complex value based on its coordinates and looking at a certain sequence based on that value. If the sequence shoots off to infinity in either direction the pixel is coloured based on how quickly it shoots off. If it stays bounded it is colored black.

The formula for the sequence is

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=99606#p)

Cart #tripmafi-4 | 2021-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

X open shop/select
Z back
Arrow keys navigate shop.
you can use the left arrow key to dismiss the message at the bottom of the screen
Huge thanks to ThatUserUser for helping me on many bugs


Back in August I sent some gifs of this program I made alongside my dad so I could talk about old GFX. It occurred to me that I didn't post this snippet for others to use (unless you trudged through my discord message about it). I know many people have done effects like this since TLINE was released but as far as I know, my algorithm is unique, or at least uninfluenced by anything other than RGME's video on Mode 7 transformations. I wrote this before I knew anything about symbolab, calculus, or matrix multiplication, so it was all done with fuzzy mind logic.

*Quick note: the rotation control is accelerated so it'll be easier on the eyes when showing the program to others, variable t is the rotation, tsp is it's velocity. To change that Replace tsp±=0.0025 with t+=0.0125 and toss out the two math expressions below it.

Feel free to use this code how you want

Cart #monipnuti-0 | 2021-11-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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I'm in the middle of making a game (top-down adventure game) and I want to add checkpoints, so when you die your progress isn't lost. Previously, if you died I just reloaded the cart and it set you back to the beginning. I figured out how to use reload() to reset the map data, and I also keep track of the player's spawnpoint x and y position, and set them back there when resetting to a checkpoint. However, I do use mset() to change the map at times, and reload() resets all that progress. Which is sometimes ideal, because I want to undo things the player did after they saved at the checkpoint, but I want to keep the progress from before the checkpoint. Is there a way I can store the map data when the player reaches a checkpoint, and then load that data when they die? I know cstore() exists but it confuses me and I'm not even sure it's the correct thing to use in this situation.


Cart #testest-1 | 2021-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #kahiyubudu-1 | 2021-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Celeste Break the Targets by Meep
Death from Death Dungeon


Arrows - Move
Z, C, or N - Jump
X, V, or M - Action


Death has 4 health points
Using the Action key will fire a ball of energy and spend 1 health point
Shooting downwards will give you a small amount of upwards momentum
He can jump off of balloons for 2 health points and targets for 1
Running out of health will result in a death

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Tiny update on that thing, I added borders that bouce you off when you try to leave.

Cart #middle0fn0where-0 | 2021-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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