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Back in August I sent some gifs of this program I made alongside my dad so I could talk about old GFX. It occurred to me that I didn't post this snippet for others to use (unless you trudged through my discord message about it). I know many people have done effects like this since TLINE was released but as far as I know, my algorithm is unique, or at least uninfluenced by anything other than RGME's video on Mode 7 transformations. I wrote this before I knew anything about symbolab, calculus, or matrix multiplication, so it was all done with fuzzy mind logic.

*Quick note: the rotation control is accelerated so it'll be easier on the eyes when showing the program to others, variable t is the rotation, tsp is it's velocity. To change that Replace tsp±=0.0025 with t+=0.0125 and toss out the two math expressions below it.

Feel free to use this code how you want

Cart #monipnuti-0 | 2021-11-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


ZX, angle controls

^v, Forwards and back

<>, change distance to image (its an asympote value so it'll glitch at p=0, -p moves you 180º (0.5t) relative to p)


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