Hi there. I participated in Looptober (make a piece of music every day in October, even if you only have a few minutes) and I wanted to further learn PICO-8's music editor.
Well... I only used PICO-8 for five of the days, but that's better than zero. So I thought I'd share the short songs:
07 Glitch
01 Battle
09 Precipice
11 Vines
12 Spring

Good loops! "Spring", "Battle", and "Precipice" were all especially good evocations of those ideas - could easily imagine all three of those as BGMs - but I like every one of these.

"Glitch" is good, yeah! Very nice glitchy effects, and very tasteful!
I feel like my favorite moment of these is that transition in "Vines" from pattern 15 to 16? The way all those percussive elements suddenly drop out and you have these heavy chords and arps for a little bit before the effects and the percussion comes back in is just extremely tasty.
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