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I recently bought picotron. I love it. I always had trouble with Pico 8's limitations and thought "If I could just do 16x16 sprites instead of 8x8 I would be having much more fun with this."

And so far I'm still dipping my feet and just doing graphics. But I've come across what could possibly be a bug.

So I started out making some sprites and saved those as 0.gfx. But now I have another set I'm working on, "1.gfx"

I've included a picture that hopefully explains the problem, but basically when I go to the map editor, the wrong graphics are displayed. As you can see in the picture, the little space on the side shows one set of sprites. Those are from 0.gfx. When I put them on the map, I can see that it is using 1.gfx, which is what I intended for this map.

So how can I get the correct graphics displayed on the little side window? Having to make multiple attempts just to put the right thing on the screen can get annoying.


Slashed Res

This is something I'm actively working on.
I am trying to make a shmup or just a graphics library that I can use for other projects.

the movement is what you'd expect and (❎)(🅾️) go between the different quarters of a sprite.

Cart #quarts-0 | 2024-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This code snippet is the method I made to quarter sprites.

--show a quarter of a sprite
--only works for the first row (lazy)
function qspr(sn,qn,x,y)
    local a=0
    if(qn>2) a=4 
    sspr(sn*8 + ((qn+1)%2 * 4),a,4,4,x,y)

This is the placeholder/guide sprite that I used to show what quarter you're on

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Cart #nidanehiti-0 | 2024-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Is collected jelpi cart by NazarFloppaLovesP8

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Cart #astfm-0 | 2024-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Asteroid Field Miner

You are the pilot of an asteroid field mining vessel. Navigate asteroid fields to collect valuable minerals. Use the collected material to upgrade your ship. Each run through the asteroid field gets longer and more difficult than the last.


Cart #figupyigo-0 | 2024-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #tangram-3 | 2024-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #zombiegrasslands-0 | 2024-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Remake of the Spectrum classic COOKIE :)


Buncha lil guys doin lil guy things~


Cart #resurface-4 | 2024-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

System Rebooting...

GZ-Series Autonomous Mapping Platform, Serial No. 82910-K5

Multiple component errors detected due to EM Pulse and impacts sustained from fall

Mission-critical systems damaged and/or missing

Long-range radio inoperative

Recalculating mission parameters...

  • Explore newly-discovered subterranian biome of exoplanet and reacquire 4 missing mobility components and 8 power cells
  • Attempt to resurface and rendezvous with mobile base to transmit stored data and receive necessary repairs

Minimal power remaining...

This is my entry for Pico1K Jam 2024, and my first attempt at a Metroidvania game. Hope you enjoy playing it!

V1.01: Wall jump behavior is now more consistent, and destructible blocks now differ slightly in appearance
V1.02: Fixed double jump glitch



Easily search for files in Picotron

Download now: load #filesearch

How to use:

  • Type your query
  • Press Enter
    • Click the icon to launch to file in its preferred program
    • Click the path to open it in FileNav

Think you can do better?

Prove it!
If you're feeling brave you're welcome to dive into my code and take whatever you want for your own carts :D
The FileSearch function in fileSearch.lua will be a good place to start. Also check out jaroWinkler.lua for an example of a similarity function. And you're welcome to ask me how any of this works, but I do not guarantee that I will remember anything :P

Thanks to:


So I'm working on a brainf*** interpreter and I'm testing parentheses out right now. But theres a problem. I'm trying to implement "[", but when I run this code:

[]+ Pico-8 Just Crashes on me!

Here's what I'm having trouble with:

 if(t[u]=="["and c[ti]==0) then
  repeat until t[tf]=="]" do

T is the text variable responsible for storing [,],+,Etc
U is the counter.

I have mapped

[ to up,
] to left, and

  • to right.

Z =backspace
X = run

Try "[]+" in the code and you'll see what I mean.

Cart #zakufujebi-0 | 2024-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #luckyclover-0 | 2024-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Lucky Clover v1.0

My first game with Pico 8.

It's a "Search and Find" game with short timer, don't panic !


Find the hidden Cauldron under a 4-leaf clover on a random map.

Find the clover quickly before the end of the time runs out.


D-Pad - Move your character
O - Run
X - Removed Obstacle


Jean-Eudes Thuroczy 2024

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Cart #tiguwodasi-0 | 2024-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Is test of 3D game is just concept
Thankes @Mot to Instant 3D!

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Cart #gorbo-0 | 2024-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


For some reason on my old laptop "Dell Vostro 3550 | i7-2640m | 12gb | Radeon-6700M" and only on this laptop, it triggers an "input" on the sprite, maps and audio screen.

Where on the sprite screen the frame keeps moving infinitely to the right and changing pages

Same thing on the map screen

and on the audio screens the pitch is infinitely increasing.

I have already tested the keyboard and/or mouse with checkup software and all inputs are healthy and functional. After researching a little, I saw that pico-8 has some inconsistencies on different hardware depending on the version, so I downloaded all the versions one by one and noticed that this problem only occurs from version 0.2.5 onwards, whereas from version 0.2.4c backwards everything is normal...

Would anyone know how to fix it? If there is no solution, we can only wait for new updates with the knowledge of this problem.


Apparently I like writing vector libraries. This one's specifically for working with hex-grids.

Code and full documentation on github: https://github.com/jasondelaat/hector/tree/release

Cart #hex_pathfinding-0 | 2024-09-30 | Embed ▽ | No License

The above cart demonstrates simple path-finding. The grid starts off randomly populated. Click on the hexes to add/remove obstacles and re-calculate the path. You can also switch between a "flat" or "pointy" grid. The draw code is not optimized so it will get laggy if you make the path really long, especially on the web player. But you get the idea.

Example Usage:

include 'hector.lua'

-- Initialize the library

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=127324#p)

Trying to copy pixels within the video buffer.
If I put memset(0x10000+x+w*y,7,1) and memset(0x10000+x+w*refl,10,1) in my code, the expected pixels get set and nothing strange happens, but if I try to do memcpy(0x10000+x+w*y, 0x10000+x+w*refl, 1) then Picotron locks up completely - the music keeps playing but the program is unresponsive to the point that Windows gives a "not responding" crash popup.

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Cart #katana_rabbit-0 | 2024-09-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Katana Rabbit is a short metroidvania/platformer where you play as a rabbit with a katana!


  • Move with the Arrow Keys
  • Press Z to Jump
  • Press X in the air to Dash

This was a cool project I made by trying to work on something for 30 minutes every day! After 45 sessions this is the result (I wasn't able to work every single day on this but averaged 5 times a week, which I'm very proud of!)

Feel free to drop some feedback and share your times! My PB is 3:02 with 0 deaths.


Cart #minisweeper_1k-0 | 2024-09-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Minisweeper is a Minesweeper clone created in 1015 compressed bytes for the PICO-1K Jam 2024. To win, correctly place a flag on every mine in the grid. There are two difficulty levels:

  • Easy: A 10x9 grid with 10 mines
  • Hard: A 16x15 grid with 36 mines

Can you beat both?


  • Arrow Keys: Select difficulty / cell
  • Z: Open cell
  • X: Place / remove flag

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