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So I've had this idea for a platformer fighting game and I'm having trouble coming up with the key binds
Obviously jump is z and attack is x and we have the four directional imputs, but then I want to add a dodge/parry, a strong attack and a special so does anyone have any ideas


Cart #hisugorunu-0 | 2024-01-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #rubyeyes-6 | 2024-01-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Ruby Eyes

A game about becoming beautiful.

You are but a wee skeleton residing in the Necromancer's Tower. You realize that your skull would be so much prettier if you had some rubies where your eyes would be. Rumor has it that the necromancer holds some very impressive gems. Maybe you should go take a look?



⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ - Movement
❎or X - Menu/Select
🅾️or Z - Back

How to Play

Move north at the beginning of the game to play a tutorial.
There is no button to wait a turn, try bumping into a door or item to delay your movement.
You won't succeed on your first try. Learn from your previous attempts to reach the Necromancer!


v1.2 — 1/22/24

  • Improved item drop interactions with background elements
  • Stats stay in line when above 10
  • Damage text no longer goes off the top of the screen
  • Fixed healing from cultist damage
  • Necromancer no longer summons bones after being defeated
  • Removed gaps on 3-way doors
  • Weakened Golem Soul
  • Strengthened Cultist Soul
  • Rebalanced monster HP and damage
  • Made souls slightly rarer
  • Reduced value of Marrow Quality, Bone Density, and Calcium Intake
  • Boss Room contains less milk
  • Reduced Vase spawn rate
  • Golem now has little arms
  • Final room is more impressive
  • Improved color fading
  • Updated some sprites

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Cart #revolver-0 | 2024-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Press X to reload.



Tired Of Jams About Just One Theme?
If That Is The Case, This Has Been Made Just For YOU!


Enemies Can Get Power Ups

Game Only Lasts 5 Minutes

Sometimes Cute, Sometimes Scary

Zero English

Use Only Secret Palette

Include Voices(Try It)

Only Use Content From Demos


-Choose 1 Of All 7 Random Options
-Make A Game Following The Theme You Got
-Post It In Comments Of This Post (I Do Not Have Itch-IO)
-I Will Play The Game.


-Be Respectful
-Tell Me The Theme You Got.
-Use Many Effort, But Let Some Tokens For Customization
-You Can Only Enter Once
-No Putting All Options In Comments, Those Comments Will Be Deleted.


It Starts On January 18, And Ends In March.

So What Are You Waiting For?



The upcoming Pico-8 0.2.6 release will introduce wavetable synthesis via "waveform instruments". Any of this may change before release so I will try to update it as I discover new info about the feature. The waveform instruments are stored in the same sfx indices as regular instruments (0-7) and use a similar encoding scheme to regular sfx:

Bytes 0-63

The first 64 bytes of the sfx contain one signed 8-bit sample per byte. Pico-8 uses signed 16-bit numbers, so signed 8-bit values from -128 to -1 are represented as 128 to 255, while 0 to 127 are represented normally. Signed 8-bit values outside the -96 to 96 range will appear cropped in the visual editor, although it does appear to be possible to draw values in the full range by dragging the mouse cursor beyond the border.

Regarding PCM playback, Pico-8's tracker updates at about 120.4918Hz, and at 64 signed 8-bit samples per cycle, the sample rate would be about 7711.4752Hz. However, because the closest playback frequencies available are A#-0 (A#-2 in standard pitch notation @ 116.54Hz) or B-0 (B-2 in standard pitch notation @ 123.47Hz), it appears that smooth PCM playback will not be possible by stringing waveform instruments together, as waveforms would not have the chance to play exactly one oscillation per tick; instead being slightly cropped or slightly looped (and then cropped). This will result in clipping/distortion, and weird tuning artifacts.

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Cart #picodrummer-0 | 2024-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Welcome to Pico Drummer! It’s a small rhythm generator with just two sounds.

Each hand is triggering its own sound when it hits the drum.
If you want to change the speed you need to change the amplitude of the hands movement. To do that, hold the hand with the mouse and move it up or down and then release it on a certain hight. You can even stop the hand by putting it on top or the drum.

You may also access sound and rhythm settings by hovering your mouse over one if the two drums. Each drum represents its own sound and a hand that beats it. Both of them have 3 tabs of settings, that you can switch by clicking the drum.

  • First tab of the settings is speed adjustment and clock divider. Use left and right arrows to adjust hand speed. If you press right, the hand will speed up for a split second, and if you press left, it will slow down. That way you can synchronize hands if they are beating with same speed but out of sync. Up and down arrows changes the clock division number, which is 2 by default. You can create some interesting rhythms by dividing speed of each hand differently.

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Cart #arcade-0 | 2024-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I don't know English this, it's a translator, sorry for the spelling mistakes, this is a recreation of Jump with two more games.


Cart #klunko_picocross-1 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a work-in-progress game of picross. Has someone else used the name picocross? Probably, but this is my one!
It currently only has one puzzle and the game ends once you beat it.

How to play

Use arrows to move the cursor.
Press (X) to place a tile and (O) to place a cross. You can use the crosses to show where tiles definitely are not.
Press (X) or (O) to remove a tile / cross.
Press (X) to highlight / un-highlight a number. You can do this to keep track of which numbers have been solved.

How to play picross

To discover the hidden picture, you need to determine where the tiles must be placed.
For each column and each row you are given a set of numbers. These numbers tell you how many consecutive tiles are in that row or column. Multiple numbers means multiple 'blocks' of consecutive tiles in the same order as the numbers, that are separate from each other.

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Cart #wave_function_collapse-0 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a simple demo of the wave function collapse algorithm.


i made a new profile picture for my Game Jolt and itch profiles, so for Lexaloffle i made it again but in PICO-8:

Cart #sosasees_pfp_jesotefizu-0 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

gradient effect is from this post:

[New PICO-8 Feature] Enabling more than 16 colors on the screen
by @BoneVolt


Recently i discovered this fantasy console pico 8 and i dont know how to start coding my first game! So does anyone has a video tutorial or something else to suggest me so i can get started?

Thanks for your help!


Cart #rttt-1 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Jet Cat’s ship uses challenging controls built for kitties, and can be difficult to master. Do you have what it takes? Only YOU can Rocket to the Top in this kitty spaceflight simulator!

You’re Jet Cat, a rookie cat pilot in the M30-W fleet. You’ve been dispatched to an uncharted planet to investigate the surface’s potential for life. Near the end of your mission, you find yourself trapped in a mysterious tower, filled with floating coins and cursed rubies! Do you have what it takes to master your ship’s challenging controls, navigate the tight corridors, escape to the top of the tower, and return home with the treasure?


  • Up / down: change thruster angles

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Nothing to see here.


So, I'm new to PICO-8 (bought it a few hours ago) and im playing around with a simple open world game (I've called it a GTA test, maybe to use for a clone game in the future.) and i am just wondering how i would go about implementing collision in the map (for buildings and such which haven't been added yet). Is that something

I've used SpaceCat's tutorial so far and added my own camera follow code and made a simple map.

Cart #gtatest-0 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is what I have so far, it is literally just the movement code and a simple map


🥥Eat Man 1D🥥

A 1D eatstravaganza
Eat points, eat coins, eat that strange blue thing

Featuring all the latest in graphical and gameplay innovations.

  • leftward AND rightward movement
  • 1D collisions
  • Unnecessary graphical effects
  • Fireworks
  • Dynamic scoring

Cart #tepakadahe-1 | 2024-01-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Recently, I heard about Pacman 1D. I haven't played Pacman 1D, but I imagine it's something like this.
Let's find out 🌈

Please let me know if there's anything you'd like to see included, and I may or may not give that a go.

Thanks for playing!

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Cart #jump-0 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

my firts game


Cart #mot_animsys2-0 | 2024-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This has been sitting on my drive for a year or so. I was meaning to write up some documentation for it, but I'm throwing it up as is for now. (Until I can remember how to use it.)

Basically it's a sequel to Mot's Animation System built on top of the 2D transforms library. The main improvement being that it supports rotation.

The basic idea is you create "sprite" animations based on frames on your tilemap. You can then combine them into "timeline" animations where position, rotation etc can be set at different points by creating keyframes.
There's also a "storyboard" animation type that simply plays other animations in order.

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Based in this coding chalenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ggxt06qSAe4

and this article: https://mathworld.wolfram.com/ElementaryCellularAutomaton.html

Use arrow keys to change the seed.


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