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Trigonarium is copyright https://twitter.com/gimblll, go buy the game on Steam, it's great! This is just a demake and he deserves all the credit.

Cart #jimebobasi-2 | 2020-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Trigonarium is a top down twin stick shooter with an everchanging map. Fight your way through an arena of 12 enemy types through 4 different gamemodes while the map changes shape around you.


  • 4 unique gamemodes - Normal, Super, Chase, and Quick Attack
  • Normal - Fight through all enemy types with 3 lives
  • Super - Enemy spawnrates are drastically increased, but so is your firepower

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Cart #drsanta-9 | 2020-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Help Santa cheer up some grumpy snowmen! I teamed up with @dddaaann for another advent calendar entry this year.


Cart #chaserofdawn-2 | 2021-07-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Chaser Of Dawn

Made for the Ludum Dare 47 game jam, with the theme "stuck in a loop".

Your spaceship just crashed on a tiny alien planet! Gather resources to repair your spaceship and go back home. But beware, the day is burning hot and the night is freezing cold in this strange world.


Arrow keys: Move/Navigate
C: Mine/Confirm
X: Craft/Back

This was a very fun project, created in 3 days by:

Yolwoocle - Code and Art
Theobosse - Code
Arkanyota - Code
Elza - Sound design
Raphaël - Logo art


Hi everyone! First time posting on the BBS, long time fan but relatively new coder!

I've been going through the various tutorials found in fanzines, youtube, etc. and decided I'd start the foundations of a barebones strategy game using a fixed map grid of 8x8.

My logic was like this:

Draw the map using the map editor, then use a for loop to iterate through each cell and add it to a set of nested tables for x and y, getting its sprite value as a foundation for what can be done. Plains, mountains, water, etc.

The code in this cart is very rough but I wanted to print the contents of the tile the cursor was currently on. There's probably other issues but every time I try to call maptable via the this code:

function gamedraw()
	local xs = curs.x
	local ys = curs.y
	location = maptable[xs][ys]

the maptable returns a "?" value and crashes the cart.

For reference here is where maptable gets filled:

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Cart #garbotree-0 | 2020-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hey, I just wanted to share a little thing I made.

I've been trying like heck to get a procedurally-generated tree that (a) I could use in a project I'm working on and (b) I didn't think looked terrible.

This is the first result that I'm even remotely happy with.


Here is a series of functions that are designed to be easily inserted into any project!
Each should be well commented and has a working example. comment if you have any questions!

add a mouse function quickly!

move towards a target with a normalized speed (diagonals are not faster!)

updated gpio library for (significantly) less tokens. now available for commercial use.
enter the pin (0 to 127) and return the hex (0x5f80 to 0x5fff) with get and set functions
old version included for posterity

covers rect collisions and map flags; circ collisions are in lookatlib

grid based path finding using A*
credit to https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3131 and Pico8 Fanzine #4!


Cart #eyn_sprintagift-2 | 2020-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Play it also on Itch : https://eiyeron.itch.io/sprintagift

Sprint'a'Gift is a submission to a certain 2020 holidays calendar you can find here.

Santa's in a hurry and forgot to jump on his magical sleigh! Now he's trying to run as fast as he can on the rooftops for an express delivery. Can you help him?


  • (X) Jump (hold for higher jumps)

Thanks to:

  • Gruber for the music
  • Somepx for the title font
  • Adam Saltsman for Canabalt, which is the main inspiration for this game.
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Cart #tirosememo-0 | 2020-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Includes a test map thing with climbing

-- thanks to kamera for making the climbing--

--thanks to the people who made evercore --


Cart #tinysnaketinyadventure-3 | 2020-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My first cartridge! 2-5 minutes of gameplay, depending on player skill.

This is a tiny game about a snake who has to avoid quicksand and spikes in order to find a diamond. Shoutout to Dylan Bennett for the nice beginner tutorials!


Cart #saturns91_energy_not_included-0 | 2020-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A small game made within a week for the "Major Jam 3 - Retro" limitations: 96x96


A perspective projection and solid color 3d demo with a rotation and matrix math and stuff done in a supremely manual way. I'll try to make some kind of 3d game with it soon.

Cart #perspcube-0 | 2020-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

X/O to change cam distance

up/down to rotate on X axis

left/right to rotate on Y axis

I stole a polygon fill function from @zovirl 's Perspective-correct texture mapping cart.

Feedback appreciated!

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Cart #fling-1 | 2020-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here's Fling?

A puzzle with 256 levels.

The goal of the game is to push balls off the board until there's only 1 left.
To do this, you must use a ball and propel it towards another. You cannot throw a ball directly off the board nor eject a ball directly adjacent to the impulse ball.
A minimum gap space is required to give enough momentum.

When you are stuck on a level, you can always undo your move(s).

The current level and the next level are available. The others are locked. But if you get bored (there are a lot of levels with few moves) you can activate the cheat mode in the level select screen, which unlocks all the levels.

The player progress is saved to the cartdata, but not when cheat mode is activated.


Cart #compasracer-9 | 2021-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Compas Racer

Compas Racer is a small racing game I made with my 8yo child, suterp, as a tribute to his favourite youtubers, "los compas". It's an improved version of my Camel Race game.

How to play

You can choose your racer, and then you play three rounds of two laps each.
To advance, you have to press the arrow button matching the icon by your side. In the second round you also have to use the circle ("Z") button, and in the third one also the cross ("X") button.

There's a flag in the upper side. When it's activated, you get a boost when pressing the right button. In the second and third row there's also a pirate flag. When you see it, you have to press the opposite direction as the one that's shown.

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Cart #gof-4 | 2020-12-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Embark upon the present delivery adventure as a Santa, eating all the cookies you can on the way :)
Created for the PICO-8 Advent Calendar 2020


Cart #pico8adventcalendar2020-21 | 2020-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Huh.. now what could this be..?

Göf - @egordorichev

Sprint'a'Gift - @Eiyeron

Dr Santa - timswast

Jigsaw Puzzle Pack pro (Xmas Edition) - kittenm4ster

Gift Blox - szczm_

Tetrismas - markgamed7794

Coal - TheTomster

E<3rth - @Eiyeron

Elf Mountain Rescue - @Brintown

X(mas)treeeeeme Grid Challenge - @enargy

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Cart #badaboom-0 | 2020-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Badaboom is an arcade game made for the Major Jam 3 (theme: RETRO, limitation: 96x96 screen size).

It use the pico-8 game engine to have some RETRO feelings (pixel art graphism, fantasy console).

The game is inspired by the "Big Bada Boom" scene from the RETRO sci-fi movie "The Fifth Element", when Leeloo falls from the top of a building.

To respect the 96x96 screen size limitation, i added 16x16 borders on top, left, right and bottom of the screen, because pico-8 screen is natively 128x128.

The goal of the game is to avoid flying cars for as long as possible! Be careful, the fall speed is accelerating!


  • arrows keys or left stick to move

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I'm modifying a 3D raytracing demo to make an engine, and I was doing pretty well until i came to the realisation: I had a limited amount of tiles. Basically, in the way that the original programmer, @Hiinds , designed it, only the top half of only the first page of the spritesheet is available for use. So, basically, what I was thinking is I could use the rest of the spritesheet, and when I no longer needed a certain texture but did need another, I could copy one of the textures into one of the usable slots. What I need is a method to copy a certain part of the spritesheet onto another. How do I do this (if possible)?


Cart #sixlets-0 | 2020-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a simple puzzle game where you select groups of similar colors to remove them from the board. I finished this game about a year ago, but never got around to posting it.

The difficulties are:

  • Easy - 4 colors, need a group of 3 to break
  • Medium - 4 colors, need a group of 4 to break
  • Hard - 5 colors, need a group of 4 to break
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