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I found a Pico-8 cart on Itchio (https://bati.itch.io/super-pico-fighter) and I want to take a look at the code to see how the block matching logic works.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to see a download link and I couldn't find it listed here in the Lexaloffle BBS.

Is there a way I can download it so I can learn from it?

Thank you.


The first paragraphs are just some opening thoughts to contextualize where I'm coming from with this idea. If you are not interested in that, skip to [Suggestion].


When the 2nd palette was first discovered, increasing the total number of colors on the screen has been suggested a number of times. That in itself is a pretty weak idea: bumping up pico-8's limitations is against its whole purpose of self-imposed limitations. If you want more colors, just use any other platform. End of story.

But recently, with the 0.2.0x versions, a lot of new features have been added that expand what pico-8 is capable of: better code compression, tline, the upcoming oval(), new chars (kana, puny). Tline in particular changes the whole feel of the carts that use it, with the possibility of mode7, rotation, map lighting, etc. While those effects were previously possible, the games that had them would pay a high cost in CPU and tokens.

Ever since the 2nd palette came, I had some ideas of how the color limit could be increased without going against pico-8's design principles. From these ideas, I selected my favorite and arguably the one that fits pico-8 the best. With pico-8 going beta and possibly its core being set, this might be my last opportunity of sharing it, so here it is:

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how do i setup a permanent storage?

0.2.0i_windows, fresh install from itch.io, "install_demos" just quits PICO-8 completely. plus there is no pico-8 related stuff in "AppData/Roaming" (could it be because of the cyrillic windows username?)



A few days ago someone on my discord server asked me how to configure keys in an exported cart and I didn't figure out how to do it, nor did I find any information about it anywhere...

So I assume there's no way to do it right now...?

Just letting the player access the Keyconfig screen from the controls screen would be great.

And saving the config after each session :)

I think it's something that can easily affect user reviews in external sites, Itch.io, Kongregate, and so on, and also help with accessibility.


LAST VERSION as USED in R-type 1.4 after optimizing it a bit further:

--97 tokens with Scaling and arbitrary size
function pd_rotate(x,y,rot,mx,my,w,flip,scale)
  scale=scale or 1

  local cs, ss = cos(rot)*.125/scale,sin(rot)*.125/scale
  local sx, sy = mx+cs*-w, my+ss*-w
  local hx = flip and -w or w

  local halfw = -w
  for py=y-w, y+w do
    tline(x-hx, py, x+hx, py, sx-ss*halfw, sy+cs*halfw, cs, ss)

This is a general-purpose sprite rotation function using tline with support for scaling and flipping

Cart #tline_sprite_rotation-5 | 2022-04-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It always draw a screen-oriented rectangular area, (centered at x,y) large enough (w) to contain the rotated tiles (centered at mx,my), and calculates the rotated (rot 0 to 1) tline coordinates and deltas.

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Cart #zonday-0 | 2020-06-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

i don't really know why i made this

it was based off some bait and switch site that had chocolate rain as one of the options

mainly wanted to practice making/porting music to this thing

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Today was the first day I did a videogame with my son.

He's 3 years old. He helped me pick all the colors and with design decision, like what kind of dinosaur to include and what he would be doing.

The game itself is literally 6 if blocks, and I wrote it pretty quickly, starting from api.pb . It still felt like an eternity to my toddler! He could see progress while I was drawing the dino and the flowers, but the programming part was meaningless to him. He was vociferously demanding progress. A true client. I had to cut many features. Bounds checking, for example, only works partially. It became a feature ("ooooh where did the dinosaur go?")

CONTROLS: Move with arrows, water flowers with Z.

Cleaned up before publishing.

Cart #dinowateringflowers-0 | 2020-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Run and jump your way to the magical ice cream. :)

My very first PICO-8 game, but not my first time trying game development. I made it over a three day weekend, maybe eight hours? I used the "collide.p8" demo as a reference.

Once you make it to the ice cream you've pretty much seen the entire game.

Cart #kpugefn-1 | 2020-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #selenes_slumber_wip-2 | 2020-06-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Now finished: the complete dream of Selene, a girl who wants to get a good night's sleep. Avoid the alarm clocks!

My first "full" Pico 8 game. I can't wait to make more games!

There are a couple of things I wanted to do that went undone, but I think it's time to move on.


Cart #baba_is_you-0 | 2020-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

a tiny baba clone!


Cart #rubaketufe-0 | 2020-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I've been working on this game for a month or so on and off. I still have some janky code in the mix, but I've got my basic three enemy types and am currently working on a system for arranging levels and building a sub-boss and boss to complete the initial goals I laid out. I'm moreso uploading to motivate myself to keep going.


Cart #dollarone_colour_factory-0 | 2020-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry for the 9th alakajam

Colour Factory is a puzzle game much like Pipe Dream, only with colours. You connect pipes to certain processors that can mix or distil the colour into secondary or primary colours. You have been given some input colour(s) and the wanted output colours have been decided. Now it's up to you to create them!

There is also a timed challenge specifically made for the ScoreSpace x Alakajam tournament: who can create the right factory fastest? The timer ends when you hit the factory button. Good luck!

I added mouse support in the last hour or so, do let me know if there's any bugs!

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Cart #mazidubara-0 | 2020-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is the first game I made since I had a TRS-80 long ago!

It's another version of Pong. I was trying to learn PICO-8 and needed a project so I made Pong as if it were made in the 1980s on something like a Nintendo. I'm sure its mechanics are different than real Pong, but I haven't played that since I had a real Atari with paddle controllers. This is from memory and it fixes a few things I remember not liking about Pong.

I tried to make the A.I. work differently that just tracking the ball's location with some constraints to give the player a chance. Instead it predicts the future location at a couple places like a human would. As the player starts to win, the A.I. improves. That way it shouldn't be too hard to get a few points in, but winning gets a little harder. Play ends at 11. The paddles have some physics and bounce off the walls a little.

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Hi, not posted before but I thought some of you might like to see this setup that I've been playing with;


It's running on four 64x64 LED matrices, I think it looks pretty nice. The flicker/scan lines in the video aren't visible in person, it's an effect of the camera - but I may try tweaking the refresh to make a better video.


My entry for scorespace x alakajam

You have an important job: While everyone is staying inside due to an alien invasion, you're out there making sure people can make phone calls. Do your best and survive!

Cart #aliencallection-2 | 2020-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #morecolors-2 | 2020-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Run the cart and you will see more colors that are not in pico 8 how I got them is I drew a square of one color and then a square of another and used _update60() to change them really fast and it goes too fast for our eyes so it looks like the colors are combined.
the squares on top are the solid ones and the ones on the bottom are checkered. the ones in the middle are normal pico 8 colors.
feel free to use this in any of your games.


Cart #bondstones-0 | 2020-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my 72h entry for alakajam #9 !!

Rules ( basic )

  • A link is created between stones sharing a color or a shape.
  • Chain of 12+ stones will explodes increasing score and experience

Rules ( advanced )

  • Each time you level up, a random malus is drawn in the list.
  • Complete some specific conditions to increase your combo values.
  • The first time you complete a condition, you win a trophy accordingly
  • Gain 3,5,10,15 trophies for bonus score.


left/right : move piece
down : drop piece
up/w : turn piece
x : check trophies list


Cart #picoquest_v1_2_1-3 | 2021-02-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Second game created using the Pico-8 fantasy console. Loosely based off the board game Heroquest with some adaptations and workarounds for the limited space. 4 different characters, 6 different levels.

Update: Added in a bunch of quality of life changes when inside the game so you have a better idea of what's going on. Changed the scenario around so hopefully a little more epic (and difficult) ending to the 6 levels. Uses a different cart ID as removed one item so items got renumbered. Unless any major defects are present should be last version (speaking of which, I think there might be a random bug with the ambush code which I've not been able to track down yet).

Update 2: After the last update including Split(), I reworked the code a bit to allow music and sound effects.
Update 2 - part 2: Made a minor error with the coding, uploaded a fixed version so it should now no longer crash on scenario 3!


Found on windows 0.2.0I
If you select text in the console window and then execute a printh call, PICO-8 hangs seemingly indefinitely


I'm posting this here because I'm not sure if it will get any more development, but this is a game I made for a 1-Bit weekend game jam (this one: https://itch.io/jam/1-bit-weekend). The game itself is "complete" in that there are no half-finished levels or artwork, it's just a little short due to the time constraints (it was a 3 day jam but work meant I only really had 2 days). Anyway, here it is. More info below if you're interested.

Cart #radtown0-0 | 2020-06-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The game and art was done entirely by me, and my partner in music projects put together some nice tunes (all the music was by him). You can find the Itch page here; https://b3agz.itch.io/escape-from-radtown. But to save you a click, here's the text from the page:

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