Hi! There is this handy feature of macOS that whenever your system language support non-latin characters (like "ż" or "ż" in Polish), you can long press the corresponding keyboard key and the system pop-up appears which allows to pick one of letter variants with a number press.
The problem is, this feature gets distracting when combined with the usage of keyboard keys to play music notes in Picotron's SFX Editor. So, when I long-press "z" to play a C note, I get this:
This is not a big issue, since it doesn't prevent me from playing further musical notes. But still, it would be great if it was disabled for Picotron (if possible).
This is a proof-of-concept I put together for a combination arcade space shooter and exploration/trading game. Travel around the solar system, mine meteors for valuable Starcore, and trade commodities; all to earn enough cash to purchase a gate pass to explore the galaxy. This was inspired by the PC game Freelancer with a little bit of SNES Star Fox, though the latter doesn't come through as much yet.
I'm likely moving development over to Godot for this one, hence considering it a release.
Current Features
- Explore the 8 planets of the Solar System (sorry, Pluto)
- Customize your ship's weapons loadout and modules to suit your playstyle
- Trade in 5 different goods to maximize your profits

The idea for Picochi came from my college days. Back then, many classic RPGs like Dragon Quest only allowed players to move one tile at a time. I first implemented this concept in RPG Maker and found it quite enjoyable, which inspired me to bring it to PICO-8.
In this game, you control a white Mochi character, using jumps to overcome obstacles and reach the portal to advance to the next level. Be careful not to fall into the sea, or you'll have to restart the current level!
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ - Move one tile
🅾️ - Jump two tiles

Flashing Lights
My version of the Atari's arcade game Night Driver and Dr. Reiner Foerst's Nürburgring 1.
Mouse controls only.
Maybe it's just Friday burn out but I'm struggling to get a "slithering" action right. I know it needs to make use of cos() and sin() but I don't use them regularly enough to quite know where to plug it in properly or math to give it.
What I'm chasing is to get a snake made of N number of segments move across from the screen from left to right. So the whole thing moves on the X with the wave is on the Y. But I think my hang up is how to get each segment wave on a snake-like path; not all together at the same time - basically alternating waves? I dunno..you know how a snake looks :)
In each segment update loop is:
self.x+=-1 self.y+=cos(t()) |
And that's certainly making the wave happen but all the segments are moving in unison and not in sequence like I was hoping. I want something like this:

But I'm getting something like this:

Like I said, some of this may be weekly burnout because I swear I've tackled this problem before but don't have anything in my snippet library that suggests so.

Update 1.2: Now Stark Kart is really an Star Kart! this update adds 5 new characters: Strx in hd (replacing Therapist), Scar (replacing Car), M.C. Strx (replacing Ceo) G.D. Strx (replacing Boid) and Evil Strx (replacing Robo spider). So well, enjoy this "big" update!!!!
P.D.: I also want to add 2 more characters: Yoshi Strx and English Strx. (In case of English Strx that name is because really im not english, im spanish. In case of Yoshi Strx it's because... Well.. Im a fan of Yoshi.) But im not a good drawer digitally and i don't understand lua code, so help will be good! So well, now bye!
Update 1.1: Now Starlyax is a little low of op (because i changed their statistics) but don't worry! It continues being the more op character in the game. So well, enjoy this update!!!

Made this small game for my girlfriend for this year's valentines!! Whipped it up quickly during college heheh.. Apologies for no sound !!! Was super experimental for me, had to learn Picotron, an entirely new workspace for meee,, all for her <333
Love you, sweetie!!! <333
Just Z/A <3
Try to get as many score as possible before the time runs out !! Kiss your partner, but beware of his breath, you don't want him to pass out!! You'll lose score if you do.. And you need to wait for him to gain his breath fully back unless you get less points!!
Here is a demake I made of the wonderful game "Buckshot Roulette" made by Mike Klubnika. Its currently at its most basic stage so no items but the base mechanic is there. The code is probably awful as I made this a while ago and just added sfx to publish it. Don't expect a masterpiece lmao
Hope yall have fun and go check out the actual game at

So I've been working on A project called PicoDL, which is my first Cartridge, which I'm very excited to work on. So I did use AI to get a functional prototype, but from there I've only really used it for debugging. Note that I'm brand new to lua and programming in picotron, so it will be a bit until I no longer need AI, but I was wondering if you have any tips to boost my learning, and any ideas for PicoDL?
To use it on the online version, just type picodl in the terminal (if you can somehow access it, otherwise download it), and see it's usage (I'm gonna update it in the future)
Autoupdates are going to be truely auto later, expect more args later. (also I'm gonna remove a few things at some point)

Conway's Game of Life
Ive been learning how to code PICO-8 - making other games, but I did this as a little side project - implementing Conway's Game of Life on Pico-8
Probably next steps are
- play / pause
- editing
- sharing / seeds?
This is my first Pico-8 "game", if anyone has any suggestions for features that would be awesome! Thanks!
Have Fun!
Thank you!

left+right+down to nudge / z+x to rotate / up to slam / enter to pause
Connect pipes to edges or blocks to clear them. The top of the board is an edge!
The long-anticipated sequel is here! This version focuses on what was clearly the best part of the original: clearing blocks. It's Just Fun™.
Some other changes include:
- Revamped scoring system and new thresholds for bronze/silver/gold plungers
- "Bag system" of randomness for the incoming pieces
- Very slightly improved soundtrack
- Personally, I find this version a LOT more fun than the original.
This is a different style game than the original and will require developing some new strategies :)