Please read this text for the instructions.
Star Fighter Pico 8
Lift off to the space in this retro shooting game, fight 20 brunches of aliens (not food), and make your way to the victory.
Get 20 candies from defeated aliens to charge your special weapon: the waveshot. Once your special weapon is ready (when you get the message "special ok"), you can fire the waveshot to melt your enemies and their bullets, or you can keep collecting more candies for extra shields or bonus points.
Title, game clear or game over screen

Feature Overview
Fill sector shape.
- The start and end angles are specified from 0 to 1.
- If the difference between the start angle and the end angle is 0.5 or more, it is a semicircle, and if the difference is 1 or more, it is a circle.
- If the start position is higher than the end position, it is replaced.
- This function consumes 428 Token. (segfill & trifill ver: 185 Token + segfill + trifill)

-- Draw the Mouth characters sectfill(96,64,20,11,-0.2,0.9)-- x, y, size(radius), color, start angle, distance sectfill(54,64,8,12,-0.2,0.9) sectfill(26,64,8,12,-0.2,0.9) |

Floppa 2
Is sequel of like Celeste game Floppa

Added music in menu
Added back to menu button
Added Floppa change color on dash
Changed sfx
game about a Floppa the caracal become on night hill collect dumpling
Z or🅾 Jump
X or❎ Dash
Game and music NazarFloppaLovesP8
Original Noel
Old versions

Berry is my very first PICO-8 game about exploring and collecting berries. I designed it with my 6 year old kid as the target audience (and he loves it!). There are no failstates, so kids can have all the platform fun without the frustration :)

Will you bake the berrypie?
This is the first version and it's completely playable from start to finish. I do still plan to add more sfx/music/polish. Feedback is very appreciated.

This is a submarine game I'm working on where you use sonar to detect your enemy and try to hit them with a torpedo. Sonar waves work and echo, torpedos, bubble particle effects, and collision detection are all present so far. I'm still thinking through all the mechanics but I think there's good potential.
Update 7.16: Turning animation for changing x direction. Collisions with explosion animation for torpedos. Enemy is now invisible. Full acceleration and decceleration physics but this could be cleaner with a friction multiplier.
Update 7.18: You can now battle the enemy sub and they have some very simple AI to sonar and try to find you and hit you. Also some simple scrolling background waves.

little help?
A sprite shakes if a certain condition is met and function called. I'd like to play a sound effect while it shakes. But I cant seem to make it play the whole sound effect because it starts over with each update and buzzes rather than plays. I can get the sound effect, or I can get the animation, but cant seem to make them both happen at the same time.
I've tried many different variations and schemes, but here is one example:
function _init() correct = nil tics = 30 end function _update() if (correct == false) shake() end function _draw() draw_stuff() end function shake() sfx(0) tics -= 1 if tics > 0 then mysprite.x = mysprite.x + cos(t()/.1) --makes it shake back and forth else correct = nil tics = 30 end end |
I can see why it doesn't work; because it is calling the sfx(0)
again and starting over every time shake()
is called. But what is the right way of thinking about playing the sound along with an animation? I read about coroutines, but am not sure if that is actually needed for something this basic. I'd also like to just be able to call the function whenever I want and not bother checking in _update()
every frame.

Here's a port of a PlayDate project I made. It's a solar system simulator!
The PlayDate SDK uses Lua just like Picotron does, so porting wasn't too hard. This version of the project has color of course, plus semi-decent mouse support!
Original project here:
Put the solar system in your pocket! Orrery is an astronomy/astrology app written for the PlayDate handheld ( Crank through time to see where the planets were or will be on specific dates. Includes:
- Scientific mode: a 3D view with realistic orbits
- Diagrammatic mode: a simple, compass-like view of the solar system


This is a BBS-compatible version of a game I made previously.
===This game only works on BBS===
... It's a mythical time. On the island of Delos, there is an evil presence that threatens the princess Dite.
Hephaist, a brave young blacksmith, landed on the island with a weapon.
It was not a sword like many heroes, but a hammer.
This is an action RPG that can be cleared in 30 minutes.
Use a useless hammer to kick enemies around and rescue Princess Dite.
Defeating enemies to some extent will accumulate experience and level up.
Treasures hidden on the island will strengthen Hephaist and pave the way.
Hephaist's health will be restored when you are in town.
The game will automatically save when you pass through the gate.
x ... Swing the hammer/ Talk to him (town only) / up+o Throw fireballs (requires orb)
o ... Jump / down+x Go down (specific floors only)
...A generic drug containing the same ingredients as Nectar, which quenched the throats of the gods. Increases maximum HP.

function _init() poke(0x5f2d,1) mx,my=stat(32),stat(33) cursor_x,cursor_y=64,64 nodes={} constant={n="constant",x=0,y=0,c=8} counter={n="counter",x=0,y=0,c=3} cam_x,cam_y=-60,-63 end function _update60() if (btnp(🅾️)) new(constant) if (btn(⬆️)) cam_y-=1 if (btn(⬇️)) cam_y+=1 if (btn(➡️)) cam_x+=1 if (btn(⬅️)) cam_x-=1 end function new(n) add(nodes,n) n.x=cursor_x+cam_x n.y=cursor_y+cam_y end function _draw() chosen = nil cls(0) for i, node in ipairs(nodes) do print(node.n .. " " .. node.x .. " " .. node.y, 0, i * 6, node.c) rect(node.x - cam_x, node.y - cam_y, node.x + 8 - cam_x, node.y + 4 - cam_y, node.c) if stat(34) ~= 0 and cursor_x >= node.x - cam_x and cursor_x <= node.x + 8 - cam_x and cursor_y >= node.y - cam_y and cursor_y <= node.y + 4 - cam_y then chosen = node end end if stat(32) ~= mx or stat(33) ~= my then cursor_x = stat(32) cursor_y = stat(33) end if chosen ~= nil then print(chosen.x, 0, 0, 12) chosen.x = cursor_x + cam_x - 4 chosen.y = cursor_y + cam_y - 2 end pset(cursor_x + 1, cursor_y, 6) pset(cursor_x, cursor_y + 1, 6) pset(cursor_x - 1, cursor_y, 6) pset(cursor_x, cursor_y - 1, 6) end |
The goal: when you create a new node
object, it should be at the cursor's position. You can drag them around. Press the circle button to create a new node. Use the arrow keys to move the camera. Use the mouse to drag nodes.
The problem: whenever a node is created or clicked, every single existing node's position moves to the mouse.
I'm sure it's some small detail I'm missing but I just can't find it. I would be very thankful for your help

i wrote down the rules for a weird little game with sliding tiles a little while ago, and only a couple days ago i had finished a little prototype for pico-8 :p
i'd like to do more with it in the future, but i think it's fun to play in its current state, so i thought i'd share it here. feedback is welcome !!