As of writing this, key() does not work in the web player. You can use arrow keys and right mouse button as substitutes for WASD and space. Otherwise, I would recommend playing on your own Picotron if you can
CONTROLS - (requires mouse and keyboard)
- WASD - left clump of buttons
- space - left lone button
- mouse - track ball
- left mouse button - right lone button
This is a port of a physical game/machine called Obscurist's Cave. Obscurist's Cave was made by Lynn Mathewson over the course of 2 years from 2005-2007 as one of his many side projects. Lynn would keep the device in the basement of his house for the next 9 years. After becoming hospitalized in 2016, Lynn would have the device donated to The Media Archaeology Lab, the local computer museum. Lynn insisted that a cassette of Negative Frequencies(1) be available to listen to as visitors played the game, saying that no other piece of music could better describe his mental state during the creation of Obscurist's Cave. Lynn died a later that year, on June 22nd. The device has required repairs, but is still in working condition as of 2024.
Content Warning: Contains violent themes and alcohol consumption.
Hello! This is my first Pico-8 release. It is a demake of Doors Quest Demo, a game I released 6 years ago that was originally made with GameMaker Studio 2.
You gotta go through the door if you wanna win the game. There's just one thing more, you'll need a key to open the door. So you should go through that door and read the words hidden inside. What are you waiting for? I'm just gonna keep typing about the door.
And now's the part where I thank you for playing my weird little game. Thank you.
The mouse cursor will no longer be visible.
(I also noticed that GIFs were not output properly.)
This phenomenon has been observed in previous versions.
Restarting with the reboot command does not fix the problem, so you need to exit the application once.
The situation when I was checking
- Multiple pico8s were running (other mice were normal)
- The editor was running for a long time
- I was using stat() to get the mouse.
- Sprite sheet was copied from another cart by reload
āThis was made over the course of March 14 - April 19, 2024, for the Bunkertron Jam and Picotron Game Jam.
Z to shoot
Left shift or F to focus
X to reflect (with meter)
Game Design by Jayce McCue and Maya Zimmerman
Programming by Maya Zimmerman
Art by Jayce McCue
Music by Maya Zimmerman
Story by Jayce McCue
Tested with a Super Famicom controller and presumably works with other controllers as well.
For the true LoLK experience I was going for, set lives to 1 in game.lua.
I've been writing an archetype-based ecs (entity-component-system) library for picotron and i put it up on github!
It keeps component values in picotron userdata so that for simple cases like velocity / acceleration, you can use userdata operations to make it very fast! As a result it is probably slightly harder to use than the other ecs libraries available for picotron right now (which use tables to represent entities), but should allow some pretty good optimizations.
you can see the example from the readme running here:
and my plink cart also uses it, though it doesn't really need the optimization:
This is really my first actual public picotron program (and first fantasy console), but i’m really happy about it.
It’s still really buggy and laggy, but i recommend loading it and running it that way.
I hope you enjoy it!
64x32 pixel display
64k-symbol programs MAX (including newline, tab and such)
4 colors
inputs: 0-up/w, 1-down/s, 2-left/a, 3-right/d, 4-z, 5-x, 6-c, 7-v
sound: 0-11 (e5, d5,c5,b4,a4,g4,f4,e4,d4,c4,b3,a#3,g#3)
memory map:
screen: 1-2048
ram: 4001-4300
colors: 4301-4304
inputs: 4305-4312
rom: 4313-68313
settings: 68314-68323
extra: 68324-68999 --675 places for free!
This runs poorly in the Web version of 0.1.0f (runs too slow for the streaming to work well). This cart is better experienced in desktop versions.
Long Line Theory
This cart is a quick port of [Long Line Theory][llt], a bytebeat track that was and still is impressing me as of today. When I have access to directly audio rendering, this is usually my audio Hello World, especially with the [C version][llt.c] I made to port the JS snippet to desktop.
This bytebeat is actually quite heavy, I had to resort to some tricks like a dirty resampling from 8kHz (its original sampling rate) to Picotron's 44.1kHz. It gave me enough spare cycles so I could whip that ugly visualizer. Can't have both your cake and eat it, I guess!
My 1st Shmup (and my first "finished" game)
Just posting this so it's easy to share my first PICO-8 game with others.
Very much work in porgress.
Press arrow keys/d-pad to move. Press X to shoot.
You get 30 seconds to score as many points as you can by shooting enemies.
Game ends when timer reaches zero, or you get hit by 3 enemies.
This game is a work in progress.
I made this game for the picotron game jam here
Submitted Picotron Game Link
Useful Controls:
press: x to get on and off of your skateboard
press: z to jump
press: mouse button left to pause and check status of the next medals to earn
press: up to attack with your skateboard (must be off of your board)
OnGround Tricks:
press: down to crouch and then press z to ollie high
press: z to ollie normal
press: down and x to handstand flip
Air Tricks:
press: up or down to do flip tricks
press : up and z to do an nosegrab
press: down and z to do a christ air
Ludum Dare 55 was last weekend and the theme was "Summoning." I didn't really plan to compete in the jam but I thought I would try my hand at making something to fit an external idea.
This is still not a game (I didn't stand a chance of getting anything done in 72hrs) but I thought I'd share what I have so far.
There are no enemies yet. Use the arrow keys to move, X to pick a summon and O to summon it for its cost. That's all there is.
I'm not sure how much farther I will continue with it. The game would probably be a survivors-type crossed with diablo-summoner-esque gameplay in which your summons do all the fighting for you, with a little bit borrowed from tower defense. Also, bouncing.
This cart was made for the Picotron Game Jam (
Hope you like it and thanks for checking it out!
A little game for the 1-bit jam. You are a priest for the church of the goat.
Use X/Z to shoot and arrows to move. Use your spell to transform all the animals into goats, the true sacred animal.
Do it 6 times perfectly in a row to do a super spell!
So Im making a kinda rpg-topdown-engine-game-thing and I want to have the function for the player to collide with other players. so it looks like this:
But here is the problem!
You see, the player checks if the tile he is about to go to is a wall or another player, if so he goes back (doesn't move). seems ok, right?
players are stored in a big table players={} and the checking process is done in a foreach loop. So when the player below moves up, he sees that there is someone above, he doesn't move, but the upper one moves. Its hard to explain look:
did you see it? when I pressed down only the bottom player moved. Because the upper one (index 1) checks first and sees that there is a player below him, no move. then the bottom one checks and moves.
How can I fix this?
If you have any questions for the code or the game feel free to ask.
Thanks for taking your time to read this :)