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hello this is my first cartridge it took a while to learn how to code but overall i'm proud of it please feel free to copy the code and use it for your own top down game again this is my first cart in fact it's my first time coding ever if you don't like it i'm sorry

O: dash right
X: dash left
arrow keys: basic movement

PS: the smiley face's name is bob


Yo @zep! I think I had a decent brainwave! And I think it's a good bang-for-buck in terms of using existing functionality to get something really useful.

How hard would it be to add a command to the command prompt that simply does what #include does at runtime, i.e. executes some external PICO-8-compatible Lua in the current runtime environment?

For instance, I could load @Mot's cool variable inspector, which is a live, ephemeral dev/debug tool, without having to cut and paste the code in three parts into the command line manually:

> #include inspector.lua
loading inspector.lua
> dinsp(myvar)
[debugging intensifies]

I think #include or even include might be a bit cumbersome for something a dev might want to type often, though. I thought of other alternatives like `import, but I think use might be the shortest verb that still makes sense in the context of an ephemeral-use tool. If we combine that short keyword with functionality that automatically tries to append .lua, that really cuts down the typing necessary at runtime:

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Cart #palette-3 | 2024-03-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello Everyone,

I’m a beginner programmer, and I just submitted my first game, Palette!🎨

Palette is a simple puzzle game🧩.
You’ll land in the middle of a colorful, filled canvas.
Each time you move, the tiles you land on will dynamically change color according to a pre-defined sequence that is visible to you.


Controls are simple, juste move your character with ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ !

Game mode

Quick Play

In Quick Play mode, you’ll land on a randomly filled canvas. Your objective is to create rows and/or columns of the same color as long as possible. *The longer the line, the higher your score will be.

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i live pcio 8


This is my first cart posted on bbs!
its a simple demo where you draw with the arrow keys and clear the screen with O.

Cart #picoetchasketch-0 | 2024-03-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Here is my cover of a spooky graveyard theme from computer games of yore!

Click the spoiler for changes...


I've decided to revisit this song. It's slower now, and the arrangement was adjusted a bit. Hope you like it!

I've actually had this song kicking around for a bit. I finally decided to to add some artwork and unleash it upon the community!

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

First one to guess where this song is from gets a virtual cookie!

Cart #graveyard-1 | 2024-09-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hi !
I'm a happy owner of a Pico-8 licence and a happy owner of an RG35XX handeld game console.
So. Is there any legal and efficient way to run Pico-8 on my beautiful RG35XX game console ?

1 comment

I have two issues with the ls() function. Any help with them or workarounds would be highly appreciated!
Also hello! This is my first post!

Custom File Extensions

I am making a game that involves a level editor. I have the code save these packs of levels with a custom extension using cstore(), one that is different than .p8. It saves just fine, as it's technically a .p8 file with a custom extension. For the sake of argument, let's say the extension is "levels", so my cstore() looks like:

cstore(0x0, 0x8000, 0x4300, filename..".levels")

I'm also able to load from that created file, like so:

reload(0x8000, 0x0, 0x4300, filename..".levels")

The issue I am now facing is that I want to be able to list all of the files in the directory that have this custom file extension, so that the user can choose the level pack to play. However, the ls() function only returns files that end with .p8 and .p8.png. Is it possible to have it list only files with a certain extension, or at least list all files?

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Hi Guys, i found a bug? not sure if this -0 (negative zero) is a feature or somewhat useful on other scenarios, kindly try out this code

x = 1
t = -100
function _update()

im using t to animate colors or sprites but i noticed that when t is approaching to 0 from a negative value, it stays negative even tho its 0, and i thought, "of course it does not matter because it's still zero" but it does matter because somehow it's 1 off to 0, at least that's what i think happens base on the colors

im doing a workaround where i check if it's less than 0 and set it to 0. but it costs tokens :<<< i hope this gets resolved. thanks


Cart #super_rush-0 | 2024-03-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #spacerabbit1-1 | 2024-03-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Game in development.


The moon rabbit wants to save the planet earth from the invasion of the eagle warriors of the sun.


  • Use the arrows keys to move spaceship.
  • Use "x" key to shoot.


  • 1.0 Playable Beta.
  • 1.1 Fixes the victory condition.
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Cart #wugepejahu-3 | 2024-03-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A fish trapping sim


  • up/down: +/- speed
  • left/right: turn
  • x button: drop/weigh anchor
  • o button: open fish trap

Slow your boat with the anchor; press X to deploy and X again to retrieve but you only get 3 anchors per day!

Gameplay Tips

Collect fish and sell them for profit!

Take a chance with illegal goods! It's risky but you'll get rich fast!

Upgrade your skills at the shipyard.

Getting caught with illegal goods will increase your wanted level.

Reset your wanted level at the police station.

You can move items from your inventory to a trap to dispose of them.

Don't crash into the walls! A shipwreck will cost you a pretty penny!

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Cart #puzzlesofthepaladin-3 | 2024-03-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License



A young hero, fueled by dreams of becoming a revered paladin, embarks on a quest that will test his strength and intelligence. Inspired by tales of the Sunforged Knights, he eagerly undertakes the arduous trials that they administer and judge. Success promises not only rank among their esteemed order but also the rewards of riches and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream.

How to Play

There are 62 rooms. Use the items in each room to kill the monsters and exit as efficiently as possible. Resources are tight, but you may be surprised at how you can use them to make your heroic escape.

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Cart #yucca-1 | 2024-03-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome to Yucca Mountain!

Madeline finds a new mountain to climb, but things seem different. All of the plants have gone a strange colour...

This is my first mod for Celeste Classic.
It has some palette swaps, big rooms and lore, but that's about it.

Thanks to the Evercore team for making the base cart.


Cart #flashlight_1-1 | 2024-03-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A flashlight that we tried to make for the Nokia gamejam but it didn't work out, so far

1 comment

This is pretty simple but I thought some devs might find it useful as an easy way to add a minimap to your game. It uses tline to draw a miniature version of the full map area to screen (during your _draw loop):

for i=0,64 do tline(0,32+i,128,32+i,4/8,4/8+i,1) end

The representative pixel is drawn from the center (4/8,4/8) of each sprite, but you can alter this if you want a different selection.

Here's an example of what this looks like in Celeste:

And here's Air Delivery with this line added:

Obviously it can be a bit messy raw, but it's accurate. For your own project, you could put this against a solid background color in your pause menu, for example. And then you might add an indicator for player position ;)

I hope this can be useful out there!

1 comment

Cart #f1_bahrain_gp_track_guide-0 | 2024-03-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Just sharing a short and fun little project I did in honor of the first race of the 2024 Formula One season; the Bahrain Grand Prix. I wanted to include more trivia about the track but ran out of time (the race starts in 8 hours!).


Cart #starvation1-0 | 2024-03-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


-Developer: kas333
-Playtester: Namie Kuningham <-youtuber
-Inspired by Vacay Volley from ejreyes

About the project

Once my pc broke, I got bored and start playing some pico-8 games on my phone, after searching for a while, I discover a education edition of pico available on browser that in theory could work on a phone with some workarounds.
I already had worked on some mods for other games before so I decide to take the challenge.
Unfortunately, working on a phone had proven to be really slow and frustrating due to lack of native android support +bad phone.

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~ ❤️ starry trip 🌟 ~

a musical journey through the stars

by ral schutz

my submission for the free music jam

containing 3, free to use original tracks

under the cc by-sa 4.0 deed license

Cart #starry_trip_1-1 | 2024-03-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #starry_trip_2-0 | 2024-03-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #hoppencookie-0 | 2024-03-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


basically just Hoppenhelm but some things are different!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(you should play Hoppenhelm also, the music is AWESOME)


Hoppencookie is a highscore-based game that is heavily inspired by Hoppenhelm. You play as a cookie (unrelated to setting). You jump across a dungeon while getting as much score as possible and avoiding dying from:
-spikes and spikeballs!
-the local fauna!
-and most importantly, lava!

but it's all gonna be worth it because you're gonna be rich!
(disclaimer: coins are only used to boost score. actual value may be 0.)

dev notes

there isn't a failsafe for reaching the integer limit (32767) of score. Be cautious. (you can reset your highscore via the pause menu tho)

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