This cart is my entry to TweetTweet Jam 8, where a game is created with 500 characters of source code and using no external assets.
Use left and right to steer, and up/down to control pitch. The plane glides and conserves its momentum, so pitch down to speed up and pitch back up to slow down. If you hit the ground the cart will restart.
-Player's life and death added!
-Checkpoint added!
-Ability Book now became Ability Orb.
-In getting the Orb, textbox added.
-Player's life and key's HUD added!
Former versions:
v0.8 ↓
v0.75 ↓
This is the entry for
created by
Me, Alethium, (art design, game design, game developer)
Short_demand, (bullet patterns, shmup research, code support)
Louie Chapm, (code tools, set up)
music donated by nyeogmi ,
big thanks to everyone who helped on the Lazy Devs Discord, and
to the Advanced Shmup Video Tutorial Series
Here is a quick demo I threw together to demonstrate Proportional Navigation missiles in 2D. Generally speaking you don't want to put your players against this type of missile unless you want missiles to be very threatening (e.g. Highfleet) or you are going for something more sim-like.
Feel free to reference or use my code. I did my best to make it readable.
This is an improved version of an old cart of mine.
Added : better face sorting, perspective projection, lighting and a teapot model.
You're free to suggest improvements. In particular, due to the way I render triangles, there are occasional holes between faces.
If you speak French and wish to learn about how was is made, here is a document with some explanations. Even if you don't speak French, I've included links to helpful English resources about 3D rendering.
- Left/Right: rotate Y
- Up/Down: rotate X
Watch and be amazed :)
It was really fun to optimize the code to its limit.
You can just paste this in pico-8.
here is the code:(space is only included in this post)
i=line::h::n=t()/3x=cos(n)*40y=sin(n)*40q=128p=63u=-abs(x)/10for z=0,3do j=z%2*q k=z\2*q i(j,k,x+p,y+p,u)i(j,k,p-x,p-y,u-1)i(j,k,p-x,y+p,u)i(j,k,x+p,p-y,u-1)end for i=1,999do pset(rnd(q),rnd(q),0)end flip()goto h |
Im not sure if I can compress it any further, but if you
see anything please comment it.
I made a non PICO-8 game for Ludum Dare 53, but lucky for you the music was made in PICO-8! Including it on the bbs mainly so it gets added to radico8.
You can play the game for free on here:
And listen to radico8 here:
Had only a little time to make this one, just a single stretch of 16 hours or so. Finally found the time to post it here too!
(Should these be posted under jam instead of cartridges?)
Anyway; Deliver the orders shown at the bottom, but be careful to not drop the ones not wanted at the moment (chart shown at the bottom).
Drop a package to the next belt by pressing Z or X when over the package.
It may not be what you got right now, so there are two ways to correct that:
- Combine some packages by dropping them on each other; which ones combine to others is shown up top.
- Wait until a new set of orders arrives (when the yellow bar in the bottom runs out).
I'm getting an error.
I can't figure it out and here's my code.
function _init() player={ sp=1, x=59, y=59, w=1, h=1, flp=false, speed=2, walking=false } end function _update() move() if walking==true then player.sp=2 end else then player.sp=1 end end function _draw() cls() spr(player.sp,player.x,player.y,player.w,player.h,player.flp) end function move() if btn(0) then player.x-=player.speed player.walking=true end else if btn(1) then player.x+=player.speed player.walking=true end else if btn(2) then player.y-=player.speed player.walking=true end else if btn(3) then player.y+=player.speed player.walking=true end else player.walking=false end end |
Just play around with it.
It´s just a tiny cool cart which fits under 180 token.
- c = Spawn dots.
- x = Cool effect.
- Up = Stop clearing the screen.
My favorite combinations are:
- Keep pressing c+x.
- Press c then press x and let go of the c button.
- Keep pressing x+up then c for a second or so.
Comment your favorite combinations below.
Game created for Ludum Dare 53 with the theme "delivery".
Movement: Arrow keys
Buying and selling: Cursor, drag and drop from the inventory
Restart cartridge: CTRL + R
Note: Click on the panda to buy stuff!