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Cart #picoroid-1 | 2022-10-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello everyone!

I'm fairly new to PICO-8, so I figured trying to port a game might help me get used to PICO-8. I decided to start with Asteroids, figuring it would be a fairly simple port. It was actually more complex than I thought. I think I've managed to replicate the feel of the original game, but I wouldn't be surprised if I've missed a thing or two - I was never the best at this game.

Feedback would be appreciated,
Thank you!

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Cart #slipping_hazard-0 | 2022-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #nawefibuwa-7 | 2022-10-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just finished my first PICO-8 game! :D

It's an absolute mess - but that's to be expected, I guess.

I would appreciate any feedback on it - I'll probably update it soon if anything is terribly wrong with it.


  • Nothing, right now!


  • Made the lines more readable!
  • More fill patterns, circles and lines now fade out smoothly
  • Removed "lines" from the sidebar, as it wasn't very useful
  • Palette names are now centred and labelled
  • Lives counter no longer goes weird on the gameover screen
  • Circles are now more likely to spawn nearby you, making it harder to just stand still

http://8x8.me/ was very useful



Something good game programming languages have had for a long time is called "Virtual resolution."

For instance with Pico-8 you could have this sprite:


And then this code:

for i=0,3 do
  for j=0,3 do

And you would get a perfect set of blocks 4x4 at 8x8-pixels each. No need to multiply by 8 each time.


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Hone your cart hacking abilities with this HackTheBox like cart!
Your objective is to get the admin password using the terminal.
I suggest you don't look at the code before solving it as that will ruin the fun.
Also, you don't have to brute force the password. There is a genuine solution.

What you know:
All the accounts and their passwords are stored in a table called users.

Have fun solving this challenge!

Cart #hacking1-0 | 2022-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You will need to download the cart so you can use the terminal on it.


While snooping around the Pico8 execution options, I ran into an SDL error while trying to scale Pico 8 to fit my Pi's screen using "-pixel_perfect 0"

The SDL error is as follows:

SDL Error: The video driver did not add any displays

** FATAL ERROR: Unable to initialize SDL

For some context, I am running my Pi's video output via composite. I assumed this error was related to that, so I tested it once again using the default HDMI output. The SDL error returned exactly the same.

To test further, I attempted executing Pico8 from a CLI environment instead of desktop. This returned the exact same SDL error every time, even without any options. I tried this for HDMI and composite.

To make sure this wasn't something wrong with my own Pi, I performed a reinstall of Pi OS and tried each iteration of the problem once again to the same results.

I still suspect I may be missing something on my end, but I think this is enough evidence to report officially as a bug. I'm no longer concerned about "-pixel_perfect 0" not working as I believe I've found an alternative, but I am concerned that starting Pico8 from a CLI environment doesn't seem to work on Pi.


The title says everything.
Doesn't have binary decryption, just a dictionary.
Forgot to edit the image so it will stay like this.
Also, you need to download so that you can input your passwords.

Cart #dpassguess-0 | 2022-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Rain: A Sleep Aid

Cart #rain1-0 | 2022-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a simple audiovisual sleep aid I created for the PICO-8. It features relaxing sounds of rain and soft thunder and the calm sight of a dark window on a rainy night. Enjoy!


Cart #pandavtrump-0 | 2022-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Lava Rockfall!

If you haven't already heard of Rockfall, it's the first video game I ever completed.

What is it?

Lava Rockfall is a floor-is-lava style game. Jump from rock to rock to not fall in the lava. Be careful, though. Being hit by a rock can shove you into the lava!

If you think that the screen gets too clogged up with particles and whatnot, or you are (somehow) lagging, you can pause the game and select Disable GFX to disable it, and Enable GFX to enable it again.

If you feel the game is too difficult, feel free to press Disable Deaths in the pause menu. You no longer will take any damage.

Cart #lavarockfall-3 | 2024-03-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The only reason this exists is because my friend decided that it should.

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So I've seen Pico-8 cartdata (mostly saved games and scores) is stored in the session, so when you close your browser the data dissapears. It's a shame because games like Low Mem Sky benefit a lot from saving feature, and with no way to play on Android other than using the web browser, is it possible to force the storage to be copied to a persistent area on my phone and then load it when opening the browser and the cart again?

Maybe a Chrome extension (does Android support that?) could do the work?

I'm not an expert in IT so I have no idea how Android manages session Storage on its browser or if it's even possible to hook a script that reads, copies, then inserts the data again when needed.

Another idea I had is if it would be possible to make an APK with a webviewer that could store the webview data on its own way, making it persistent, but again, I have no idea.

I would like to know if any of that is possible, and if so, please someone point me in the right direction, I'm willing to put effort on studying ways to do it and doing it myself, but I need a starting point.

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Cart #paddle_mario-0 | 2022-10-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my second game...
Pico8 is reallllly fun

Source code at Github:




This function allows the calculation of the distance between two points without squaring the numbers, greatly increasing the max distance before the number overflows.

function calc_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)
	local xdif=x1-x2
	local ydif=y1-y2

	local atan=atan2(xdif,ydif)

	local xdist=cos(atan)*xdif
	local ydist=sin(atan)*ydif

	return xdist+ydist

it is also quite fast, doing 5000 calculations per frame (which is way more than you will ever need) uses around 0.63 CPU



This is a work in progress.

Its a little app that allows the user to enter arrow locations on a digital archery target to help keep track of your score. My 11 year old son Dylan is just starting out in archery and we have been using a paper score card to keep track of his efforts to date.

However, we thought that this current method of recording scores was ripe for a little app that we could run on our phone in the field (others may be available in the app stores, not checked but we wanted to make our own!), not only to score, but to also keep track of the approx. location of all 36 arrows shot during a scoring round. This is something the "traditional" recording method doesn't offer, it just captures the score achieved, not the location of the arrows.

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Cart #gifuwifute-15 | 2022-10-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Simple Tactics
Miniature warfare, playable anywhere

This is a turn-based war game for 2-4 players where the goal is to rout the opponent's army, or capture their HQ. To do this you'll capture properties, produce new units and make good use of the terrain to strategically outmaneuver your foes!

This game features a total of 9 unique units and 8 different maps.

This is a 'hot seat' game - pass the controller to the next player when your turn is done!
Note: Controls can be viewed via the 'gamepad' button on the desktop web player.
D-Pad (Arrow Keys) - Navigate
O Button (Z) - Select / Confirm / Open Menu

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Cart #wizards_dungeon-0 | 2022-10-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Hi all.

Now that I'm understanding ZEP's new 2ndary Font handler, is there any easy way to determine the # of pixels across in a text statement like, "Example" would take ? Particularly for if the font is proportional.


made some drum submissions for the midilib project
so here we have:
Bass Drum 1 (10:36)
Closed Hi-Hat (10:42)
Pedal Hi-Hat (10:44)

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Cart #sprite2sfont-7 | 2022-10-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(v07 10-16-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #sprites2font


I've actually been working on this for some time now. I would like to acknowledge and give appreciation to @GPI for his initial offering which got me started:


Thanks !

So what you have here is a quite complete program to convert your spritesheet which takes into account every 8x8 sprite as a single character to encode to the custom font memory. Saved neatly as a single clipboard paste PRINT() string to do it all.

The final text sent to your clipboard looks a little like this: ?"⁶@56000008⁵⁸⁶\0\0¹\0\ ...

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Cart #jd_dice_wip-0 | 2022-10-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

So I've started working on this. It's still very early and I've only got some of the UI elements and the very beginnings of procedural generation in place but I think there's enough to make it worth sharing.


While moving around:

  • 🅾️ to switch to the ability selector. (Coloured boxed bottom-middle)

In ability selector:

  • 🅾️ to select highlighted item
  • ❎ to cancel

Choosing 'END TURN' pulls up a 'Dice Selector' menu which doesn't do anything yet.
Press either ❎ or 🅾️ to dismiss it.


  • Actual movement in the game will be tile based but I wanted people to be able to zoom around the big empty levels fairly quickly for now because it's not like there's much to see.
  • At the moment the levels are just a big loop of straight, boring grey hallways surrounded by blackness but eventually room will be able to expand into the available empty spaces, there will be locks, keys, enemies, puzzles, etc.
  • The mini-map may or may not be in the actual game but I wanted to give an overall idea of the shape of the generated levels.
  • The green square in-level is the level entrance and the red one the level exit. Nothing happens yet when you get to them.
  • The stats on the bottom left are hard-coded and don't do/mean anything yet.

I'm trying my hand at procedural generation using graph re-writing. There's a fairly straight-forward summary of the process here for anyone interested: https://www.boristhebrave.com/2021/04/02/graph-rewriting/

This version isn't actually using re-writing yet which is why all the interesting stuff is missing from the level. It's just a graph with a basic loop. I've got the system written and—I think—working as expected so next steps are to start testing some rules for slightly more interesting levels to shake out all the bugs and then take it from there. Oh yeah, and all the actual game mechanics. Those will probably help too.


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