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Ultimate Odyssey

Cart #uodyssey-7 | 2023-01-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Ultimate Odyssey is an adventure exploration game where you take on the role of a destined hero to rid the lands of a darkness falling over it. Creatures are getting vicious and attacking people. Pirates have taken over the waters. And there are even reports of the dead rising from their graves. Can you find the source of the deadly incursion and put a stop to it?

How to play

There are three main modes of play: interacting, traveling, and fighting.


When you interact with people, or have choices to make, you'll be presented with a dialogue box with options. Use the arrow keys to highlight and select the option you want and press the Z or X button to confirm.

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I was wondering if there was a way to handle a function thus:

function _init()

function showargs(p)
  for i in all(p) do

Results would be:


(Im doing this on my phone cause my wifi got blasted)

I have my game "Kikëo" Im working on and while I cant use the SAVE command to save the file cmd+s still works fine, but like I tried to do
"export kikeア👀o.wav" (thats what it shows up as.) and it just silently failed.
I checked with ls -a and it didn't save a wav but ya didnt spit a error, I have no idea or say how pico should handle names like this but like ya weird export inconsistancy?
thanks for reading this!

PS: Oh! should add it says "wrote 1 file" too but I havent been able to find it so I assume its lying.
on mac v0.2.4c


Palette Picker

Cart #palettepicker-1 | 2022-08-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I got tired of hand making palettes by messing with numbers in code, so I made this. It might be useful, so I thought I'd post it.

The top half is your palette; the bottom is colors to put into it.

left/right - move cursor
up/down - change cursor direction
O - select/deselect
X - switch the bottom between alt and regular palettes

Select a color slot in your palette, then select a color on the bottom to set the slot.
Alternatively, select another palette slot to switch them.

The pause menu has default palettes to chose from, as well as an option to export your palette to clipboard.


So with the launch of OpenFPGA on the Analogue Pocket, along with the development Analogue Pockets making the rounds. I'm curious to know what the chances of Pico-8 appearing on the Analogue Pocket?

I haven't got the foggiest about programming cores for FPGA, but from what I'm aware is that Pico-8 is mainly a piece of software that sits on top of an existing system, this makes me wonder what kind of core would need to be made to make Pico-8 work on an FPGA chip, be it either the Analogue Pocket or even the MiSTer. I would love to have all my GameBoy games and Pico-8 games on my Analogue pocket when I receive mine later this year.




There's been a lot of drama recently surrounding PICO-8 games being turned into NFTs and then being sold on the GameStop NFT market...all without permission from the creators. One of my games got caught up in the mix and it's a shitty scenario across the board.

Ars Technica published a feature this morning highlighting the whole ordeal. It's a good overview of the drama with interviews from @zep and other creators that had their games hijacked. Worth a read for everyone that makes games here and something to keep an eye out for in the future.


Zep has been working hard deal with a lot of it and helping to get them off the GameStop market. Huge thanks to him for all his effort on this situation. It's not fun for anyone but he's certainly taken a lead role.

I've helped out where I could in regards to dealing with this problem but I chose not to get too involved otherwise. It's shitty that someone took my work and cashed in on it, but at the end of the day it's not taking any bread off of my table. I'm not going after legal action or anything that hardcore so I'm squarely on the "it's the principle of the thing" side of the coin.

This is not a thing and it will continue to be a thing, I'm guessing. Someone has proven you can turn our games into NFTs and cash in. Expect more and keep your eyes out.


-- STORY --
You've found yourself on a strange, brooding planet after crashing your space ship. There's nothing to do except to look for another ship you can use to find your way back home... Better get exploring!

I made this little itty bitty game based off of Dylan Bennett's "PICO-8 Top-Down Adventure Game Tutorial" series as a way to get in to Pico-8 programming and also as a little creative exercise.

I'm quite happy with how the visuals turned out, as well as some other things like the custom tiles and the randomized nonsense from the red NPCs.

Cart #jizerewafo-3 | 2022-08-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #castleste-0 | 2022-08-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Castleste: A mod of Celeste Classic in which your legs are broken. You can't walk left or right, but the magic energy of the mountain still allows you to dash and jump. All levels and berries are possible; have fun! :)

(also sorry for the lazy logo change)


Weird bug with thread

It shows Doubleshotgun as replying a few minutes ago, when they actually replied a week ago. I'm fairly certain this was triggered when I edited my post and added another version of my cart to it.

So basically:

  1. make a post
  2. someone comments
  3. edit the post
  4. thread says they replied at the timestamp when you edited post
1 comment

Cart #sorter-7 | 2022-08-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is just a little tool I've been needing recently. I know there are websites for it but I was having trouble finding them so I thought, hey, I can make this myself and have some fun in PICO8 at the same time.

Go to new list to create a list of items. Go to lists to see all current lists (there is an example list included). From there you have the option to view, sort, edit (add and delete items), or delete a list.

In sort, you are given two random items from the list and are asked to choose your favourite. This continues until all the items have been ranked. You can then view the list in this new order.

The only thing I would have liked to add is the ability to have lists persist between runs. I haven't been able to find how to save a table of tables of strings, or if it's even possible. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know, I would love to add that feature, but if not it's fine as-is.

Let me know if you find any bugs please.


Decided to rename the project and call it like that. I also made the two vertical borders a bit bouncier and added a slowing down systhem.

The number above is PL.DX. It reduces a bit in case the ship becomes way too hard to slow down when you are going too fast.

Cart #bouncy-0 | 2022-08-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #bfwutese-0 | 2022-08-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

EDIT: Changed game title and removed some frustrating spikes.


Cart #picogui_demo-1 | 2022-08-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #picogui_ball_demo-1 | 2022-08-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Updated Release 1.1 (No longer being updated)

Pico-GUI is an object based ui library useful for debugging games or creating development tools. This was made in just one day, and there may be some bugs or important missing features.

Currently the system is at 891 tokens. I'm not the best at crunching down token counts, so if someone manages to save more tokens, let me know and I'll probably update the main post with that version

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Shmup in one hour

I randomly decided to challenge myself to make a shmup in a single hour. I wrote every bit of code (ie no copying someone else's), and made every sprite and sound in this timeframe. The one hour version wasn't very polished and was fairly buggy so I also did a version in 2 hours that's a good deal better.

Shmup 60

Cart #shmup60-0 | 2022-08-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Shmup 120

Cart #shmup120-0 | 2022-08-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


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yet another remix, enjoy as always!


Hello, this is my first post here! I've known about PICO-8 and have been around the community for years now, but I finally decided to try learning how to make stuff in it around two months ago.

I got the idea for this cart a couple days ago and could not stop thinking about it, so I started on it yesterday morning and ended up doing it all in one sitting. The idea was to rearrange the screen palette into a gradient (including some colours from the secret palette) and then make draw functions that use pget() and pset() to increase (or decrease) the brightness of pixels when drawing lines and shapes (besides the trail). Basically additive (or subtractive) blending. I knew doing pget() and pset() on so many pixels would be really slow though, so for the noise and gradient across the entire screen, I decided to try doing that directly to the screen memory, using $/peek4() and poke4() to add bits. It had to be in 32-bit chunks, peek/poke 2 or 1 would make it drop below 30fps (maybe possible with better optimization, idk). I think the 8 pixel wide chunks made it look more interesting in the end though!

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Okay, so after realizing that c0-e5 was 65 total notes, I did a little digging into this. The sfx format specifies that pitch is a number from 0-63, so why does e5 work when you press [p] in the editor, while octave 4 is selected? The sound is higher than d#5, too.

First, let's try some p8scii. In the console, print("\a0szd#5e5") cstore(0x3200,0x3200,68) both plays a constant d#5d#5, and stores that in sfx 0. Then go to the sfx editor and select octave 4, and change it to d#5e5 via pressing [p], and press space to play back. Two different notes!

Now, go back to the console and do sfx(0). This gets the very weird behavior of d#5c1, almost like a default, but not the same default that \a has.

Then, go back to the editor and add a c1 directly below the e5, and press space for playback. Three notes. Then go back to the console and run sfx(0) again. This time you get a weird fading blend between the two c1 notes, almost like pico-8 sees them as two separate pitch values internally.

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Cart #wagehepida-0 | 2022-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #worldunder-11 | 2024-06-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The World Under

a game by Mikimation aka Miki Hakim


Left\Right - Walk
Up - Interact
Down - Defend
Z - Attack
X - Jump
Down + X - Roll Dodge

Dev notes

I am an animator by profession. I've had a big project this year in After Effects that made me required me to learn some programming. Around that time I discovered Pico 8 and fell in love with the platform and a lot of the games made by the community. I decided I want to fulfill a dream I've had for 20 years now and make a game, like the games I used to grow up on in the 90s.
I've started doing some tutorials, and what started as a small project developed into making a full-on game.
I have learned a lot through the process. With each mechanic I wanted to put on the game I needed to learn more about programming in Lua and math.

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Cart #turtle_tailgate_test-1 | 2022-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Arrows to move, Z to confirm, Enter for menu.

How to play!

Don't crash into turtles and avoid starfish and sea urchins!

Collect hearts for extra lives!

To score points, stay behind turtles for as long as you can, but don't forget to dodge them at the last moment!

The score multiplier decreases if you are too far away from the next turtle. Keep the multiplier high to score more points!

Are you fast enough to keep up?

Tips and Tricks

You don't need to hold the arrow keys. Just tap the direction of the lane you want to switch to and you'll be moved there automatically.

If your fingers are fast enough, it is possible to stay in the space between lanes for a short while. That will help you avoid seemingly impossible obstacles:

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