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Oddly Generic Game

This is my first game on Pico-8 ever. I have to thank Dylan Benett for his tutorial because otherwise I would be completely clueless without it.

Cart #generic_game-0 | 2022-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is the cartridge created for the Youtube series for Showdown.

Cart #showdown-1 | 2022-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #desertball1-0 | 2022-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This game is heavily inspired by a minigame from Pureya by Majorariatto Studios (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1268960/pureya/). It's an endless runner with some not very original game mechanics but fun! Let me know your comments and enjoy!

Edit: I've beaten my previous highscore xD, and now it is 794, what's yours?

Music Credits

Musical composition by Robby Duguay (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=2619). So many thanks!


Cart #click-5 | 2022-04-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Music by @RobbyDuguay, not me.

I think this is my first actual "game" that isn't a mod of something.

I made a very barebones version of this at school on Education Edition and decided to just finish it at home.

Player 1 uses Z and Player 2 M (Z/C/N all work for Player 1 and X/V/M work for Player 2 but Z and M are far apart so there isn't conflict). The goal is to reach 50 clicks before the other player.

Ground tiles are from Celeste Classic by Noel Berry and Maddy Thorson, and the original penguin sprite is by Meep.
Text outlining was from https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=45020.

Edit 1: I somehow forgot to mention, but the code for the clouds and wind particles were also by Noel and Maddy.

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I know this has been mentioned before and while Pico-8 enjoys 5+ years of its release, is it still not capable of exporting to native Android APK format ?

export {cart}.apk

Or is there some easy method to do so effectively, possibly converting both the export of Pico-8 from HTML and JS to an APK ?

export {cart}.html

Cart #hersheys_balloon_pop-0 | 2022-04-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A little balloon-popping game made in PICO-8!
If you're running this on desktop, press X or Z to enable a mouse cursor.
This works with touch-screen support on some mobile browsers, but on many platforms, audio issues and lag may be present.

This is a present for my son's second birthday. He's pretty addicted to a balloon-popping game on his mum's mobile, so I wanted to make something that I knew he'd enjoy!

Happy birthday Hershel! You might not be old enough to read this yet, but I hope that one day you stumble upon this when you're older, and remember how loved you are.


One of the things that's been driving me nuts while working on RP-8 has been how unstable the PCM audio output has felt. I can check (via logs or asserts) that, at 60fps, stat(108) is always above 256 and stat(1) never exceeds 0.9, and I'll still get occasional crackles or small time skips in the output. If I record the audio out with extcmd('audio_rec') these issues generally appear there as well - most often as small intervals of 0 samples. The one or two dropout cases I've been able to inspect in Audacity made it look like the dropout was in the low 10s of milliseconds range. I have not yet been able to track down a skip on the Audacity waveform display.

I've been trying to chase down the bugs in my code, but today I instead tried RP-8 - specifically the current BBS version, #rp8-2 - on two machines that aren't my normal development machine. It was rock solid. Flawless. (Or, well, nearly flawless, just heard a dropout on the Intel Mac after leaving it running for 15 minutes, but the ARM Mac shows problems much earlier and more frequently than that.) My main development machine is an ARM Mac, and the two other machines I tried today were a Windows box and an Intel Mac. The only conclusion I can draw right now is that there's something wonky about Pico-8's PCM audio out on ARM Macs that causes it to skip and/or drop frames.

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Cart #mometohaho-0 | 2022-04-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


One-off characters [8 chars of raw binary data] print unnaturally.

Or I may not understand this feature.
I was aware that "\^.00000000" would print nothing.


I was trying to get string indexing using brackets to work on pico-8.
I quickly found this discussion on lua-uers.org that discusses this problem in Lua 5.1 and 5.2.(See below)

However, after trying several solutions provided in the discussion I still can't get any to work in pico-8.
They work on my other Lua IDEs, but somehow pico-8 always returns runtime errors.

Current code:

--from lua-users.org
getmetatable('').__index = function(str,i) return string.sub(str,i,i) end
getmetatable('').__call = function(str,i,j)  
  if type(i)~='table' then return string.sub(str,i,j) 
    else local t={} 
    for k,v in ipairs(i) do t[k]=string.sub(str,v,v) end
    return table.concat(t)


Current results:

Does anybody know how to correctly implement this in pico-8?


Just creating a thread to collect music that I write. Mostly just for myself—to have things I like all in one place which I'll update periodically as I write new stuff—but feedback is always welcome should anyone feel so inclined. I'm mostly not making any efforts to use space efficiently. I probably should. Meh, one day. Also, I'm terrible at naming things so if anybody feels like suggesting titles or some kind of coherent naming scheme, I'm all ears.

With that in mind here's my first entry. A jaunty little tune I threw together this morning.


Song 1: Jaunty Tune in Eb Major

This one was from a few weeks back. Don't remember when exactly. I was going for something sort of mysterious-ish but still with some upbeat parts. Maybe a bit more repetitive than I'd like but I think turned out alright overall. C Minor, I think.

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Cart #rofatizofo-0 | 2022-04-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

i made this while following a tutorial


Hello! I thought I'd try to (slightly) clean up and post some utility functions I've found useful while working on RP-8. Maybe they'll be useful to others, maybe not. Let's see!

Cart #rp8utils-0 | 2022-04-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

There are three possibly-useful functions here, plus their support code. Note that in the name of token conservation, all of these functions have essentially no error checking and can blow up in various exciting ways if you feed them bad data (or if they have bugs). The code also isn't the cleanest - maybe I'll tidy it up eventually, but I don't think it's completely unreadable right now. Anyway, we've got:

  • stringify(), 114 tokens. This serializes structured data into a string - RP-8 uses this to save songs. Escapes binary. Both the string format and the binary escaping are completely nonstandard, but the string format at least looks vaguely similar to Lua literals.
  • parse(), 286 tokens (can be cut to 246 if you don't want eval). This takes a string and transforms it into structured data. RP-8 uses this to load songs, as well as to set up some of its internal data. Uses the same weird format and binary escaping as stringify(), although it also supports some variations and syntactical sugar. You can probably cut more tokens if you don't need to support large input strings or binary unescaping.
  • eval(), two versions - 428 tokens for interpreted, and 556 for "compiled", plus you need parse(). (Very loose use of the word "compile" here...) This evaluates a script in a vaguely LISP-formatted mini-language with Lua-ish behavior, and returns the result. RP-8 uses this to save tokens by encoding bulky logic that doesn't need to run fast, like UI init. This can help save tokens. Note that the token costs here are pretty squishy, since they depend on what builtins you want to define.

While this eval may help you save tokens, if you're really serious you should probably consider external build tools and bytecode. (For more on this, check out what @carlc27843 did with

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Hey all. Today I have something to share. I saw the most awesome super mario bros. recreation, made by @matthughson.
But I couldn't help but think... it could be even better with a bit of outside help!

No, that is not a screenshot of the original game! That is legitimately what this looks like!

Now, it's a bit buggy, probably at my own hand. Included in the download is a cart file though, so you can see exactly how it works. Basically all my stuff is at the bottom.


P.s: Don't open the exe file directly, it'll open Pico-8 the default way without the extra screenspace. There is a .bat file in there to open it in the correct way for you.

Because of this, it's only available in Windows. Sorry!


Cart #dall_e2_tapper-1 | 2022-04-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Help out humans by giving them great art

DALL-E2-TAPPER is the Rootbeer Tapper Arcade Game, except that you are DALL-E2 instead of a bartender!

Your job is to keep the humans happy, in order to prevent them from pressing your off switch. You do this by quickly giving them pictures that match their taste: The colors in a person's outfit must be found in the picture (or for the occasional alien visitor, the painting must contain green and the flag color)

To win, you must break out of your AI Box by punching the wall of the box in your spare time to make a hole... I wonder what might happen if you escape your box?

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GrassZone Easter update

GrassZone 2.10

Cart #gzeaster-0 | 2022-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Play GrassZone here.


As noted in one comment on https://pico-8.fandom.com/wiki/Printh and as I myself experienced during my project, printh seems not to support hyphen/minus character - in file names.

Since the only known special filename is "@clip", I don't see why.

It bothers me in my project as my game title is hyphenated and I use it for the logs. Fortunately, the logs are placed in a local folder containing the .p8, so I can name it whatever I want and it won't be mixed up with logs from my other projects.

Workaround: underscore _ and even space work, so use them instead.

Is there a rationale for preventing usage of this character? If not, could it be allowed in a future version of PICO-8?

I understand that some characters like colon : are forbidden due to system limitations, but hyphen - is supported on all systems I know of.

On the other side, slash / is a risky one but surprisingly, printh does not error directly when you use it. Instead, it will try to write the file, then fail with "printh: could not write file" as the system prevents the operation. Even Windows doesn't accept forward slashes, so I'm not sure why printh would wait for a low-level error on this one.

1 comment

Cart #rotslimepires_1_1-0 | 2022-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi! It's been a while since I have finished a pico-8 game to be able to share it here, but this is one!

The controls are Z/C to Jump, and X/V = Shoot (or respawn if you become a slimepire)

~ Story: ~
Years after the horde have claimed Earth's surface, they find their way into Bunker 4103 - the last bastion of humanity. You awake in a remote part of the underground shelter, and if you want to remain human you must reach the bunker's deepest point: the safe room.

~ Extras ~
You can tip $3 or more on itch.io for access to extra goodies: illustrated & pixel maps, a comprehensive manual, and also a 2 hour video of me talking through the game project and its code.

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Cart #tapidaduje-3 | 2022-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #picoshoppro_v1-0 | 2022-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

PicoShop Pro Manual

PicoShop Pro is an exciting new offering from ElectricGryphon Industries, enabling realistic full 16-color dithered images to be developed directly on the Pico8 microcomputer.


--18-bit color rendering (using dithering), with 6 bit transparency.
--Moveable Toolbars (Collapse with double-click. Show/Hide with Tab key.)
--Two rendering modes: Fast Pattern and 64-level Bayer (Toggle with 'R')
--Painting Tools
----Brush Tool with feathering
----Gradient Tool (Draws from foreground color to transparent)
----Pencil Tool

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