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Hey there,

In the 0.2.2 release, zep made a small tool for creating custom fonts:

I'd like to just slightly modify the Original-Font that provides PICO-8 by itself. I thought I could find an easy way to implement the Original-Font into the Spritesheet... But it seems there's no easy way to do so? And nobody did this before? So I decided to modify the Spritesheet, include the Original-Chars with it.

It SHOULD be the Original-Chars; if you find an error (misplaced Pixel or something like that), feel free to tell me so I can fix this :) .


While running PICO-8, type

import #font_orig

to load the newest Version of the Cartridge.

Cart #font_orig-2 | 2021-07-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

EDIT: Of course, feel free to use it as you like^^.

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Cart #sorcerer_v_bugs-2 | 2021-07-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Controller recommended

You are a SORCERER. There are a bunch of enormous BUGS(?) in the SKY. You should probably SHOOT at these SKY-BUGS, i GUESS

A simple little arcade game made over a couple days. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!


  • Directional Keys - Move
  • (X)/ X - Shoot (tap to shoot a fireball, hold to charge up a triple shot)
  • (O)/ Z / C - Strafe


  • Triple shots pierce enemies
  • You move slower when charging a triple shot
  • As you progress through each wave, the subsequent waves get harder and harder
  • Be careful around the edges of the screen!

Update 1.1: Added 60FPS support! Might be a little laggy on some devices, check below if you'd rather play the 30 FPS version.

Previous versions:

1.0.1: Fixed a bug where hitting an enemy with multiple fireballs gave you more than 1 point
Cart #sorcerer_v_bugs-1 | 2021-07-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1.0.0 - Initial Release

Cart #sorcerer_v_bugs-0 | 2021-07-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I'm working on a game which requires some fire. I looked at some examples of doom fire but while it looks really good the technique was often very cpu expensive and didn't really work how i wanted it to. I decided to use the ECS i am using for the rest of the game ( my edited version of Jess Telford's PECS https://github.com/josiebb/pecs) to come up with something close enough but cheaper. This is what i came up with.

Cart #pofejogeto-1 | 2021-07-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Still working on making it resizeable and positionable, bc I want to use it more than just in the menu of my game. Also a lot of general use code in here that is intended to be used with the rest of the project.


For fun, I recently prototyped a little 'PICO-8 micro-console' (compact enclosure with a Raspberry Pi and square display that boots directly into SPLORE):

It's certainly less practical than commercial off-the-shelf handhelds that support PICO-8 -- it has no battery or keypad (you pair a bluetooth controller to it), but practical wasn't really the goal-- I wanted to build something designed around a high-quality square display.

For scale:

Internals being tested (Pi Zero W, Pimoroni Hyperpixel 720x720 screen (used pixel-perfect with 5x5 pixels and a minimal 40px black border), USB DAC -> speaker, etc):

I plan to make a smoother white enclosure, this was just a 3D printed first pass with a lot of hand-filing to get everything to fit and figure out hardware. Maybe some day I'll make an extended-case version with a custom PCB to add battery / charging / integrated buttons... but it's nice to call a prototype "done enough to use and share".

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Cart #picophrasegame-0 | 2021-07-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A recreation of the popular "Catch-Phrase" game!


You try to explain words without saying them, once the other player gets the word correctly, you press the "Correct Word" button, which will change the controls to the other player's controls and the other player will repeat what you did, but with a different word.


Switch Words

Press 🅾 or Z to switch the current word to a random one from a table.

Correct Word

Press ❎ or X to confirm a word, and lend the controls to the next player.


@Noba (helping with table optimization)


For a color exercise, I did a couple of sketches using pico 8's full 32 color palette. It's not always easy to figure out when to use dithering and when to choose another color. Anyway, if nothing else, this might inspire some folks for their in game graphics. A sun set in a southwester US kinda thing and a more 'rocky mountain' scene during the day.

Neither of these are finished, they're just sketches, mostly working with color combinations.

1 comment

Run this simple (and dubious) code:

function _update60()

It then show this error:

runtime error line 2 tab 6
< eof >
attempt to call global '_update60' (a nil value)
at line 0 (tab 0)

Go back to code editor: 5 empty tabs have been added.
While the code above may be questionnable (dont ask ;p) it shouldn't create empty tabs. It also seems it shouldn't push any error as there's no pb running the same code with _update in place of _update60.


Cart #gowasapuzo-0 | 2021-07-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Sirtet is an inverse tetris game. You control a cursor that has to carve shapes from a queue from ever increasing lines from bottom. If any block reaches top, it is game over. If any block is not connected to the bottom of the screen, they will fly up and fill up a meter (while giving you negative points and ruining your combo). If meter is full, new line will be added at the bottom.

Game has three control modes and saveable hiscore! Have fun!


Cart #jumpingjerk-1 | 2021-07-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi all!
Here is my new PICO-8 program, it's a little game based on ZX Spectrum's Jumping Jack mechanics.
Hope you like it.
Best regards.


Cart #pokemon_bouncer-0 | 2021-07-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is the first game that my talented 5 year old daughter made, I've helped her with the code, but she made the sprites and sounds by herself.


Cart #catacombae-0 | 2021-07-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

"For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones..."

I descend, examining the catacombs by the light of a lantern.


Cart #rgb_wg-0 | 2021-07-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Decided to make a little 64x64 RGB display. 64 colours in total, which means 64x64x64. Neat.
Anyways, yeah. I've messed around a bit, and found some interesting colours. This probably won't be used at all, but it was fun to make, and I'm proud of it.


Cart #pavilion_picolake_1-0 | 2021-07-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi everyone,

Pico Lake is a small Walk & Click adventure game in a single PICO-8 cart.


  • Walk around using the arrow keys / d-pad.
  • Press z for an action menu. Select a verb to see available items you can interact with. Note that these options depend on your current position, actions performed and inventory.
  • You can save and restore your progress in the pause menu (press Enter)


Thanks @zep for creating such a wonderful digital environment! Shoutouts to the PICO-8 community for all the helpful tutorials and inspirational work. Hi to all the nice Point & Click Devlog discord people. Special thanks to Adam Bradley and Charles DeCarlo for their help and "Jimmy" for coining the term "Walk & Click".

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B.O.D.A. — Send the Plant Home

Play the game at itch.io

In the distant future, desperate humans watched the unmanned spaceship lift-off, carrying hundreds of small robots to an unknown galaxy. There is only one purpose of the journey: to bring back what humans already lost in tens of decades - the plant. The mission takes 3,240 years to accomplished. When the spaceship is making its way home, it met the terrible meteoric shower, which put the whole mission stuck in despair...

B.O.D.A. is a fascinating puzzle game that is presented with 30 handcrafted levels, The game title B.O.D.A. is named after the little robot - Botanical Observation and Delivery Android. Your job is to guide the little tiny robot to complete its mission: re-activate the hyper engine of the stranded spaceship to send the plant home. The plant is the only hope to save the Earth's ecology.

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Cart #teamada-0 | 2021-07-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Our first try with pico-8!
Work in progress


Hey, all!

I live out in Seattle, and I think there are probably at least a few of us in or near that area. If there are enough people interested, I'd love to start putting together a group to meet up as the city reopens post-pandemic. I don't think it would take too much to run a monthly meetup, especially in a city like Seattle, and we could run tutorials / show and tells / demo sessions / collabs / local events if we got enough interest.

So who's interested? :D


I was fiddling around with the printable sfx when I discovered the f character affected the sound playing, so I decided to make this list:

-- Filters --
n: Noise filter (Noiz)
b: Buzz
d1: Detune 1
d2: Detune 2
r1: Reverb 1
r2: Reverb 2
-- Characters --
1: n
2: b
3: n b
4: d1
5: n d1
6: b d1
7: n b d1
8: d2
9: n d2
0: [none]
Q: b r2
W: d2 r2
E: b r1
R: n b r1
T: n d1 r1
Y: b d2 r1
U: b r1
I: d1 r1
O: r2
P: r2
A: b d2
S: r1
D: n r1
F: n b r1
G: d1 r1
H: n d1 r1
J: n b d1 r1
K: d2 r1
L: n d2 r1
Z: n b d2 r1
X: n d2 r2
C: r1
V: n b r2
B: n b d2
N: n b d2 r2
M: b d2 r2
-- Example --

As of my knowledge, this is not yet discovered or documented, so I'm going to document this discovery.
For more info on P8SCII and printable sounds, go to the manual (https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico8_manual.txt) or this informational website (https://iiviigames.github.io/pico8-api/)


Cart #jaburazaga-0 | 2021-07-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The world needs more metablobs. 'Nuff said.


One thing I've noticed a WHOLE lot of in pico8 games is screen shake and extreme overabundance of particle effects.

I think these are both useful in providing presentation flourishes and I love them both but, especially with screenshake, some designers seem to want to 'flex' their knowledge of special effects without thinking about the actual point of the effect itself.

I will not pull up any specific examples so as not to offend any one in public or make them feel bad. What I will offer is some advice, and this advice is very generalized, but is a good principle with any kind of creative endeavor. I know some people are thinking at this point I'm going to say 'less is more', but instead, what I want to say is 'consider dynamics'.

So what I mean by this is the peaks and valleys of your presentation, your art, your game, your sound, anything. The idea is that without the quiet, there's no such thing as loud. Without the still, there's no such thing as the movement. Without the weak, there is no such thing as the strong, etc. The idea is that when presenting your game that uses a screen shake, for instance, if literally ever tiny explosion causes a screen shake, then when a boss blows up and it also screen shakes, it's impact has been lessened by the fact every other little explosion causes the screen to shake. If every little tiny flame has a ton of particle effects on it, then when there's a need to dip into particles for a huge explosion with smoke and all that, then it will just look like yet another flame in your game.

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Cart #this_is_vacation-1 | 2021-07-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Prepare for vacation!

Start your vacation with a relaxing platformer

Have fun!

/ Sebastian Lind


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