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Alright everyone, this is the moment you've waited for: the release of Celeste 2-1!

This mod for Celeste Classic 2 replaces Lani's grappling hook with Madeline's dash from Celeste Classic 1. I put a lot of work into this one to make the dash fun and work well. Thanks to the Celeste Classic Discord for the support and thanks to Shadet for the name idea!


  • Removed grappling hook and carrying functionality
  • Replaced grapple points with dash gems (art is a poor recreation of Celeste's gems)
  • Added multi-directional dashing from Celeste Classic 1
  • Collecting a berry or dash gem, or landing on the ground, a snowball, or a spring replenishes your dash
  • At level 7 you receive the double dash (sorry gem-skippers, although there technically is no gem...)
  • Lani's scarf will change colors to show how many dashes you can use

Cart #celeste2minus1-2 | 2021-05-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #tracking_dog-1 | 2021-05-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Game I started in January of 2021, but never initially completed until May.

Objective: Complete the levels by getting to the doghouse and collect the bones.


  • You can push shoes, carts and chainsaws. All of these fill up holes, but the chainsaw can chop down trees and the carts can only move in one direction.
  • Once a hole if filled up, you can walk and push stuff over it.
  • The blue buttons are used to open and close the bridges. The red buttons are used to open and close the fences.
  • The cats will attack you if you stand next to them, and the dogs will attack you if you stand in the same row or column as them.
  • You can push stuff in the water (USE THIS), but you die when you walk into the water yourself.

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Switch Block Dungeon Mega Thread

This project is finished, check out the Itch.io page for a more complete game page (https://mitch-match.itch.io/switch-block-dungeon)

Welcome to my Pico-8 platformer project. This thread will contain any updates and dev logs so check back here every now and then for news. If you have any questions or concerns leave them in the comments and I'll get to them eventually.

For inputs and controls use the arrow keys for pc or the D pad for mobile devices. All the other buttons change from version to version but this should work for most updates.


  • Move: S,D,E,f or Arrow Keys
  • Jump: Z,N,C
  • Switch: X,M,V
  • Enter: Menu

Update V1.0

V1.0 Is finally here! And the biggest improvement of all is the new consistent 60 fps in all rooms. For as long as this game has been in development it has had performance issues, luckily it was a simple code fix. There are lots of small details but nothing super notable, some aspects have been removed from 0.8 to accommodate for the code constraints but the I think the game didn't loose anything important. Overall this has been such a fun and rewarding experience and I wouldnt trade it for anything. Thanks to everone who tested this and gave feedback and a special thanks to @Gruber for letting me use his music. Thanks for playing! - Mitch Match

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Here's a mod I made for Celeste 2 to test out a what the game is like without any grappling. I plan to use it as a basis for a mod of Celeste 2 with Celeste Classic's dash mechanic, but for now, enjoy!

(Fixed berries not showing)

Cart #celeste2_jetpack-1 | 2021-05-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

All credit for the original game goes to Noel, Maddy, and Lena https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celeste-classic-2


Cart #puzzlefoxv0002-0 | 2021-05-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #puzzlefoxv0001_1-0 | 2021-05-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #puzzlefoxv0001-0 | 2021-05-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

My first time trying to make a song in any program somewhat seriously. Did this in a I think 2~3 hrs.

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1 comment

Cart #monclo-5 | 2021-05-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi! This is my first PICO-8 game. In monclo, an adventure game with light platforming, you can pick up and throw anything. Picking up enemies allows you to redirect their attacks for your own purposes. Explore the area, solve puzzles, and escape!

🅾️ : pick up/throw (you can only pick up monsters from behind, unless they’ve been frozen!)
❎ : jump
mash 🅾️ or ❎ : free yourself from ice
arrow keys: move

Feedback is very appreciated! Thanks for checking it out! :)


Cart #luftballons-2 | 2021-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


SFX instruments that have no loop set (i.e. both loop parameters are set to 0) still loop when used in a pattern.

Also, if effect 3 is used at the point where the SFX instrument should be finishing, it won't retrigger the note until the following beat. If you have a long string of notes with effect 3 it won't trigger the note until the beat after the last note with effect 3 on it.

Here's a sample cart with SFX to demonstrate the issue. It doesn't have any code so you'll have to open it the editor.

Cart #sfxloopbug-0 | 2021-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

1 comment

I want to do something like this:

function make_object_from_flag(x, y, flag)
 local flag_obj = {
    [1] = make_impassable_object(x, y),
    [2] = make_coin(x,y),
    [4] = make_screen_transition_object(x, y),


But for some reason it keeps saying flag_obj[flag] is a syntax error: syntax error line 119 (tab 0) flag_obj[flag] syntax error near 'end' attempt to call a string value

Oddly enough, if I comment out flag_obj[flag] but leave the flag_obj table uncommented, it says I run out of memory despite only having a few hundred lines of code

here's the entire code snippet if you need more context:

function define_map_objects(mapw, maph)
--Iterates through every sprite on the map and makes it an object specified on its flag
	for i=0,mapw do
		for j = 0,maph do
			local cell = mget(i,j)
			make_object_from_flag(i*8, j*8, fget(cell))

function make_object_from_flag(x, y, flag)
	local flag_obj = {
		[1] = make_impassable_object(x, y),
		[2] = make_coin(x,y),
		[4] = make_screen_transition_object(x, y),


Hey @zep,

I've been messing around with software synth via the PCM trick and I feel like there's sort of a fundamental problem that's detracting a lot from the quality of what comes out the back end, needlessly so, not to mention making it uncomfortable to the listener's ear.

As far as I can tell, you're feeding the 5512.5Hz signal into the audio version of a "nearest neighbor" sampler to upsample it to the host OS' audio hardware sample rate, which is typically gonna be either 44100Hz or 48000Hz. That means repeating the sample values as many times as necessary to fill the gaps. In this case it'd repeat the same value around 8 times. This of course produces stairsteps on the 44100Hz+ "curve".

The issue with that is that modern audio hardware has really good fidelity and it's going to reproduce those sharp stairsteps very faithfully, effectively overlaying a constant 5512.5Hz triangle wave on the original wave that pulsates its amplitude based on how big the deltas between samples are in the original wave.

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Cart #gunayawuho-3 | 2022-01-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Press 'x' to raise/lower the lockpick, and press 'c' to stop a pin from moving.
After you get all pins stuck in the correct positions, you will be greeted by
a victory screen.

To restart the game press 'x'. At the top is your time and number of picked locks.
You can write me your feelings about this game if you like.



A cart a bit different than the usual coming from me. I recently discovered about the hidden PCM channel and I just had to play with.

So I'm experimenting with both sample playback and PSG (Programmable Sound Generators) to both learn and see if we can make the most of the PCM channel and -why not- in the distant future, have a 5-channel tracker?

So here, we've got one cart that shows smooth playback of various samples and at the end a sawtooth PSG.

Cart #eyn_smplsndbx-0 | 2021-05-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

To generate the samples, I use two steps:

  • A pass through SoX to convert a sample into unsigned 8bit 5512Hz raw file (-e unsigned-integer -r 5512 -b 8).
  • A quick use of a Python script to convert the sample into a pastable string (I suggest you to convert it into chars once inside Pico-8). I'm sorry I can't post the snippet here yet, it somehow breaks the BBS' upload process.

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Cart #bomomesaka-0 | 2021-05-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

  • How to have sprites pushing other sprites
  • How to handle multiple sprites and attach functions to them
  • How to use the tilemap to know where to create sprites instead of hard-coding
  • Detect if two rectangles are overlapping and the side on which the collision took place

NOTE: collision handling is not optimized at all (both sprites check all the other sprites)


Hey there! This is Verticaleste, a mod of Celeste Classic 2 that changes the grappling hook mechanic to only be able to go up or down. It is quite challenging, so good luck!

Changes (2.0!):

  • Grappling hook only works vertically
  • You can only pick up an item if you are in the air
  • Crumble blocks will break when you push against them
  • Grapple cooldown lowered from 6 to 5 to make the end of level 1 possible
  • Added crumble block to the end of level 2 to make it easier
  • Added crumble blocks and springs to level 3 to make it possible
  • Title screen???


  • All credit for the original game goes to Noel, Maddy, and Lena https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celeste-classic-2
  • Mod by Calverin
  • Thanks to RubyRed for testing and title screen trick
  • Thanks to Taco360 for testing
  • Thanks to the Celeste Classic Discord for all of the support!

Cart #verticaleste2-4 | 2021-05-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Is there any way to do the following?

t = {
  "key 1" = "foofoo",
  "key 2" = "barbar"

We can't use quoted keys when defining a table, but we can use them when adding elements.

t = {}
t["key 1"] = "foofoo"
t["key 2"] = "barbar"

Is this "just how things are?" because it would really be beneficial to be able to do it all inline and build out a complex table structure without having to isolate out special cases and insert them as a separate sequence of setter calls.

(the example above uses spaces in the key intentionally, where it might be a substring paired with its substitution or maybe I just want to make it very clear in the definition that some of the keys represent specific words, like vocabulary words; don't get me wrong, I know lots of workarounds, but sometimes the workarounds are a drag, especially when it looks like we're so close to just having a simple way of doing things)

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Cart #picobike-0 | 2021-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

any ideas or comments for improving the speed sensation?


Cart #canyonmarket-0 | 2021-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Probably the last update for a minute while I wrap up my finals this semester.



Cart #barrels2-0 | 2021-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's a visual mod of Celeste 2 I made yesterday. The barrel is also a little bit faster than Lani, but besides that, not much is different for Barri.

All credit for the original game goes to Noel, Maddy, and Lena https://mattmakesgames.itch.io/celeste-classic-2


Cart #oh_high-0 | 2021-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Oh High! is an endless-climber were you trying to climb as high as you can.
To make it both accessible and tricky you only control the bird with one button.

Good luck!



Take a step: Z / X


Take a step: A / Y / B / X

Hold button for standing still.
Standing still will replenish stamina!


Sebastian Lind
Follow me on Twitter


Cart #gasefabufe-1 | 2021-05-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's a quick and dirty cart that will merge 2 PNGs into 1.
Assumptions: Use black, white, with Pink for transparent.
Drag first image onto cart.
Drag second image onto cart.
Output is saved in the sprite sheet.

This will only work on desktop pico8.





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