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Cart #mine_sweeper-0 | 2020-11-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to play:

arrow keys to move cursor
X to open cell
O to place a flag

You need to open all cells which don't contain bombs.
Number of bombs around a cell equals numeric label of that cell (e.g. cell with number 1 has one bomb hidden in adjacent cells).
Place a flag to mark a cell which you think contains a bomb.


I really wish you could use the alternate colors (the ones shown in this video: https://youtu.be/AsVzk6kCAJY) in the sprite editor, because one of the colors is perfect for a sprite I need, and none of the other base colors do it for me. It would be nice if you could hold down a key combo and the colors would change to the alternate ones.
Edit: And yes, I understand that you can only have 16 colors on screen at a time. But it would be nice if you could toggle certain colors, so you only have to replace some of them.


Cart #secret_collect-2 | 2020-11-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A recreation of the Videlectrix video game, Secret Collect. from homestarrunner.com, as featured in Strong Bad Email, Video Games (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R22zSrpeSA4).

Play something that probably only looks kinda like Strong Bad. Run all around a futuristic maze collecting things that look nothing like Strong Bad.

This was my first go at creating something for Pico-8, so I figured recreating this simple game would be a good start. I am interested in recreating other Homestar Runner games in the future, as the death of flash has left modern web browsers unable to play them.



Official port of PePuSnek for SCRIPT-8, improved.

WARNING: Contains flashing lights!

Cart #snek8-5 | 2020-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • 14-11-2020
    • Changed scoring rules; points are now accumulated, instead of calculated when the game ends
    • Added persistent HiScores
    • Music on/off setting is now persistent

Cart #yr_1-0 | 2020-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Yahtzee Roller


D-pad to move, hold and unhold
X to Roll
O to Reset

Have you ever wanted to play Yahtzee, but don't have any dice? Fear no more!
Yahtzee Roller is a Pico 8 dice roller so you can play Yahtzee on the go.
You have 3 rolls to match all the dice and get that Yahtzee.

Note: This is only for rolling purposes. If you want to play a full Yahtzee game, you'll need your own Scorecard.


I'm still pretty new to coding. This was a fun weekend challenge for me. The code is not super efficient, but hey it works and I'm happy with the result. I hope you enjoy playing and would love any feedback you have!

[ Continue Reading.. ]


I've got an interesting bug. It only happens in PICO-8 itself. The bug can be reproduced with the following small program and reproduction steps:

function _init()
  "switch weapon",
   --if (getthunder()==1) hwep=(hwep+1)%2

function _update()


function _draw()


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Quit to console with ESC.
  3. Type:

    Any variable will cause the bug.

  4. Type:
  5. Press enter to bring up in game menu. Choose "switch weapon"

  6. Observe crash. See image.
1 comment

Cart #guwufogopu-0 | 2020-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is a simple agar.io like game that I made

by snoo8
Cart #agar-0 | 2020-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

How to play:
Arrow keys to move
X to reset

Eat circles that are smaller than you by moving to them. The more you eat, the larger you get and the more circles you can eat. Be careful though, as you might get eaten by larger circles! You might get eaten as soon as you eat another circle because I made it so that a circle spawns (that might be smaller or larger than you) as soon as you eat a circle.

1 comment

To commemorate the ending of an era that only this generation enjoyed, I decided to re-skin a demo of an already existing game, because yes.


Cart #mark_and_ethan-0 | 2020-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License



I teach a LOT of students PICO-8 and lately I've been mostly teaching online classes over Zoom. I'm usually doing this webinar style where I am the presenter and the students are participants. I can't see their screen, but they can see mine and there's a Q&A chat window where they can ask questions and so forth.

It would be extremely helpful to be able to copy console error messages to the clipboard. Currently you can hit CTRL-C in the console to copy what's typed into the command prompt, but it would be even more useful, if the prompt was empty, to use CTRL-C to copy the last error generated. Like this:

This would make it so much easier to help students when they run into errors, especially the very young students. If they get an error, they can just hit CTRL-C and paste the error into the Zoom chat. This would also be helpful for people trying to get other live help online, such as from Discord.



I am working on a small cart to demonstrate an engineering process for a colleague who wants to spice up a PowerPoint presentation he is giving.

Does anyone know if its possible to embed a Cart (in HTML format??) into a PowerPoint presentation so that he can run it from within his presentation?

Any help much appreciated.

All the best,
Paul :-)

PS: Am asking here since I can't test this as I use a Mac and don't have PowerPoint! Thanks :-)

1 comment

i've been tinkering around with Buildroot and got me an image that I'm happy with that boots up, connects to wifi then starts pico-8. the problem I'm having is that once pico-8 starts, the inputs aren't recognized as if pico-8 doesn't have focus. I'm not sure how to force it to have focus though. anyone have any idea what might be causing the issue? i haven't tried using a controller, so I have no idea if that would work or not. my goal was a minimal image for running Pico-8 :)

it does the same thing, even if I run pico-8 manually and not @ startup.
here is the output of me using the keyboard while pico-8 is up and running and after I have killed pico8_dyn from the console, so I know the OS is recognizing inputs, just not pico-8.

thanks in advance for any advice!


So, I tried everything, then I created a profile to ask this: is there any way to play with the D-pad of a game controller on the embedded PICO-8 player?

Currently, the D-pad is very weirdly mapped to the menu, so I can't even set my gamepad with JoyToKey. There is no way to change this weird mapping, and there is no way to disable joystick detection. I don't understand this choice at all, is there any way to escape it?


Cart #nayadunaze-1 | 2020-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Nine tweettweetjam5 entries in one cartridge!

  • VULF 3D
    • Explore a maze a first person raycast game!
  • There be Treasure!
    • Use triangulation to find the treasure!
    • Defend yourself from incoming bogeys!
  • Big Donut
    • Become the donut magnate in this idle clicker!
  • Diskette
    • Dodge the disks, get that high score, don't bleed out on the floor!
  • Go
    • 2500+ year old board game in 560 chars!
  • Blitzar
    • Sixteen hundred stars to explore in this space sim!

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Cart #battleshipv1-1 | 2020-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first 99% finished game, been a project for about 3 years that I only recently got to a fully playable state. The code is indicative of my programming skills changing over time. Any feedback or bug reports would be welcomed!


Cart #fishbone-0 | 2020-11-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

First game using Pico-8! So happy I could finish a game by myself and actually post it.
Anyway, hope you enjoy despite of being super simple and of course let me know if you have any suggestions for the future :)


Can you put mice into Jelpi?

So, I've been messing around with mice and the pico-8. Now earlier I was playing Jelpi and thought "Hmm, I Wonder if I can put touchscreen on this?" Now I Myself don't have a touchscreen! But for people who do not, CAN YOU LET THEM PLAY WITH NO CONTROLLER? I'm gonna try, but anyone of you can leave the cart here if you make it.

link to a mouse cart https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/cposts/2/22286.p8.png

EDIT: Old post, I didn't want to delete it. Sorry for all the caps and stuff.


Cart #d8ing-0 | 2020-11-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

since i've been a little obsessed with death stranding recently, i decided to make a little demake for the tweet tweet jam. i'm quite happy with how it turned out and how much functionality i managed to squeeze in. it even has the scanner haha
arrows + x

it's on itch.io as well


Cart #spaceinvader0-8 | 2020-11-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


X = fire main weapon. This can destroy both invaders and their bombs and mothership.

Z = fire particle beam, which takes time to charge up in top-left. This is ultra destructive but can only destroy invaders; not their bombs or mothership.

Arrow left or right to control ship

Invaders that dive-bomb are worth more.

A mothership will occasionally appear and respawn invaders. Shooting it down is worth max points.
When the mothership spawns new invaders, they take a few seconds to materialize; shooting them in that state is worth more.

As you progress through the levels, the mayhem increases and gets faster.

Of programming note: the Animations and Sprt functions implement a general-purpose system for animating sprites in a declarative way. Just specify the state transition in a table and call the Animation function with the object to animate, and it will automatically transition the object through the specified states, including looping and chaining.


Cart #peachbross-0 | 2020-11-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


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