First game using Pico-8! So happy I could finish a game by myself and actually post it.
Anyway, hope you enjoy despite of being super simple and of course let me know if you have any suggestions for the future :)

Tricky! I can't say I'm good enough at it to judge it on its own merits, but the art is quite good and I like the implementation of time-remaining as a lifebar.

Fun! It would be great to not start level without pressing a key. So, you could examinate level first.

Fun game and it's got a great style. Catchy music. Slightly dodgy hit detection on the spikes is preventing me from being able to beat the level that's a tunnel shaped like an N.

suggestion: change the initial btnp repeat delay so that it is the same as the subsequent delays.
relevant excerpt from the manual:
POKE(0x5F5C, DELAY) -- set the initial delay before repeating. 255 means never repeat. POKE(0x5F5D, DELAY) -- set the repeating delay. |

Thanks for the suggestion, it helps a lot. I didn't even know it was possible.
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