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I decided to make a Tweetcart today and it ended up being a simple little Jack-o-Lantern generator, but I found it entertaining enough to watch that I figured I'd release it here for y'all too!

Cart #jack_o_random-0 | 2020-10-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

There's no controls whatsoever, it just periodically generates a new pumpkin. The quality of the expressions varies but overall I'd say they come out remarkably well.


Cart #pixelart_tutorial_sheet-0 | 2020-10-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is the sprite sheet used in my pixel art tutorial. You can use it as reference in your pixel art studies :)

Alternatively, here's the png version:

Video in question:


Someone help me! I have always wanted to get pico-8 but I have a chromebook. I have seen other people manage to get it on there chromebook but I know nothing about terminal, crouton, etc. So if someone could give me a step-by-step guide on how to get it on chromebook it would be much appreciated.


Cart #sepbowka-0 | 2020-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A small showcase of how to generate random 2D caves using a cellular automaton. Inside the code there are some parameters worth tweaking, maybe I'll add an interface for this in a later update.

The automaton is really simple: it changes based on the majority of it's neighbours and remains unchanged when tied.


  • width and height - self explanatory, cave will be displayed in the upper-left corner
  • live and text color - coloring of the cave and the "reset" message
  • iterations - more iterations of the automaton mean less small noise and more smooth walls. Over 20 will not change much.
  • density - chance of a cell being dead at the start. Very susceptible to change, more will create wider corridors.

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I saw several bug reports about gamepads being mapped incorrectly, but I have another issue.

One of my gamepad (a Thrustmaster Score-A) works nicely in PICO-8 on macOS, but it doesn't get recognised in the rpi build. The sdl-jstest tool recognises it in both systems.

Another pad model gets recognised on both systems, so the rpi build of PICO-8 is somewhat working.

Note: I'm using PICO-8 v.0.2.1b on both systems.


Cart #sadeyajzo-0 | 2020-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

That's a project I though I lost long ago. I was working on it on my PocketCHIP, tell you how old this is and had an issue with it and needed to reinstall everything and lost all the cart I was working on, this one was one of them, and I'm delighted that I had a copy somewhere else.

So this one is date from the 19 May 2016 (at least last modification of the file) and was at a time I was playing around trying to replicate exisiting music in PICO-8 (as for the Megaman in another cart of mine already published here) Also had fun working on replicating the screen from the original game.

I really like how the two song render in PICO-8, I'm pretty sure I started to work on some other but lost all the work :(

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An old project of mine that I never finished, I was working on the bases loop from the song used in Tetrinet, never finished it, but just found the cart and wanted to share it :)


(The cart file last modification is tagged with the date 20/07/2016)


Cart #snakelike-45 | 2020-11-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

SnakeLike is a modern interpretation of classic retro game "Snake". Unlike its counterpart, SnakeLike's player controls a snake that can

  • Mine different resources with increasing speed for a longer snake
  • Strategically sell part or all of these resources
  • Buy upgrades using previously sold resources

Let me know what you think and if anything can be improved!


The main objective is to gather as much resources as possible and to upgrade your snake. In order to get resources - snake have to pass them by in the adjacent cell. Each such pass acts as a single mining "tick", and snake's segments contribute additional 1/10 ticks per each passing segment.

When picked-up - the resources are placed into a new segment next to the snake's head or are stacked into the existing segment if it has the same resource type. The maximum stacked amount of resources is:

Block Resource Max stack size Single Stack
Stone 4
Iron 2
Gold 2
N/A Coins 2

Note that with growing length snake gets higher mining speed at the price of maneuverability.

When mined some blocks will yield:

this is a "Level Exit". Going through 4 of them would bring snake to the "Shop Gates":

where half or all of collected resources could be sold and then exchanged for upgrades.

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Cart #ziggy_frog-2 | 2021-03-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Ziggy Frog

Enjoy the simple life of Ziggy the frog as you help him catch flies on his log!


  • Use Z to charge the vertical power of your jump.
  • Use Left and Right to charge the horizontal power of your jump.
  • Use X to do one last jump and exit if you're all done playing :)

Eat flies at the peak of your jump! Each fly will give you more jumps!

There are different levels of difficulty for whatever you think seems most fun, along with a "Lazy" mode with an infinite number of jumps, if you're just looking to relax and catch some flies.

Based on a goofy mechanic my kid and I worked on together, I took some extra time to give it some polish and finish it up.

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Cart #surfacebound-0 | 2020-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment


I would like the exported file to include the current config.txt (global_config.txt) as local_config.txt in the exported file.

This will allow us to play from the creator's ideal config in another user's environment.

"global_config.txt" refers to the config.txt that I've been using.
If both global_config.txt and local_config.txt exist, local_config.txt is assumed to take precedence.

Sequence of events

I recently released the PICO-8 app in executable format.
However, the user's environment that downloaded it had different operations and a lower frame rate for inactive windows.
The released manual had to be rewritten and the creator was unable to provide the ideal play environment.

A question thread containing this


Hi all!

I am trying to implement a very small and simple clone of space invaders.

I am thinking how to implement a nice shoot bullet function but I am struggling with picturing a way to shoot bullets in a nice stream that is always steady so that its pace can be increased picking up right power-ups.

I tried, for example, to count maximum number of bullets on screen and shoot only if < than 5 but when the player shoots, clearly, all the bullets are shot almost at the same time.
Then I thought about storing the bullet starting point and comparing it to the next bullet but since my ship goes also forward and back this way is also wrong...

Can you please suggest me some idea to remove this nasty wall? :)

Thanks for your kind help!

In case it can be helpful here's the code so far:


Cart #rivercrossing-1 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

River Crossing is a recreation of the famous puzzle where you need to cross a river with a wolf, a goat and a cabbage, but you can only fit one of them in your boat at a time.

Use the arrow keys to select who you want to carry across (or the empty boat) and when you're ready press Z or C to cross.
X can be used to undo the last move.


Cart #quasarkid-9 | 2023-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Quasar Kid is on a quest across the galaxy to meet new friends and bring them together. Each new planet you visit is inhabited by potential alien friends. Some of them are not very friendly though, use your rainbow thruster to fill them with joyful colors and bring them to your ship.


  • d-pad/arrow-keys: move quasar kid left and right
  • x button: use your rainbow thruster to control movement up and down
  • down+x close to your ship: launch your inventory of friends screen
    • use arrow keys to browse your collected friends list

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Cart #seagullnelson_pl-0 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi everyone, first upload!

The experience

I've finally played around enough to gain a mild understanding of what's going on. Though still don't quite understand how to make music, but it's no fault of the tracker.. just my own inexperience in composing.
It's been a fun learning experience playing in lua, and more specifically in the pico environment.

Having all the tools so easily accessible makes the development process so much fun. Not dealing with any asset pipeline nonsense really speeds up the process in hashing out an idea.
I have a couple more mechanics I want to shove into this thing but will need to spend some time refactoring to get more tokens. This is the aspect I'm least fond of, but means that the scope has a ceiling, which is really helpful.

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Cart #amongpico-0 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi everyone!

Been a while since I've posted something here, I've not been really active with pico-8 recently, but done a couple of stuff, really enjoy the platform, just lack of time :(

Anyway. Among Pico (not final name, if it will have a final name one day) is a test project I've started some time about (early September 2020) and been working a bit here and there since. Started just as a pure test for various effect we could do with PICO-8, ended with what it is now.

I will post a cart a bit later, need to do a bit of cleaning before posting it.

I don't have a lot of backup of old version, but I have plenty of GIF I made during the process, so let's start with that.

The name may not be clear, but the origin of the project started with Among Us in mind, and I first wanted play around the way your character move in AU and replicate that., So I made a inspired set of sprite and started to animate it on screen. Nothing really fancy and even if the bouncing is there, it don't really look good, but well I was pleased enough at the time.

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Cart #pohedoruto-0 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I wasn't going for a 3d effect, but it looks 3d to me. Feel free to copy/ change


Cart #nemodguho-5 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

solo pong, play pong against a wall.
Relive your childhood of throwing a tennis ball at brick wall when your bored and lonely

ball goes faster each time you hit it

hold z to move paddle faster.

--* randomize starting ball angle--done

  • classic pong spin to change angle of ball
  • add mode where the paddle shrinks with each hit.
  • different starting speeds
  • different speed increases
  • easy mode bumpers to gaurd part of the player side?
  • music?
  • learn more math so i can do cool stuff with angles and sine/cosine?

EDIT: Also I'm not sure about the etiquette on this site. I feel like I'm editing and reuploading a lot. Which supposedly bumps my thread but I'm just using this as my code repo cause i'm too lazy to git.

1 comment

Cart #duwapoguze-0 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Juicy Animation Engine

Hey guys, I'm posting a small animation engine that I'm using for puzzle games and such. It's only about 500 tokens even in its non-minified state, and can be less.

At its core, it is a system that allows an object to self-modify its properties (such as its screen coordinates) over time, subject to an easing function. This allows the creation of really nice looking animations with a minimum of code.


  • Dead simple to use, 'fire and forget' method.
  • Controls for how many times to repeat the animation, reversing after it's done, etc.
  • Choose and select only the easing functions you need to save code

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Is there a recommended coding method that would eliminate the drop frames that occur when the pico8 window is turned to the back?
Or is there a memory address I can set?

I want to keep the number of times to execute _update60() and draw() the same, even at 30fps.


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