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Cart #duwapoguze-0 | 2020-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Juicy Animation Engine

Hey guys, I'm posting a small animation engine that I'm using for puzzle games and such. It's only about 500 tokens even in its non-minified state, and can be less.

At its core, it is a system that allows an object to self-modify its properties (such as its screen coordinates) over time, subject to an easing function. This allows the creation of really nice looking animations with a minimum of code.


  • Dead simple to use, 'fire and forget' method.
  • Controls for how many times to repeat the animation, reversing after it's done, etc.
  • Choose and select only the easing functions you need to save code
  • Can be used for cycling through sprite frames (linear interpolation of sprite numbers!)
  • Control for object depth (which sprites are drawn over others)
  • Object code can be modified and extended easily depending on the game


All you need are these three things:

o = {} -- list that holds all objects to animate, put in _init()
update_objects() -- put in update
draw_objects() -- put in draw

To create an object, just call the object() function, which creates an object and appends it to the global object
list. Delete the object when not needed.

obj = object(spr, x, y, [z])
-- spr (number) sprite number for the object
-- x, y (number) current screen pixel coordinates of sprite
-- z (number) sprite "depth"; lower numbered objects drawn first. If z not provided, it's assigned to 1+ the highest z depth in the object list

To set an animation for the object, simply call this:

anim(obj, p, to, d, [f], [rep], [rev])
-- obj (obj) an object, as defined above
-- p (string) parameter to change ("x", "y", or "spr"; can be extended if needed)
-- to (number) the object's parameter will be changed to this value...
-- d (number) ... over d frames ...
-- f (function) ... controlled by this interpolation function, default linear
-- rep (number, -1 or >=1) the animation will be repeated rep times, default 1.  If -1, animation will loop endlessly
-- rev (1 or 0) whether the animation will reverse, default 0

So for example, if you have an object called 'piece' at (36, 36), and use the following two functions:

anim(piece, "x", 72, 15, out_quad)
anim(piece, "y", 72, 15, in_back)

This means:

  • change the x coordinate of piece to 72, over 15 frames, using an out_quad function (faster at the start, slows at the end)
  • same for the y coordinate, but use an in_back function ("pulls" a bit backward like a rubber band, before shooting to the target)

That makes this cute little hop. The animation wasn't set to repeat, so it deletes and garbage-collects itself after it's done.

The cursor above is also animated with the following code:

cursor = object(2, 72, 72)
-- create an object called cursor with sprite index 2 at (72,72)
anim(cursor, "spr", 9, 30, linear, -1)
-- change the sprite index of cursor to 8 over 30 seconds (2, 3, 4... 8), linearly, and repeat forever"

Stuff to do / limitations

  • This is mostly used for puzzle games, so I didn't build a way to use sspr with it. Very easy to modify though
  • Playing the reverse of the easing function just uses the same thing. The animations should switch - an out_quad should be replaced with an in_quad, for example.
  • Currently uses _update60().

Please feel free to message for any concerns or questions!

P#83057 2020-10-18 08:08 ( Edited 2020-10-18 08:17)