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Every Extend Extra

Cart #tyubokedu-3 | 2020-09-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • Fixed various typos
  • Made bullets bigger and flashy, but same small hitbox (middle circle)
  • You now need a higher chain for an extend based on quicken count
  • There is now a bar on the left which is based on time. The higher your time, the more points you get per chain, but take more damage + lose more time based on how high it is

Every Extend Extra is an arcade game about detonating your ship, causing colourful chain reactions in the enemies, granting you points.

This game is my attempt at demaking it, as it's one of my favourite PSP games of all time and I thought it could do with some well deserved love.

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Cart #msd1_0-1 | 2020-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a demo for a way to store console-size game worlds on a Pico-8 cart, which later became my PicoMap system. It contains every level and sublevel map from the original Super Mario Bros., and you can run and jump through all of them. There's no level progression, sound, or things to interact with besides platforms, but the map data includes placeholders for enemy spawn points and interactive objects, just uncomment a line in the init() function to make these visible. I'm not planning to release the finished game, as I don't want it to be taken down for copyright reasons, but I wanted to show some definitive proof that large-scale games are possible on Pico-8.



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Cart #meas_castle-15 | 2022-03-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Mea's Castle

Mea's Castle is a Metroidvania-like Game: You're a little Adventurer and your Goal is to find the "Cup of Hope". You can run and jump, and soon you will find some Artifacts that'll give you more Abilities.

🠔🠖 - Move
🠗 + 🠔🠖 - Crouch
(Z) - Jump
(X) + 🠗 - Use the last Powerup

This Game is difficult. If you're not a Fan of Jump'n Run-like Games, I think it will be too frustrating^^. There are still Checkpoints basically everywhere, but it's still not easy to beat that Game. Expect to die a lot while playing this^^.


Thanks to

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Cart #rhagedoza-0 | 2020-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Elite Velocity

Version 1.0 2020-09-01

Asteroid Miner's Flight Training Manual

Up - Thrust
Left/Right - Turn Left/Right
Down - Charge warp (requires fuel)
X - Fire Weapon
Z - Dock at station / tractor beam (requires purchase)

Congratulations on your purchase of the Arrow-class shuttle. This shuttle is rated for asteroid mining and is equipped with a mk1 blaster for destroying asteroids and self-defense. You will also find a warp drive pre-installed, allowing jumps to new systems in deep space. An asteroid-scoop allows easy ore collection by simply flying into floating pieces of ore. Finally, expansion slots allow room for upgrades such as a tractor beam, IFF radar, and powerful mining lasers. These upgrades can be purchased and installed by licensed technicians found at space stations across the galaxy.

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Some carts I have made


Cart #cavebears-1 | 2020-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A cave generator with a blue bear as the player.


Cart #nufefdeyo-0 | 2020-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

When the tanks jump, they spin.


Cart #floppydisk-0 | 2020-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Cart #careful_blob-6 | 2021-04-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

What you see here is a physics engine test of a game that I'm working on, where you can only move Mr. Careful, the purple blob, by way of precise jumping. It's rough around the edges, and I haven't gotten to implementing the other big mechanic of the game, but feel free to test the jumping system all you want! I also haven't implemented death yet apart from the panic button, but those spikes and spike-like balls? They will be much deadlier when the time comes.


Cart #nijutipako-0 | 2020-08-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


by Mot
Cart #mot_pool-22 | 2020-10-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A work-in-progress 3D pool table simulation.


Cart #eyn_fade_gen-1 | 2020-08-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I'm making a small tool to quickly generate fill pattern for making fades. As I'm working on a game using those, I hastily threw together this small program to quickly visualize and tweak a fade based on the base pattern and to export it.

Each case in the grid represents a pixel in the fill pattern. The generator is creating a fill pattern gradient from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF while each pixel can turn off in a different frame. The pixel's value will indicate to the generator how many frames the bit must be kept at 0, with zero meaning that it'll stay down for 1 frame, one for two 2 frames and so on. Up to 17 frames worth of fill pattern can be created this way.

The default setting is the fade with the classic dithering 2x2 Bayer pattern, the one that inspired me to do this tool.

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Cart #escalatorworld-0 | 2020-08-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome to Escalator World! You can only go up from here!


  • up/down/X to menu. (the rest is explained in the tutorial)

A tribute to one of my favorite games from the old yoyogames forums.

non-keyboard users: press up 10 times to skip the name entry screen. (when it says "use the keyboard" just keep pressing up; you're halfway done)



Cart #noba_bullseye-0 | 2020-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Bullseye is a fast paced strategic arcade shooter where you don't shoot! Instead, enemy bullets damage each other, and you can weave your way between their attacks to make them shoot each other.

It's relatively small, but I made it with the intention of making something fun, challenging and replayable. It features 3 enemies and 3 powerups. Each enemy has an upside and downside for the player, as well as a bomb, which of course can be triggered by enemies too which will make it damage your ship.

Took about 2 days to make and I'm proud of it for my first actually finished and playable project.

Music by the ever talented Gruber. Sound effects by me.


Previously when making games in LOVE2D, I made use of a simple 2D axis-aligned physics library called bump.lua. I especially enjoyed the versatility (e.g. different collision types and outcomes based on custom filtering) and the simple, intuitive API. I wanted to see how effectively it could work in PICO-8, so I forked it.


The main obstacle to running bump was that PICO-8 has no access to the math lua module and uses 16-bit ints, so all math.floor etc. calls were replaced with their PICO-8 equivalents. math.huge did not have a standard PICO-8 analog, so the 16 bit int max (32767) was hardcoded instead. Likewise, PICO-8 lua does not parse 10e-10 style numbers, so DELTA was changed to a regular decimal value. In addition, PICO-8 does not have access to the table module, so a separate sort function was added to replace table.sort.

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Cart #endlessrunner_tweet-0 | 2020-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

An endless runner made in <280 characters. Post your best scores!

for l in all(p)do l.x-=1r(l.x,l.y,l.x+30,l.y+99)end
while pget(x+4,y+4+v)==3do v-=sgn(v)*.2end
if(btn(4)and pget(x,y+5)==3)v=-4
flip()goto _

Cart #dupararodi-1 | 2020-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Z/C to jump and let go of the rope
X/V to attach the rope (only works if the connecting line is white, otherwise you're too far away)
Left/Right to swing on the rope (and run on the ground)

To disable music, press X/V on the title screen.

Update 01.09.2020:

Uploaded a new version, now with two game modes and three difficulty settings for each mode. Highscores are saved individually for each mode and difficulty combination.

Game Modes:


The failure line is locked to the score line and always a fixed distance away. The harder the difficutly, the closer the failure line to the score line


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A happy-birthday "card"-ridge for my sister back in South Africa who is turning 30 today.

Cart #veelsgeluklida202-0 | 2020-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Brought to you by the same productivity-focused team as Hypercolor Paint, PICO-RAY offers state of the art 3D modeling and rendering capabilities for the Pico-8 computer system.

Cart #pico_ray_v1_0-0 | 2020-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


--Ray marched, photo-realistic 3D graphics
--Soft shadows, ambient occlusion, reflection, refraction
--Materials properties, including: color, gloss, reflection, refraction, patterns
--Primitives including: box, sphere, torus, cone, plane, sponge, and landscape
--Realtime wireframe box previews
--Quick render modes for preview
--2x2 anti-aliased high-quality mode


PICO-RAY requires the pico-mouse to operate. Click on menus and increment widgets to create and edit geometric primitives.


-REND- Control rendering options
1x1:No skipped pixels
2x2:Render 2x2 blocks
4x4:Render 4x4 blocks (faster)
QUICK: Render in fast grayscale with no shadows/materials (only 2X2 and 4X4)
NORMAL: Render with shadows, materials
HIGH: Render with anti-aliasing on (slowest)
OUTLINE: Show bounding boxes for all objects (selected object highlighted in blue)
HIDE MENUS: Hide menus for saving screenshots (click to turn menus on

-PARAM- Create new objects and change the dimensional properties and shape of objects.
[OBJECT TYPE] Type of the selected object primitive. Click left/right to change type.

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Credit @JadeLombax for level compression.

Credit @Sascha217 for some sprites.

Credit @Czarlo for Koopa sprites and Level 2

Credit @Gabe_8_bit for the other aspects.

Newest versions (Beta Version/Demo):

Cart #smr_beta-0 | 2021-07-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The first demo of the game is below.
Cart #jasufabuhu-0 | 2020-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Some art I came up with:

Possible features:

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Cart #flyingpig-1 | 2020-08-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Your mom is sick. You must save her!

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This is a simple brute force raytracer based on the excellent book "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" It will take approximately 2 hours to render the image in the preview! The slowness is mostly caused by there being no form of object hierarchy so every single sphere is being test for every single ray generated. There's a lot of sphere's so that's a lot of calculations.

The ray tracer produced by following Ray Tracing in One Weekend is really simple and straightfoward, as a result I think this is a great cart to look at if you want to get a handle on Ray Tracing. You probably don't want to run the cart as is but nick the code and play around with a scene yourself.

Cart #yizokigaga-0 | 2020-08-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

If you look at the end of the code it should be pretty clear how the scene is described (simply adding sphere's to the things table). There is also the "fast" option. If you set that to TRUE then the pico8 will switch to 64x64 mode and only do 1 sample per pixel. It's a great way of making sure you have setup a scene correctly before doing a longer render.

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Cart #woruyudutu-0 | 2020-08-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I think I've found a bug with how music and sfx channels are used; I've attached a cartridge that shows off the issue. Basically, if you call sfx() and then call music() afterward, the music won't be heard until the sfx() finishes, even though there are 3 available unused sound channels for the music to play on.

Am I misunderstanding how this is supposed to work? it seems like the music() command should figure out that it has 3 free channel slots to play in... I do see the channelmask parameter (https://pico-8.fandom.com/wiki/Music) but calling music(4,0,0b1111) instead of music(4) doesn't fix the issue. Even if it did, sometimes you want to start playing music after sound is already playing, so how are you supposed to set up in advance which channels the music has priority to play on?

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