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Cart #obsta13-0 | 2020-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #thin_ice-4 | 2020-08-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A star battle puzzle game starring penguins! :)

Place penguins such that each row, column, and region contains exactly 1 penguin, and no 2 penguins touch.

Note: The 7x7 board generation can range from a few seconds to about a minute depending on how difficult it is to ensure uniqueness on the randomly sampled solution state.

Left-click - Place penguin
Right-click - Mark cell

Credit to RubyRed for the background music!


Cart #hokori-0 | 2020-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

It took me WAY too long, but I alchemized myself some map colission and physics!
(c) Oh uh graphics and all the code by me, duh.
My goal with this isn't just to make a game. but to come up with my own ways of doing so. I want to use as few tutorials as possible as to keep with my moto "no copy pastig under any circumstances".
PS: (Don't look at ye source code if thee wants to keep thine sanity)


Cart #quasi_tunnel-0 | 2020-08-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I almost succeeded in making a tline-based tunnel effect in a tweetcart.

Two limitations : poor angle/side management and no perspective scaling.

Close enough.

Post-mortem explanation

Most sites explaining the effect are based on screen-space LUTs. pset-ing 128*128 times being very slow,
I got the idea to use tline to draw on the whole screen by considering that function as the converter between normal and polar coordinates.

To get the "normal coordinates" version, try replacing the for calls to w with w(x,0,x,127,p,o,0,v)

I accidentally made the tunnel circular instead of square, can't help explaining this part, sorry.


Cart #guguwizuyu-0 | 2020-08-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Retro racing game for pico-8.
Easy drift operation with some control button.
This software is TLINE practice project.
accelerator--- zkey
blake--- xkey
leftturn--- left arrow key
rightturn--- right arrow key
nitro boost ---- up arrow key

Only time attack mode is possible now.


It's sans fight but rhythm

you can probably tell I had no idea what I was doing when making this

the music is also not finished (along with a lot of other stuff) I might fix it later but whatever

Cart #womezunefa-0 | 2020-08-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


My first game (with visible progress, at least).

Just experimenting with sprites, particles, shadows, etc.

I think it's pretty fun to just drive around already, except the camera is a bit jerky...

Controls are arrow keys to move, and o/x to cycle through different colours.

EDIT: I've updated the camera to be a little more controlled.

Cart #negojuygu-1 | 2020-08-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

Any chance of a PWM waveform of sorts in the already really nice music editor at some point?



Cart #straw_ey-2 | 2020-08-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

it's STRAW-EY!

  • the straw you can't ignore!
  • not appreciating him would be quite the short straw!
  • one straw that doesn't suck! -- by @NaeD
  • Straw yourself in for this cinematic-experience! -- by @SmellyFishstiks
  • I think it’s ex-STRAW-ordinary!! -- by @NaeD
  • This is the last straw. --@chungus_is_gay
  • if I see any pore straw puns, i'm gonna straw-ngle myself. --@chungus_is_gay
  • there are probably other straw puns please help

he doesn't do anything much yet, but he looks cool i guess.
use any code, or the math func lib i made by myself on tab 3.

thanks to the creator of this thick line func:

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Cart #pixwheels-0 | 2020-08-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This cart is my entry for lowrezjam 2020

This game is a demake of Pathological
by John-Paul Gignac - My thanks to him and everybody
else who contributed to Pathological. It is a great
game, and I encourage you to play it!


PC: Arrows and XZ keys.
Mobile: On-screen DPAD and OX buttons


Fill all the wheels with a single color.
Once filled, the marbles disappear and the wheel is dimmed.
The level is complete when all wheels are dimmed.

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Cart #memsplore-4 | 2022-12-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I made this little tool to visualize and edit PICO-8's memory. The app has 3 modes

(From Right to Left)

  • LIST MODE - Shows addresses in a list. Parses the content of the memory as decimal, hexadecimal and binary numbers. Also renders the value as a character.
  • HEX MODE - Shows addresses as hexadecimal numbers with 6 entries in each row. Also renders the values as a line of pixels.
  • DOT MODE - Shows addresses as sequence of dots with 8 entries in each row. Unlike the other two modes this doesn't allow you to edit the numbers and is only for visualization purposes.

In addition each mode has two tools to find a specific address:

  • MAP - Shows a simplified map of the memory. It's a pattern of boxes. Each box represents 32 bytes. Clicking on a box will jump to that address. The shortcut is M.
  • JUMP - Allows you to enter a hexadecimal address directly. The shortcut is J.

Let me know if there are some errors. Let me also know if there are any features that you'd really love to have.

(Tilemap contains a partial artwork originally by @johanvinet)

Change Log:

0.0.1 - Initial Release
0.0.2 - Added description to button mapping (0x5F4C - 0x5F53). Tweaked description to 0x5F33 and 0x5F34.
0.0.3 - Added new addresses for the 0.2.2 release - Custom Font and Print Attributes. Fixed a bug where random beeps would be heard in list mode. Splash screen now only shows up once a day.
0.0.4 - Updated for 0.2.4
0.2.5e - Changed Version numbering to match the Pico-8 version


Cart #moonminer-0 | 2020-08-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Arrows - Move
X - Use current tool/weapon
Z - Switch current tool/weapon

Find the crystal and then get back to the mine entrance! Your gun uses ammo from ore in the ground, so be sure to keep digging. Watch out for baddies.

Finally finished this. As a game, it's kind of majorly flawed, but I'm proud of the tech behind it. The map is theoretically infinite, the level generation is pretty natural and fun, and there's a demo mode on the title screen with demo data encoded into unused map data.


Cart #yeduwirofu-4 | 2020-11-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here is my entry to LOWREZJAM 2020. There's the version I submitted onto Itch to meet the deadline yesterday, but I found a couple more bugs that really needed addressing, so here's 1.1 for your consideration.

Clever Pixel is an abstract dungeon crawler with Metroidvania elements. You start off in control of a single pixel and explore a large maze-like world battling other creatures. Collect red pixels to unlock new areas, search for the Mega Key, collect upgrades, and uncover secrets.

Arrow keys, X - drop/shoot pixels, Z- upgrade menu.

The only requirements of the jam were for the game to run at 64x64, so I used Pico's mode 3 so everything would be rendered at the lower resolution. It was interesting working at this resolution, it gave much more space for a sprawling game world, 16x8 screens rather than the usual 8x4 on the map. I was able to recycle a little bit of code from some of my previous projects and some bits of code for what's probably going to end up as some sequel/prequel to the game with some similar mechanics, which helped move things along. Other than that, it was 16 days of pretty frantic work. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, it was a lot of fun to code :)

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Cart #bomegafazu-0 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


when I import a spritesheet, it doesn't work as I expected. Former sprite 0 is placed on sprite 1, sprite 1 on sprite 2 etc. Please see image.

Is this supposed to work this way? All sprites shift one, this is really inconvenient. You would expect to get an exact copy of the original spritesheet. Or am I doing something wrong?



Yo mon 1er jeu

Cart #snakesavarin-0 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


My first attempt at a Pico-8 game.

I didn't want to just make a game, I wanted to make a game that could be printed out in a magazine and copied as is. I had in mind the Compute! magazine that I use to learn programming when I was a kid.

I know about the Pico-8 BBS format, but for me that's like comparing binary machine code to BASIC in the old Compute! magazine. All graphics were made of DATA blocks back in the days, so that's what I aimed for.

Also, to keep the typing to a minimum I tried to have a map format that is semi-random, and the old Boulder Dash was a perfect take on that, so my game became a mini-Boulder Dash

So where is Dashy:

Cart #ghkapake-4 | 2020-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Controls: X to grab, Hold Z to explode. No life, but 100 points gets removed from the score when you die. The game is 12 levels, very short, so the score is used to give it some replayability.

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I think being able to scroll horizontally with "Shift + mouse wheel" would make it easier to check for longer lines.

I can also use line breaks to keep up appearances, but I don't want to add too many characters.


Easily make Pico-8 Boot/Run Portable on USB for Windows with this one file.

I usually play on my Mac with native install of Pico-8 and occasionally I work on Windows and love tinkering when I get board, so when I am away form my Mac and working on Windows; I made a simple tool to easily help make Pico-8 run portable on Windows.


1 . Simply download the Windows: zip of Pico-8 and extract it to your usb.

2 . Then download this pico8usb.bat file.

3 . Place pico8usb.bat in the root folder of your Pico-8 extraction folder on your usb where pico8.exe is located (example in image below).

4 . Run pico8usb.bat

5 . Enjoy.

Running pico8usb.bat will create and setup your usb install of Pico-8 to run portable on your usb.


You can configure pico8usb.bat, I have set some example parameters as a demo but you can change them to your liking.

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Cart #vhraster-0 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Vertical / Horizontal each line wavy scrolling.
The CPU usage is over 100% because of too many loops on vertical scrolling.

Right/Left: Horizontal
Up/Down: Vertical


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