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My first attempt at a Pico-8 game.

I didn't want to just make a game, I wanted to make a game that could be printed out in a magazine and copied as is. I had in mind the Compute! magazine that I use to learn programming when I was a kid.

I know about the Pico-8 BBS format, but for me that's like comparing binary machine code to BASIC in the old Compute! magazine. All graphics were made of DATA blocks back in the days, so that's what I aimed for.

Also, to keep the typing to a minimum I tried to have a map format that is semi-random, and the old Boulder Dash was a perfect take on that, so my game became a mini-Boulder Dash

So where is Dashy:

Cart #ghkapake-4 | 2020-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Controls: X to grab, Hold Z to explode. No life, but 100 points gets removed from the score when you die. The game is 12 levels, very short, so the score is used to give it some replayability.

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I think being able to scroll horizontally with "Shift + mouse wheel" would make it easier to check for longer lines.

I can also use line breaks to keep up appearances, but I don't want to add too many characters.


Easily make Pico-8 Boot/Run Portable on USB for Windows with this one file.

I usually play on my Mac with native install of Pico-8 and occasionally I work on Windows and love tinkering when I get board, so when I am away form my Mac and working on Windows; I made a simple tool to easily help make Pico-8 run portable on Windows.


1 . Simply download the Windows: zip of Pico-8 and extract it to your usb.

2 . Then download this pico8usb.bat file.

3 . Place pico8usb.bat in the root folder of your Pico-8 extraction folder on your usb where pico8.exe is located (example in image below).

4 . Run pico8usb.bat

5 . Enjoy.

Running pico8usb.bat will create and setup your usb install of Pico-8 to run portable on your usb.


You can configure pico8usb.bat, I have set some example parameters as a demo but you can change them to your liking.

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Cart #vhraster-0 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Vertical / Horizontal each line wavy scrolling.
The CPU usage is over 100% because of too many loops on vertical scrolling.

Right/Left: Horizontal
Up/Down: Vertical


Cart #boomby-2 | 2020-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Boomby is a special kind of bomb that never stops exploding. Help him out by finding the nearest pool of water as soon as possible, but not without collecting some coin on the way there.

How to Play:

  • Boomby explodes (aka: jumps) every 2 seconds. Keep track of the timebar at the bottom of the screen, time your moves right.
  • There are multiple routes to the pool, keep exploring if you get stuck or frustrated at a section of the map.
  • Trampolines are a tricky, patience pays off. Try not to rush out of the first explosion after touching one. After the first explosion, the bounce rhythm balances out.

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Cart #sifuzasumu-6 | 2020-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Manage your very own tiny shop! Meet new people and sell them stuff! Move around furniture! Listen to the best shop music! And pay off your giant loan!


  • ⬆️⬇️ ⬅️➡️(Arrow keys) to move and interact with objects
  • Circle button (Z or C on keyboard) to cycle through what your carrying
  • Hold X and a Direction to grab furniture or decline customers

Latest Changes

  • 0.1.9
    • Created a save system.
    • Added a menuitem to save game.
    • Added a menuitem to restart the day.
    • Added the option to restart the day from the lose screen.
    • Fixed loan payments going into the negative.
    • Note there is a 12 item save limit for the player.

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Cart #vignette-1 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just a simple vignette fade effect (like on loony tunes cartoons, that circular fade in/out).

Use X to open the vignette, Z to close it.
Arrow keys move the smiley face.

Can also be used to create a fake flashlight effect.

The code is very simple and commented, so it can be easily modified/repurposed.
The vignette works with a sprite that you can customize (to create other shapes).
Mine uses 4 sprite slots on the sprite sheet, but you could easily make it work with only one if you really need to save sprites. Just remember to also customize the draw_vignette function to make it work with different sized sprites.


Cart #yolo_solo-1 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Yolo Solo is a tiny, climbing-inspired puzzle platformer in just 64x64 res.

How to play!

Jump from hold to hold to ascend the rock face and achieve ultimate sendiness. Press X to jump and hold O to grab on to handholds. You'll need to let go before you can jump again!


D-pad (Arrows on keyboard) - directional movement
O (Z or C on keyboard) - jump
X (X on keyboard) - hold on

Types of holds:

Beware the crimp! Holding on to these for too long will drain your stamina.

Enjoy a luxurious climbing experience on the highways of the rock face.

These slippery slopers will require chalk in order to grab on!

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Cart #yolo_solo-1 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Yolo Solo is a tiny, climbing-inspired puzzle platformer in just 64x64 res.

How to play!

Jump from hold to hold to ascend the rock face and achieve ultimate sendiness. Press X to jump and hold O to grab on to handholds. You'll need to let go before you can jump again!


D-pad (Arrows on keyboard) - directional movement
O (Z or C on keyboard) - jump
X (X on keyboard) - hold on

Types of holds:

Beware the crimp! Holding on to these for too long will drain your stamina.

Enjoy a luxurious climbing experience on the highways of the rock face.

These slippery slopers will require chalk in order to grab on!

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Cart #sporeball_mamushi1-1 | 2020-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Mamushi is a snake game where any pickups you collect become hazards you need to avoid. this is a beta - more things will certainly be coming.

constructive criticism is very much appreciated.


revision 1

  • fixed a bug that made hazards stop spawning if you started a second or further round

revision 0

  • initial release

Cart #razaferogi-0 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

first thing i posted!
Have fun listening!

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I created this simple multilayer parallax scrolling demo just for fun and to see what I can achieve without too much efford. Enjoy!

Cart #parallax_demo-0 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #googroker_roundworm-0 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A classic game of Snake, featuring a level-up system and polar coordinates.


Cart #fantasytactics-10 | 2020-08-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So LOWREZJAM 2020 comes to an end... I finally submitted a playable project but with a lot of unfinished features. For a start there is no AI, In the remaining time I would not have been able to add a proper "smart" AI so I prefered to leave the game as 2p game only (or for those wanting to challenge themselves balttle yourself!). Sound is totally missing... I will be welcoming sfx and track contributions... that area is not my best. You can check it also in it's itch.io page

Future plans

At this resolution (mode 3, 64x64) and with the constraints in time for the JAM I "abandoned" that cart and started focusing on rewriting things on a 128x128 more organized cart (keeping all the good things in this one) so expect to keep hearing from Fantasy Tactics HD ;)

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Cart #hiragana-4 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Ace Hiragana v1

Study tool for learning how to read and write the 46 basic hiragana characters of the Japanese writing system

The study tool centers around the concept of a deck of cards. You start out with five kana cards in your reading and writing decks: A, I, U, E, and O. You can add or remove cards from your reading and writing decks as you progress. Your progress with each card can be viewed in the EDIT READ DECK and EDIT WRITE DECK screens. When you are ready to study, choose PRACTICE READING or PRACTICE WRITING. The cart does not check your work automatically, and instead it is up to you while studying to follow the instructions and be honest about your attempts. The cart will remember your last 10 attempts with each card and your progress bar will fill as you get closer to having 10 successful reads out of 10 or 10 successful writes out of 10.

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Cart #jugipojedu-3 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So this is just taking the Creating a Pseudo 3D Racer tutorial that Mot made and trying to work ahead on my own, more or less.


Cart #jitihidohi-0 | 2020-08-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #tribute-1 | 2020-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Tribute is a remake of my first video game, which looked like this:

Tribute is a simple puzzle game in which you plan out your moves before you execute them. It was inspired by a game called Lith.

I feel like I could have pushed this game further, especially in the quantity of levels, but I'm feeling quite tired honestly. That, and I wanted to release the game before school started.

Itch.io mirror: https://teridax.itch.io/tribute

Revision 1: Fixed a crash when an emitter's laser had a length of 0 (caused by obstruction right next to it/achievable on level 9)


Cart #platformer_demo-0 | 2020-08-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a very basic demo of a platform game. I was struggling with slopes etc, until I had this idea. It works quite well, so I wanted to share it with you.

Whereever the player is, the program looks for the first pixel directly under it, starting from the head. It looks directly in the spritesheet. If the player is falling down, its y-value cannot get below the floor level.

This works really well for the slopes, but sometimes if you jumped and your head peeped over a platform, the player teleported to the platform above. I fixed this by checking from the player's feet, when jumping or falling.



As more of a music tracker fan who just does covers, I posted my first (music cover) cart in the BBS just days ago which already got some praise from some members, thus marking a proper beginning of my presence. I can't properly program games for the time being but i already figured out how to post sfx embeds today, quite a great chance for me to post music without having to upload carts with boring text printed screens.

Yesterday i finished renditions of two music tracks from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (which i have never played but i did hear of Metal Gear a lot of times, yet i might eventually try the series when i will get the chance to get a Playstation Now subscription AND a better internet connection? honestly i haven't tried playstation now's cloud streaming.) which were done around a few hours for each one. I was able to complete Night Fall with every pattern but Theme of Solid Snake couldn't be done with every pattern due to SFX slots as when i went on to make the last patterns with reduced speed from the rest of the others (every pattern is around 6 SPD except the last ones are on 12 SPD, but i think i've still managed to make it). Also due to music length (like my Gunstar Heroes cover that unfortunately suffered the same fate as my recent cover) that covered up quickly with 6 SPD, Theme of Solid Snake is overall shorter in the PICO-8 version.

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