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Just a quick little demo room to test out physics for my new favorite astronaut, Willie. I'll upload and update here as the game comes along. Currently "x" starts and "z" turns on debug mode. Arrow keys to move and jump.

Cart #smallbackpackbeta0-1 | 2020-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


I'm having problems with the del function; its behavior doesn't seem to match what the documentation says it should do. From the docs: (pico-8.txt)

del  t [v]

    Delete the first instance of value v in table t
    When v is not given, the last element in the table is removed.
    del returns the deleted item, or returns no value when nothing was deleted.

So, calling del(arr) should be equivalent to calling deli(arr,#arr), right? Both should pop the last element off of arr as far as I understand. But when you run the cartridge attached to this post, the O button works but the X button doesn't


Cart #bingocallsheetv1-0 | 2020-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Slapdash call sheet for a Zoom game of Bingo my mom's going to host with her coworkers from Liberty Mutual--hence the logo in the corner. I have some ideas for how to make it prettier:

  • randomization animation where it clicks through options before slowing down and settling on one
  • menu / game over screen
  • big blinking button to randomize--more tactile

Cart #thebindingofpicosprites-1 | 2020-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #thebindingofpicosprites-0 | 2020-07-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

Hey @zep,

I notice you can use the double-width katakana glyphs as identifiers, but I don't think you added the new printable single-width characters below chr(32) to the "legal chars" set for identifiers.

So I could use ta/た in a variable name, but because I need the single-width dakuten at chr(30) to make da/だ, I couldn't write a variable named, e.g., だくてん.

I figure if it's not a placeholder glyph (like the first 10 or so) and not reserved for Lua, it ought to be legal for identifiers, based on how every other glyph has been. Am I right?

I'm asking specifically because I'd like to use one particular character in place of 'self' in my code, to keep my code concise on the tiny PICO-8 screen, but I can't currently use it because it's not legal.


Cart #nikgid_archon_c01-0 | 2020-07-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey folks,

I am just publishing one of my little projects (less than half-finished) to try out the uploading-mechanism here on the bbs.
Please be gentle with feedback :-)

It's a WIP of a demake of Archon ... a fond childhood memory of mine.



Cart #thohjim-0 | 2020-07-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Thanks for watching
I'm a college student in Japan.

I made my first game with PICO-8!

But there's only the main game, not the title screen or anything...
Still, I think did well(IMO).
Of course I didn't make it by only myself, but with the help of various people and blogs on the internet.

This game is a rhythmgame,likes beatmania.
Music is "20,November"( I've never even play by ear. this is the first music in my experience!)


  • lane1 = ←
  • lane2 = ↓
  • lane3 = ↑
  • lane4 = → 
  • RESET(when music end) = X

I suggest you do a KEYCONFIG.


Squid Defense

Cart #squiddefence-4 | 2022-06-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hi, This is my game Squid Defense that (originally for V1.) I spent a little over 8 days working on!
I spent forever trying to make sure it was perfect, but it has some bugs and annoying things to it but I hope it's still fun still. : )

(Might update this later, IDK.)


Try to defend the Beachball by shooting various sea creatures with ink! (ink has limited use with quick recharge.)
your ball has 4hp and it heals by 1hp at the end of a wave.

Also watch out for the ever changing tide, it might make you rethink how you need to play!

The # of stars after a map's name show the difficulty of that map, every map has 20 waves see if you can beat them!

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Cart #zoweraroro-0 | 2020-07-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

press z to generate

1 comment

Greetings all!

I recently discovered Pico-8 and have been having a good ol' time messing around with it.

I wanted to make a suggestion in the hope someone finds it interesting enough to pick up. (I don't know if something like this already exists, in which case kindly point it out to me!)

Anyway, my idea is to have a website where pico-8 fans - especially those with artistic ability and generosity of spirit (both of which are found in abundance in this community btw!) - can post sprites. Users could browse all available sprites, clicking the ones they would like to use, and finally click on a download button which would produce an empty p8 cartridge containing those sprites that they selected.

Users wishing to upload sprites could upload cartridges from which the sprites could be extracted, or there could be an online pixel art editor thingy, like Pico-8's own, if they wanted to draw the sprite right there.

The sprites could be categorised by genre/uploader/tags etc.


Cart #gunkalpha5-1 | 2020-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Howdy, this is my kinda shitty first attempt at making a game. It took me three days to learn enough about Lua and Pico-8 to get to this point, and there's still a lot of stuff I want to add to it, but it's finally to the point where I'm comfortable showing it to people.

Arrow keys to move, x to dash.

Known Issues

-Enemies can overlap, becoming one super enemy (this does not make them any more dangerous)
-Sometimes when the flower respawns, it respawns in the same location it was in, giving the player double points and potentially spawning double enemies.

Feedback is welcome, specifically about the code, as it's my first project. The game isn't super fun yet, I'm working on that.

Update 7.27.2020:

Enemies no longer overlap, but they do walk in lockstep. Added a global score counter and a sound effect if you try to dash without a charge.

Update 7.29.2020:

Slightly updated flower sprite, massively cleaned code, enemies are now asynchronous and score now updates in increments of 10


Anyone else not get sound on RetroPie? I've used Pico-8 on an RPi3 B+, and now the RPi 4. Sound works fine in any other application, but I never get any in Pico8. I'm hoping somebody has a suggestion.


Cart #salagander-1 | 2020-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Controls: arrow keys to move and jump, Z to restart a level

Salamanders have a goal: to reach the great pie in the sky. They also have a problem: they’re not that bright and each of them will repeat what the salamander before them did. No matter what.

You control the first salamander who decided to get to the pie. Can you make them behave?

Extra thoughts on the design of the game at this Twitter thread!

Edit: updated new version with jump bound to X as well for controllers. Also you can change your salamander's color by pressing it in the very first level!


Hello everyone,

I'm second year Japanese university student exploring game design.
This is my first time to make game.
My teacher introduced us to Mboffin's tutorial:
This is my remix.

I would appreciate any constructive comments.

I would like to make more games.

thank you very mach



Cart #icecrusherm-0 | 2020-07-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #drift_king_brink_edition_v_1-2 | 2020-07-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Took part in Kiwijam last week and had a blast making a drifting game.

I spent the week polishing it a little and would love some more feedback on it.

There are a few things I still want to fix up, mainly the music and sound effects.

Thanks for checking this out :D


After searching and testing for a solid hour, I still can't seem to figure this out. If anyone can clarify or point me to the correct docs, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

print(1) --1
print('hi',10,10) --hi ...at position (10,10)
print(1,10,10) --0x0001.0000 ...at position (0,0) <-- why?

Is that third scenario supposed to print in hex?

On the Wiki's print() page, this supposedly works as expected:

-- print the player x position just inside the upper left corner, in red

So is this a bug, or am I missing something?


Cart #meatris-1 | 2020-07-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

An attempt to cross Tetris and Super Meat Boy. Or something like that.

You can control the Tetris with arrow keys, and the Meat Boy with ESDF. You can challenge your multitasking skills, or try playing with another person, either cooperatively or competitevely, either might be fun.

Gravity increases linearly as you clear lines in this version.

There's no proper fail state yet, if Meat Boy dies, he disappears, if the well fills, it keeps spawning new pieces in crazy ways.


Cart #startrax_02-6 | 2020-07-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

28.07.2020: Added a title screen with a WIP version of the original main theme

26.07.2020: Added background images and a nice little color lookup shadow :D
Also, added one of the lose conditions (falling off-track) and fading out/in on entry

I'm uploading the current (5-year-old) version of Startrax, an itty bitty Skyroads clone, to make it available for reference (and to make me get over my laziness and properly update it!)
Here's a tweet from when I started making this game: tweet

Currently there's no win conditions, and just one single (debug) track - working on some more stuff to come! '^^


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Cart #packbat_taptempo-1 | 2020-08-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This one is super basic and was originally just going to be a utility within a bigger project, but it turned out so useful by itself that I wanted to share it. I'm sure not everyone has this problem, but I've found that changing the tempo after the SFX is written usually doesn't feel right - the piece ends up being built to make sense at the tempo it was created at.

To use the tap tempo tool, you decide what kind of rhythm you want to use, pick beats to tap on, figure out how many SFX lines between each beat you're tapping on, set that number appropriately, and tap it out.

(A couple examples: if I'm tapping quarter notes that I'll later subdivide into sixteenth notes, I leave it on 4 and tap every quarter note; if I'm planning to use a

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I would love some closure on this issue, as i have asked a few times and sent an email to [email protected] with no reply. I have seen a post from a few years ago with this same issue, and it was resolved by @zep changing it himself, which is what i would like to happen here, or for username changing to be implemented into the lexaloffle website.



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