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Yep, I'm still working on my Sprite/Flag routine.

Yet I left one of my other items running in the background in a separate Pico-8 tab last night, awoke to see that it said:


Well the next morning I cleared the slate and started new code for it:

until forever

About 12-hours later it crashes and says:


Now I don't think there's any recursion involved in this, but if it's running out of memory just by doing a loop, it could be a problem for others coders, right ?

And yes, I know "forever" is a NIL statement.

Nonetheless for it to crash, thoughts ?


Cart #popol_quest-7 | 2019-10-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Your are a brave little knight who is determined to steal the mighty dragon's treasure. But first you have to fight your way through his 6 henchmen.

Combat is inspired by Puzzle Quest and done through a match-3 game where you have to build a line or column of at least 3 gems of the same type.

How to Play

You control the curser to mark gems for swapping to form a new match. Different gem types have different abilities:

  • Green and Yellow: deals damage to enemy
  • Red: heals player
  • Blue: Player gains Mana Points (MP)
  • Pink: Enemy gains Mana Points (MP)
  • Skull: Deals damage to player

If you have enough MP you can cast spells that will help you on your quest. But be aware the enemy can gain MP an cast spells as well.

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Cart #ghosthouse-0 | 2019-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

here is my submission for Spooky September 4-Color Jam!

it was a collaboration between me and my wife; she drew all the amazing background art! (using a vector drawing tool I made)

enjoy, and happy september/october/autumntimes! :>


Cart #ix_spinflower-0 | 2019-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Menu: Z to start game.

Game: UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to move cursor,

Z to place point (reflected 4 ways)

X to finish shape and start a new one (shape will begin spinning)


This is a simple toy thing I put together in a very short time (maybe 2 hours?) on a laptop because my main computer is having Issues. But it came out pretty fun! Every time you 'add a point' with the Z button, it reflects a line to the centre of the screen from that point, mirrored four times, so it looks like an X basically, but you can control the size and angle of the X. And then you can keep adding Xes until you're happy with the look. Press X to 'set' that shape and start it spinning, and then build another the same way. If you're running in PICO-8 itself, you can use F3/F4 to capture little GIFs of the thing. Sorry it is so basic, as often happens the last-ditch idea is way cooler and has way more potential scope than I thought!


Do I even bother saying it was a busy month? It's been wild. Working on a lot of different things as usual, in and out of work! But feel like I'm learning, and have more to do as always! This is a fun idea I might come back to and significantly expand, we'll see.

itch.io page: here​.

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Cart #regolith_steam_v2-0 | 2019-09-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi. Here's a WIP that I'm starting to like. It's my first game. It def took me longer than expected :).

My goal was to simulate an aspect of asteroid mining that requires hopping between asteroids using steam as fuel and regolith (dirt) for shielding. I wanted a turn-based procedural world that's difficult to traverse.

Any feedback is welcome and appreciated. I'm still working on how to arrange these asteroids in increasingly challenging ways.

Brief Overview

You are an asteroid mining prospector trainee.

You are remotely controlling an asteroid prospecting spacecraft.

You have a limited map of the asteroid belt your spacecraft sits within. This map shows a rough approximation of the materials each asteroid contains.

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For the Spooky September Jam I made a little game about a cat who's scared of you, but there are ways to befriend him!
It's based on my girlfriend's cat. I hope you enjoy! :)

Cart #mokowafugo-0 | 2019-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #landscape_16-0 | 2019-10-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Old Version

Cart #landscape_07-0 | 2019-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Explore alien lands with a high-color world generator.

This is a new take on Postcards From the Fringe, which I made a few years ago. https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=28026

Press "z" to visit a new, random planet.

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The p8 file has unix end of line characters.
I created a lua file that I wanted to include and I was getting very weird syntax errors.
Then I remembered that Windows uses different end of line characters. When changing it to unix format it worked fine.

Trying to find the minimum code that triggered the error I found that it only fails when the { and } characters are on different lines.

Actually it also happens for parenthesis. If the parenthesis are more and two end of line chars apart they fail:

file that works:

file that works:

file that fails:


converting the last file to Unix format works just fine.


by Zero
Cart #ocean-1 | 2019-09-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A game I made during the UW GI Fall 2019 Game Jam.
The theme was Create the Unknown.

The game will create and show you a random 3x3 pattern of blocks, and your
goal is to create it from memory, but you can't see where your character is or where
the blocks that you've placed are.

The mode that you're in is displayed on the top-right of the screen.
You can switch between modes by pressing Z.
There are 3 modes:

Use the arrow keys to move around.
Press X to reveal what you've built then press the right-arrow key to see if you've won.
If you didn't get the pattern correct, it will reset the building area, but with the same pattern.

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1 comment

Cart #mmawdsley_nurikabe_1-2 | 2019-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Nurikabe is a Japanese puzzle game where you must determine which blocks on a grid belong to the islands and which belong to the sea with each island being denoted by a number indicating it's size.

Includes a quick tutorial which explains the rules in more detail.

Read more about Nurikabe on Wikipedia

Release 1.2

  • Levels are locked until 2 of the three previous ones have been completed

Release 1.1

  • Automatically selecting the next level
  • Level 47 is now possible to complete
  • Fixed bug where pools wouldn't be highlighted as in error

Cart #beethovenrpgtest-0 | 2019-09-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

just an rpg battle test! hoping to do some more with this little bit of code. there's no stats or anything, and i'm currently trying to print a damage number when you hit the enemy, but i haven't gotten there yet

1 comment

Simply put, pressing the "+" key on the numpad will navigate to a pattern that is 4 above the current, not 1.

The "-" key on the numpad will decrement by 1, and on the alphanumeric side, "-" decrements by 1 and "+" increments by 1. So there's evidently some inconsistency here...

Maybe the numpad+ is supposed to increment by 4, in which case, the real bug is that numpad- currently decrements by 1.


Cart #map2bbsimage-1 | 2019-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

To load this, in PICO-8 type:

load #map2bbsimage-1



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Cart #tatafohawu-0 | 2019-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

by dw817
Cart #as-0 | 2019-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

TO LOAD THIS CART in Pico-8 immediate mode, type:

load #as]

(12-31-19) Added youtube video comparison.

It's difficult to emulate some of the wondrous things that are done in arcade games. One of which I was especially fond of is when Galaxian first made the scene as a space shooter. It had tiny stars that were colored and they flickered perfectly.

Here now is one function to do just that for you. Include in any of your space shooters. Just add to _draw() or _update(). Fire and forget. You don't even need code to initialize the stars as this is also covered in my one function.

Compare with original:

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Cart #str2board-0 | 2019-09-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This program may not be too useful for you Pico-8 veterans but may prove instrumental to those learning the system or want an easy route to build their own mapper.

Obviously you can use the MAPPER if you want, but if you don't want to or can't, you may find this code to be of interest.

Here is the top of the source to show you what is going on in it.

As you can see it is a single string, 240-characters in length that uses only the special characters for Pico-8. If you check out the sprites you have:

Where you can replace each letter of the alphabet here with your own custom image. Then in the source editor, press SHIFT followed by that letter to enter in that character for the string in your board.

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The manual and API docs talk about a "monster" type for actors, but I don't see it anywhere. All the "monsters" seem to be regular actors. Was it removed?

I see an option under actor properties to "count as monster." What does this do?

1 comment

Cart #palette_maker-8 | 2022-06-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A tool for creating palettes! Supports the default 16 colors and the secret extra-set of 16 bonus colors (you can use items from both in your palette, but you can only select 16 colors in total).


Click a color in the 4x4 grid to select/deselect it. Click the Default/Alternate buttons on the left (or press Z) to switch the picker-grid between default colors and "special dark" colors.

Click and drag colors you've already chosen (at the top) to reorder them.


To export your palette, click the Copy button (see note below). This exports your palette as a single line of Lua, which you can paste into another pico8 editor (or a text file). You can put this line of Lua into your _INIT() function, or at the very top of your script, or at whatever point where you want the palette to change.

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Cart #chromaspace-0 | 2019-09-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Chroma Space is a pico8 game where you, as a solitary adventurer, have to free the space out of the asteroids that are trying to destroy the galaxy.


  • Arrows to move


  • Enemies move when you move, so think about the different patterns to make your strategy!


I'm "Bibiki", a composer and sound designer interested in learning how to make games, so pico8 is a really useful tool to learn. Any suggestions for the game are really helpful! :)



Cart #spacewiz-3 | 2019-10-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

For my first ever game, I wanted to do galaga with a simple spin on it. I have a lot of ideas on how to expand on it, but for now. each time you progress you can choose one of 3 different options(each is exclusive). I know it's super early to upload this, but i really want to be able to EASILY find/play it on my new retroflag gpi.

Update 10/14/19:
used the advice on the shot timer, and putting ashort pause between the level-up screen and the end of the level. also, looks like there WAS a double move going on, so i fixed that.

Thanks everybody!


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