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Simply put, pressing the "+" key on the numpad will navigate to a pattern that is 4 above the current, not 1.

The "-" key on the numpad will decrement by 1, and on the alphanumeric side, "-" decrements by 1 and "+" increments by 1. So there's evidently some inconsistency here...

Maybe the numpad+ is supposed to increment by 4, in which case, the real bug is that numpad- currently decrements by 1.


Actually that behavior is correct. (As well as it can be).

You remember in the SPRITE editor you use "-" and "=" to move the sprite selector left and right. Well, it is the same in the SFX editor.

Now if you hit "_" and "+" you will go up and down in the sprite editor but if you check carefully it is actually decreasing the sprite editor left and right by 16 (which visually is up and down).

There is no equivalent in a horizontal strip in the SFX to up and down so ZEP made it just increment and decrement by four.

I doubt this is an error and is actually a nice way to zip to the end. I think in the new release there will be the ability to navigate Up, Down, Left, and Right in the SFX selector where there will be 4-sfx blocks across.

Thanks, that makes sense, I never really used keys to navigate between sprites like that so I was unfamiliar with those controls.

I spend a lot more time in the music editor, and use the numpad a fair amount (since there's a lot of number entering involved with using the tracker), I thought I was just doing something wrong until someone also asked about it in the Discord, so I concluded it must be a bug.

Turns out I was indeed just doing it wrong... Though in my defense, the manual and various API cheatsheets I've seen floating around weren't as helpful as you've been.

We'll go ahead and let this thread stand for posterity, hopefully it can help other confused musicians who might stumble their way here!

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