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Cart #curtainsofwhimsy-2 | 2024-11-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I make a temporary GameOver screen which looks like this.

I think it's good enough right now.The next step is to make some enemies to shoot.


In this week ,I want to add a GameOver screen to my game,using default font to draw the screnn is not that cool.
But I am not good at art or making animations.So i decided to find inspiration in someone else's code.

That is cool,but i do not kown if it suit to my game.but it is a good idea to make a animation like this for my
start screen.

Maybe it is hard for me to make a suitable animation.Something like Celeste's title'style is also a good idea.

I do not kown if it will take me a long time to make my GameOver screen,I think it is important to make a whole game
fist,instead of spend to much time making animation.So I made a temporary one.And then continue to finish my game.


Cart #graveyardgame002-1 | 2024-10-29 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #pumpkin_carving-1 | 2024-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A simple pumpkin carving game!

Thanks to @RealShadowCaster for all the help!


​Discord for my projects - https://discord.com/invite/jRkuQh2nr8
Play SUPER World of Goo first! - https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=142393

A Halloween themed continuation of SUPER World of Goo, featuring 6 new harder levels and fixes
This game uses my complex background editor - https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=142282

  • Press Z/RMB to hum and lead goo balls
  • Hold X/LMB to pick up and drag goo balls
  • Use MOUSE/ARROW KEYS​ to move the cursor
  • Press ​W/SHIFT​ to skip a level (I won't judge)

Cart #spooky_wog-2 | 2024-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #pentatonicrunner-0 | 2024-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here I added a "root note map" screen where the player can assign a root note for each direction of the dpad.
During game, then, pressing left, right, up, or down, will change root note, set of sfx carried by the electric shocks and colors accordingly.
Also the osd gives info on the current root note and on the upcoming shock note.


Cart #scryerstatic-1 | 2024-11-01 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made this for gazing into, in the method of scrying. The static is random, rather than repeating
scenes, allowing for fresh connection to the present moment in the static. I used purple hues
as a more gentle gazing surface than the regular black and white static of television. I also selected hues of purple which had a certain vibrant quality which I suspect will be beneficial to the process (and pretty as well). I smushed together two of the demo carts to make it.

Just sit back and watch the patterns form within the static. Look into your mind while you
look into the screen, see what seethes there below the surface. Dream while awake, let your
mind form images, and go with the flow.

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Has anyone used a 32KB flash chip to store a Pico8 game on, then read/load that game via a raspberry pi?

I'm thinking this could be a fun and cheap way to make physical game cartridges.


The Fountains is my first video game created with Picotron, it started as a proof of concept in Pico-8 and is finally becoming a full Picotron project.

You can play a demo at:

It contains one of the 5 levels that I initially proposed and that I hope to have time to finally complete.


In a dark era, where all kind of creatures roam freely through the kingdom of Elarion.
Few are the brave, that leave their homes.
The Fountain are a dynasty that has maintained the balance in Elarion thanks to their leadership.
Kings Alejandro and Cristina, trust that their descendants become wise heirs of the kingdom.
Morwenna, an old banished witch, master of the dark arts, seeks to avenge the Fountain and plunge the kingdom into darkness.


Youtube Gameplay


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kitty loves twisters

(300 chars)

for j=0,511do x=j\8*2p=j%2h=40+p*8a=(t+x*(cos(t))/333)%.25+j%8\2/4+5/8u=sin(a)*h+64v=sin(a+.25)*h+64q=4+sin(.85-a)*4fillp(({-1,░\1,▒\1})[1+q%1\.2])if(p<1and v>u)r(x,u,x+1,v,1+q\1*17)
pal(7,p*7)sspr(x/4-5,-3,1,12,x,u,2,v-u)end t+=.01goto ∧

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Cart #nehugitiha-0 | 2024-10-29 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

for class


Cart #microlander-0 | 2024-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Super simple lunar lander clone... as stages advance, gravity increases. Let's see what stage can you get to.

v0.3 11/2/2024

  • Having too much horizontal speed while landing causes lander to crash
  • If the landing angle of the lander is not "mostly vertical" causes a crash
  • Tweaked terrain generation algorithm to make it a little more jagged
  • Ensuring the landing pad is always within the bounds of the screen
  • Gravity will not increase linearly when passing stages.

Cart #pinorbgame-1 | 2024-11-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


PinOrb is an arcade game that combines the mechanics of Pong and Pinball. The goal is to reach high scores without letting the ball fall. Have fun, and don't forget to post your high scores as a screenshot!

How to Play

Use the Left and Right arrow keys to control the paddle.
On mobile, you can use Left and (O) for improved controls.
When you have no balls left, press Up or Down to restart the game.


Design/Art/Code: ArenaLlanura

Change Log


  • Lowered the maximum speed of the ball to prevent clipping, which will help with smoother gameplay and better collision handling.

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Cart #bacs_jam-0 | 2024-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

game i made for mini jam 170!
it's really janky and kinda lacks gameplay because i didn't work on it as much as i could have but hey i tried :)
inspired by troika! and tomorrow's vege-mallet therapy

1 comment

Cart #jogafasete-0 | 2024-10-28 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #aftwstadam-0 | 2024-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Bunker Down

My first lengthy text-based adventure. Made for the 100th Untitled Game Jam, where the theme was 'The End'.

With the Jam's time-frame being just over a week, I'm relatively happy with how much I got done. It was a slog at times but, as always, it's a great feeling to get something finished.

I hope you enjoy playing! How many days can you survive a rogue Earth scenario?

Game Jam entry -> https://itch.io/jam/untitled-game-jam-100/rate/3062084
Itch.io page -> https://stadam.itch.io/away-from-this-world


Latest updates

  • Fix portals
  • More stats for infinite mode

Cart #horneds_sw-32 | 2024-11-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello PICO community!

I recently met Pico8 and was fascinated by it. At first, I just played games, but then YouTube suggested a video on how to program for this console...

So, I’d like to introduce my first game for Pico8 (and my first game ever). It’s a simple puzzle like "Flood It," but with more advanced mechanics.

Your goal in the game to grab more field than others. There is a bunch of missions available and practice mode (you have to unlock it).

Game has a minimal retro style.

I’d love to hear your feedback and advice. The game is still in development, and I hope to add more features (maybe even skills?).

Happy playing!


  • Campaign with 21 missions
  • Special powers (unlockable)
  • Different arenas (unlockable)
  • Practice mode (unlockable)
  • Infinitive mode (unlockable)
  • Up to 4 players in skirmish mode
  • Top scores (per mission, per arena, per run, etc)

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Hello! I wanted to post my little ball game that I have been making to play around with the engine for a while.

Arrow keys to move, X gives the ball an explosive boost if you hold a direction!

There is no goal so far, but you can destroy some crates if you want. CTRL-R to reboot if you run out of crates to smash. The fire can break the crates on their own if you aren't fast enough. I will hopefully use the fire in a productive way in a later version.

Cart #crateballd1-0 | 2024-10-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hi, I try to make a one-button game and thought I could extend it to four players , maybe even using one controller (but yes two players on the direction pad might not work).

On a keyboard 4 players could use the keys from both players, even esdf, for movement. Btnp() returns an integer that represents the pressed button/keys. e.g. 512 for player2,-> (right).

The players use the x ("x" and o ("c") buttons and on keybord q,w. I could use btnp(4,0), btnp(5,0) and btnp(4,1),btnp(5,1) but it would use 4 "if-statements" instead of one and I want to use the keyboard and variable keysetting.

I would like to have something like this:

playerbtn		= {32,16,4096,8192}
player[i]		= {btnpressed = playerbtn[i])

for i=1,game.playernumber do
if btnp() == player[i].btnpressed then
some code

instead of four times this:

if btnp(5,0) then
if player[1].movment < 8 then

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