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EDIT: This has now been fixed as of 0.1.1c

I just freshly installed Ubuntu 24.04 on a laptop and the first thing I did was download Picotron. Everything works but I noticed the readme.txt is empty and the drive.loc has the wrong icon. I deleted the folder ~/.lexaloffle/Picotron and booted Picotron again but no change. Wasn't sure what else to do so I posted here.

UPDATE: I moved my ~/Library/Application Support/Picotron folder from my macOS to the Ubuntu and it boots but this is what comes up

If you try to drag and drop any of the icons it crashes when you release the left mouse button


Cart #mumismissing_pj-1 | 2024-08-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

thanks to RealShadowCaster i made an update with a mini-map and a compass to help you to find all the bugs... enjoy

"Mum is missing" is a contribution to the LOWREZJAM 2024


One optional theme is Peaceful, you'll find no fight, no lost life, no gameover, you just have to find your mom. It's a little very tiny platformer which will take you a few minutes to complete.

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by alij
Cart #poyudizaha-0 | 2024-08-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

this a pakour game
th for play my game and th for commnd(advice)


Motivation For the Game

Tiny Epic Kingdoms is one of my favorite boardgames to pick up and play. I love big strategy games but often don't have the time or the people for a massive game of Twilight Imperium (Sardaak N'orr all the way!). I really like that Tiny Epic is a game I can play in less than an hour that gives a similar experience to something like Twilight Imperium or Dune or any other grand strategy boardgame without dedicating a whole day to it.

Deciding to make this Tiny Epic Kingdoms into a Pico 8 cart came from playing the solo variant at a coffee shop while I was killing some time and realizing it would be fairly simple to implement it into Pico 8.


80% of the development was done within the Pico 8 engine with some of the development done on my little Pico 8 mac with a Raspberry Pi 3 inside! I jumped into VSCode in the last stretch for Debugging the AI and cleaning up tokens. It makes things convenient when you need to mass rename something or look at two parts of code quickly. I still enjoy using the Pico 8 internal editor the most. It's so cozy and nice to be able to do everything in the little program.

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Cart #tinyepickkingdom-0 | 2024-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a fan port of the boardgame Tiny Epic Kingdom. If you enjoy the port, you should support the creator of the game, Scott Almes, by buying the actual game!

Official Rules and PDF

This version uses the basic rules found in the rules PDF linked above.


You play the game by selecting actions to either move your units (colored squares representing armies) around the board or to research upgrades to try to get the most victory points before either you or the opponent fulfill one of the following:

  • 6 units of one color are in play
  • research level 5 is reached
  • tower level 6 is reached

Action Area

In this area you select what action you want to do on your turn. You select different actions by using ▲ or ▼ and selecting with the Z/O key. You can press ◀ or ▶ to move to other menus.

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Cart #overdrived-1 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


by lights+blue


There's some alien invasion or something (idk make a head canon you can do it) and you need to drive over them.
Hit enemies and avoid the bullets fired in order to progress through the endless wave system (well it actually crashes at around 5000 i think), which introduces unique enemies with different patterns to learn.
Chain hitting your enemies in either a fast pace or through a drift in order to mantain a combo and score big. Do note that combos go away quickly in this game, and only go up to x8.
If you got hit 3 times, you fail, but you regain 1hp at the end of each wave, and if you and a wave with full health, you get a free 50pts!

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Doesn't affect functionality so I can work just fine, but I noticed when I actually click the play button instead of hitting the space bar, the tracker doesn't scroll through the rows and move on to the next pattern. The music plays but the bottom just says "ROW: 0" instead of "PLAYING ROW: #". I'm fine using the space bar


Cart #roboescape-11 | 2024-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is my first pico-8 game. I based it on an adventure game tutorial I found online.


You are a robot that has just infiltrated an enemy space-station and stolen vital intelligence from the enemy and now you must escape the space station and return the enemy-intel to your commanders. However, there are other robots programmed to attack you on sight.

Navigate to the final exit teleporter through doors and teleporters as well as dodging and destroying enemy robots along the way.


In intro screen:

Left/Right - Select difficulty
X - Begin game
Z - Open the info / help page
Z - Return from info / help page

In game:

Arrows - Move
X / Z - Fire your weapon

To press / activate a button, simply press towards it.

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Cart #pico_drop-0 | 2024-08-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


An additional 32 synthesized instruments for your composing pleasure.


Cart #asteroids-0 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome to my second functioning game! I hope you enjoy this asteroids demake!


Cart #tile_raycaster-0 | 2024-08-23 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Demo I made of a very simple level editor for a 3D ray caster game.


In map editor:

  • Arrows - move cursor
  • Hold X + left/right arrows - pick tile
  • Hold C + move cursor - paint tiles
  • Once PLAYER tiles is selected, press C while holding X to spawn player on map

In first person mode:

  • Left/right arrows - look left right
  • Up/down arrows - move forwards/backwards

I originally started making this as a custom level maker for a first person shooter like DOOM or Wolfenstein 3D but I had to move on to other projects.

You are welcome to make changes to my code and potentially add shooter functionality to this demo.


Pico little alchemy

Cart #pico_little_alchemy_xl-12 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

PICO-8 Little Alchemy is a creative and engaging puzzle game where you combine basic elements to discover new ones. Starting with just the four classical elements—fire, water, earth, and air—you can mix and match to uncover a wide range of combinations, from simple compounds to complex items and life forms.

How to Play:

  1. Combine Elements:

    • Select two elements from your discovered list.
    • Combine them to see if they create a new element.
  2. Discover New Elements:

    • Each successful combination adds a new element to your collection.
    • Your goal is to discover all possible elements by experimenting with different combinations.
  3. Reset Game:
    • If you wish to start over, you can reset the game to its initial state.


  • Over 200 Combinations: Explore a vast array of combinations, from simple mixtures like mud (earth + water) to complex discoveries like life (energy + water).
  • Visual Feedback: Enjoy particle effects and visual cues for successful and failed combinations.
  • Randomized Discovery: Each playthrough presents a different element to discover, adding replayability.
  • User-Friendly UI: Intuitive controls and interface make it easy to navigate through your discoveries and try new combinations.


  • Arrow Keys: Navigate through the elements and menus.
  • Z Key: Combine the selected elements or confirm an action.
  • X Key: Open the reset game confirmation popup.

Example Combinations:

  • Fire + Water = Steam
  • Earth + Water = Mud
  • Air + Fire = Energy

Game Objective:

  • Discover all possible elements by combining different pairs of elements.
  • The game keeps track of the elements you have discovered and challenges you to find them all.

Explore the world of alchemy and see how many elements you can discover in this addictive PICO-8 game!



local recipe_list = {
    {"pressure", {"air", "air"}},
    {"energy", {"air", "fire"}},
    {"dust", {"air", "earth"}},
    {"lava", {"earth", "fire"}, {"volcano", "fire"}},
    {"rain", {"air", "water"}, {"cloud", "water"}},
    {"mud", {"earth", "water"}, {"sand", "water"}},
    {"steam", {"fire", "water"}},
    {"sea", {"water", "water"}},
    {"wind", {"air", "energy"}},
    {"stone", {"air", "lava"}},
    {"atmosphere", {"air", "pressure"}},
    {"cloud", {"air", "steam"}, {"water", "air"}},
    {"earthquake", {"earth", "energy"}, {"earth", "pressure"}},
    {"gunpowder", {"dust", "fire"}, {"charcoal", "sun"}},
    {"salt", {"fire", "sea"}, {"hammer", "stone"}},
    {"volcano", {"earth", "lava"}, {"mountain", "fire"}},
    {"granite", {"lava", "pressure"}, {"stone", "pressure"}},
    {"obsidian", {"lava", "water"}, {"lava", "cold"}},
    {"brick", {"fire", "mud"}, {"clay", "heat"}},
    {"plant", {"earth", "rain"}, {"earth", "flood"}, {"water", "seed"}},
    {"flood", {"rain", "rain"}},
    {"ocean", {"sea", "sea"}, {"water", "sea"}},
    {"sky", {"air", "cloud"}},
    {"sand", {"air", "stone"}, {"wind", "stone"}},
    {"wall", {"brick", "brick"}},
    {"fog", {"cloud", "earth"}, {"cloud", "cold"}},
    {"mountain", {"earth", "earthquake"}, {"rain", "volcano"}, {"flood", "volcano"}},
    {"storm", {"cloud", "energy"}},
    {"metal", {"fire", "stone"}},
    {"explosion", {"fire", "gunpowder"}, {"fire", "pressure"}},
    {"swamp", {"mud", "plant"}},
    {"tsunami", {"wind", "wave"}, {"ocean", "earthquake"}, {"sea", "earthquake"}},
    {"algae", {"ocean", "plant"}, {"water", "plant"}},
    {"isle", {"ocean", "volcano"}, {"mountain", "ocean"}},
    {"wave", {"ocean", "wind"}, {"sea", "wind"}},
    {"cotton", {"cloud", "plant"}},
    {"grass", {"earth", "plant"}},
    {"geyser", {"steam", "earth"}, {"volcano", "water"}},
    {"tobacco", {"fire", "plant"}},
    {"garden", {"plant", "plant"}},
    {"moss", {"plant", "stone"}},
    {"ash", {"energy", "volcano"}, {"fire", "paper"}},
    {"eruption", {"energy", "volcano"}},
    {"hurricane", {"energy", "wind"}, {"wind", "wind"}},
    {"rust", {"air", "metal"}, {"metal", "water"}},
    {"sound", {"air", "wave"}},
    {"atomic bomb", {"energy", "explosion"}},
    {"fireworks", {"explosion", "sky"}, {"gunpowder", "sky"}},
    {"glass", {"sand", "fire"}, {"sand", "baker"}},
    {"sun", {"fire", "sky"}},
    {"bullet", {"gunpowder", "metal"}},
    {"steel", {"charcoal", "metal"}},
    {"electricity", {"energy", "metal"}},
    {"blade", {"metal", "stone"}},
    {"mountain range", {"mountain", "mountain"}, {"earthquake", "mountain"}},
    {"river", {"mountain", "water"}},
    {"beach", {"ocean", "sand"}},
    {"flower", {"garden", "plant"}},
    {"diamond", {"charcoal", "pressure"}, {"ash", "time"}},
    {"clay", {"mud", "sand"}},
    {"cactus", {"plant", "sand"}, {"desert", "plant"}},
    {"desert", {"sand", "sand"}},
    {"quicksand", {"sand", "swamp"}},
    {"moon", {"sky", "stone"}},
    {"sandcastle", {"sand", "stone"}},
    {"house", {"wall", "wall"}, {"human", "wood"}},
    {"pond", {"earth", "water"}, {"mud", "water"}},
    {"bird", {"air", "life"}, {"air", "animal"}},
    {"scissors", {"blade", "blade"}},
    {"sword", {"blade", "metal"}, {"blade", "wood"}},
    {"oasis", {"desert", "water"}, {"desert", "pond"}},
    {"ring", {"diamond", "gold"}},
    {"human", {"life", "mud"}, {"animal", "city"}},
    {"light bulb", {"electricity", "glass"}},
    {"wire", {"electricity", "metal"}},
    {"pottery", {"clay", "fire"}, {"baker", "clay"}},
    {"water lily", {"flower", "pond"}},
    {"glasses", {"glass", "glass"}},
    {"mirror", {"glass", "metal"}},
    {"telescope", {"glass", "sky"}},
    {"ant", {"animal", "sand"}},
    {"battery", {"electricity", "rust"}},
    {"space", {"earth", "sun"}},
    {"alien", {"life", "space"}},
    {"time", {"moon", "sun"}},
    {"root", {"earth", "grass"}, {"cave", "plant"}},
    {"tree", {"root", "time"}, {"plant", "time"}},
    {"wood", {"blade", "tree"}},
    {"birdhouse", {"bird", "wood"}},
    {"fruit", {"flower", "tree"}},
    {"alcohol", {"fruit", "time"}},
    {"animal", {"earth", "life"}},
    {"meat", {"animal", "blade"}},
    {"baker", {"meat", "fire"}},
    {"light", {"air", "sun"}},
    {"angel", {"human", "light"}},
    {"windmill", {"wall", "wind"}},
    {"wheat", {"grass", "sun"}},
    {"flour", {"wheat", "windmill"}},
    {"pasta", {"flour", "water"}},
    {"bread", {"fire", "pasta"}},
    {"sugar", {"energy", "plant"}},
    {"cake", {"flour", "sugar"}},
    {"candy", {"baker", "sugar"}, {"fire", "sugar"}},
    {"cannon", {"explosion", "metal"}},
    {"carrot", {"plant", "root"}},
    {"charcoal", {"baker", "wood"}, {"fire", "tree"}},
    {"paper", {"water", "wood"}},
    {"book", {"paper", "paper"}},
    {"brain", {"book", "human"}},
    {"computer", {"brain", "electricity"}},
    {"death", {"life", "time"}},
    {"corpse", {"death", "life"}},
    {"zombie", {"corpse", "life"}},
    {"dam", {"river", "wall"}},
    {"day", {"sun", "time"}},
    {"healing", {"leaf", "life"}},
    {"doctor", {"healing", "human"}},
    {"donut", {"pasta", "sugar"}},
    {"rainbow", {"rain", "sun"}},
    {"duck", {"bird", "water"}},
    {"eagle", {"bird", "mountain"}},
    {"egg", {"bird", "life"}},
    {"family", {"house", "human"}},
    {"farmer", {"human", "plant"}},
    {"fireman", {"fire", "human"}},
    {"forest", {"tree", "tree"}, {"tree", "earth"}},
    {"bone", {"corpse", "time"}, {"death", "death"}},
    {"cold", {"water", "wind"}},
    {"fridge", {"cold", "metal"}},
    {"gold", {"metal", "sun"}, {"metal", "light"}},
    {"hail", {"ice", "stone"}},
    {"hammer", {"metal", "wood"}},
    {"ice", {"cold", "water"}},
    {"internet", {"computer", "earth"}},
    {"leaf", {"plant", "tree"}, {"paper", "tree"}},
    {"life", {"energy", "water"}},
    {"emotion", {"flower", "human"}},
    {"love", {"emotion", "human"}},
    {"music", {"emotion", "sound"}},
    {"oil", {"earth", "pressure"}, {"bone", "time"}},
    {"omelette", {"egg", "fire"}, {"egg", "baker"}},
    {"origami", {"paper", "scissors"}},
    {"peacock", {"bird", "rainbow"}},
    {"penguin", {"bird", "cold"}},
    {"phoenix", {"bird", "fire"}},
    {"city", {"house", "house"}},
    {"pigeon", {"bird", "city"}},
    {"airplane", {"bird", "human"}},
    {"robot", {"computer", "gear"}},
    {"android", {"human", "robot"}},
    {"raft", {"sea", "wood"}, {"ocean", "wood"}},
    {"sailboat", {"raft", "wind"}, {"cloth", "raft"}},
    {"seagull", {"bird", "sea"}},
    {"wheel", {"stone", "wood"}},
    {"skateboard", {"wheel", "wood"}},
    {"snow", {"cold", "rain"}, {"cold", "flood"}},
    {"snow globe", {"glass", "snow"}},
    {"snowboard", {"snow", "wood"}},
    {"snowman", {"human", "snow"}},
    {"spaceship", {"rocket", "space"}},
    {"steam engine", {"metal", "steam"}},
    {"thunderstorm", {"cloud", "electricity"}, {"storm", "energy"}},
    {"woodpecker", {"bird", "wood"}},
    {"gravity", {"earth", "space"}},
    {"black hole", {"gravity", "sun"}},
    {"reptile", {"animal", "earth"}},
    {"dinosaur", {"reptile", "time"}},
    {"dragon", {"fire", "reptile"}},
    {"shell", {"pressure", "sand"}, {"ocean", "time"}},
    {"turtle", {"animal", "shell"}},
    {"farm", {"animal", "house"}},
    {"cow", {"animal", "grass"}},
    {"rabbit", {"animal", "carrot"}},
    {"frog", {"animal", "pond"}},
    {"fish", {"animal", "water"}},
    {"sheep", {"animal", "cotton"}},
    {"disease", {"death", "healing"}},
    {"rat", {"animal", "disease"}},
    {"pig", {"animal", "mud"}},
    {"milk", {"cow", "grass"}},
    {"yogurt", {"milk", "time"}},
    {"cheese", {"time", "yogurt"}},
    {"ice cream", {"cold", "milk"}, {"cold", "yogurt"}},
    {"cat", {"animal", "rat"}},
    {"dog", {"animal", "cat"}},
    {"shark", {"fish", "fish"}},
    {"golem", {"earth", "human"}},
    {"scythe", {"blade", "grass"}},
    {"pyramid", {"desert", "stone"}, {"desert", "house"}},
    {"sunflower", {"flower", "sun"}},
    {"blender", {"blade", "electricity"}},
    {"sleigh", {"ice", "wood"}},
    {"sandstorm", {"energy", "sand"}, {"sand", "storm"}},
    {"ivy", {"plant", "wall"}},
    {"horizon", {"ocean", "sky"}},
    {"butter", {"blender", "milk"}},
    {"seed", {"life", "plant"}},
    {"gear", {"brain", "metal"}},
    {"gun", {"gear", "gunpowder"}, {"cannon", "gunpowder"}},
    {"clock", {"gear", "time"}},
    {"lantern", {"glass", "light bulb"}, {"fire", "glass"}},
    {"bee", {"ant", "flower"}},
    {"honey", {"bee", "tree"}},
    {"bear", {"animal", "honey"}},
    {"map", {"paper", "earth"}},
    {"planet", {"stone", "space"}},
    {"mars", {"planet", "rust"}},
    {"venus", {"planet", "steam"}},
    {"man", {"human", "mars"}},
    {"woman", {"human", "venus"}},
    {"baby", {"human", "life"}},
    {"shield", {"metal", "shell"}},
    {"car", {"metal", "wheel"}},
    {"fairy", {"human", "butterfly"}},
    {"mermaid", {"human", "water"}},
    {"blizzard", {"snow", "wind"}, {"snow", "storm"}},
    {"catapult", {"pressure", "wood"}},
    {"iceberg", {"ice", "mountain"}},
    {"jellyfish", {"fish", "light"}, {"electricity", "fish"}},
    {"glue", {"plant", "water"}, {"paper", "water"}},
    {"bamboo", {"grass", "tree"}},
    {"cave", {"earth", "mountain"}, {"house", "mountain"}},
    {"cloth", {"cotton", "wire"}},
    {"bat", {"bird", "cave"}},
    {"batman", {"bat", "man"}},
    {"bow", {"cloth", "wood"}},
    {"grenade", {"explosion", "metal"}},
    {"grenade fruit", {"fruit", "grenade"}},
    {"apple", {"fruit", "computer"}},
    {"beetle", {"ant", "shell"}},
    {"butterfly", {"ant", "sunflower"}},
    {"carnival", {"city", "music"}},
    {"dew", {"grass", "rain"}},
    {"dome", {"glass", "house"}},
    {"giraffe", {"animal", "tree"}},
    {"kite", {"paper", "wind"}},
    {"nebula", {"cloud", "space"}},
    {"parachute", {"cloth", "wind"}},
    {"rocket", {"fireworks", "metal"}},
    {"sapphire", {"diamond", "water"}},
    {"rubis", {"diamond", "fire"}},
    {"amber", {"diamond", "honey"}},
    {"emerald", {"diamond", "grass"}},
    {"satellite", {"metal", "space"}},
    {"solar panel", {"glass", "sun"}},
    {"surfboard", {"board", "wave"}, {"board", "sea"}},
    {"armor", {"metal", "shield"}, {"steel", "shield"}},
    {"campfire", {"fire", "wood"}},
    {"champagne", {"alcohol", "sugar"}},
    {"garden gnome", {"garden", "human"}}

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just a mod of jo560hs super meat boy that adds a semi modified version of celeste's map, i might come back to this and clean up some stuff in the future but for now i think its good enough, credits to jo560hs, matt thorson and noel berry ofc

forgot to mention that bandages dont do anything at the moment, have fun getting em though

Cart #sumeleste-0 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

While making a top-down map for my game, I needed to arrange some of its parts to fit better together, which required rotating some sections. Since PICO-8 does not provide a way to rotate a map selection, I wrote a simple utility function to do that.

This function rotates a square section of the map clockwise.
MX and MY are the map X and Y coordinates of the upper left corner, and MS is the length of the square side - 1 (e.g. to rotate an 8x8 square, set MS=7)


  • Make sure that you do not modify the map in any way before you call the rotate function, or the in-memory changes will be written to the cart
  • Uncomment the second CSTORE (or edit the to edit the lower portion of the map
  • This function is not optimized and is not intended for frequent use (unless you are making some gravity-based platformer, I suppose...)
-- rotate a square section 
-- of a map clockwise
function rotate_map(mx,my,ms)
	-- read tiles

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=152999#p)

Cart #metro-0 | 2024-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The great wizard is taking over Netpacron. The only hope of stopping him is to scale his tower. Luckily, you were built to scale nasty towers.




This Celeste Classic mod took me so damn long to make, at least a month's worth of time dedicated to this. I really hope you enjoy this.

Cart #gock_version_1_1-0 | 2024-08-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Arrows to move
  • Z to jump
  • X to dash (when you acquire the ability)

There are 18 collectibles in total, and only one Gemskip Route, leading to the best ending, however you won't be able to collect all the collectibles in this route, due to collectibles being either in fake walls, or being way too out of reach.

Making a 0-dash Gemskip route was already hard enough with the options you even have anyway.

Update Log


  • Fixed the arrow block glitch where can get you stuck.
  • Added quick restart button.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


@zep o/ thanks for fixing the sfx arpeggio effects! here's another audio bug for you:

The music for embedded BBS carts has a noticeable music desync in some cases (the individual tracks sound out-of-sync from each other). I noticed it on linux+firefox with my music visualizer demo cart, reproduced here for convenience:

Cart #datufbuyi-0 | 2024-08-02 | Embed ▽ | No License

Individual tracks desync from each other; it consistently happens after the song switches from pattern 3 to pattern 4. The second screenshot here shows me catching it right when it happens:


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1 comment

Utility Functions for PICO-8

Cart #utils_fn_with_tests-0 | 2024-08-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Utility Functions for PICO-8 is a collection of essential functions, inspired by JavaScript, that simplifies game development by offering common operations on tables and strings. This library is particularly useful when porting JavaScript code to PICO-8, making the transition smoother and more efficient.

Functions Overview:

  • Iteration Functions:
    • foreach(t, fn): Iterates over each element in a table and applies a function.
    • map(t, fn): Transforms each element in a table and returns a new table.
    • filter(t, fn): Filters elements based on a condition and returns a new table.

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Cart #f32b_test-0 | 2024-08-22 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

  • Operation cannot be confirmed online.

If you want to store floating point values ​​in user data (or POD storage), currently using floats in user data or memmaps will not give good results.

My guess is that using floats in user data will be treated as standard in the future.

This program, f32b.lua, is included, and main.lua contains a simple usage example.
It is very experimental, but may be useful in some way.
It may also be possible to improve it and achieve more.
I don't think f32b.lua is fully optimized, but someone could perfect it.

The usage is as follows (contents of main.lua):

include "f32b.lua"

*** If you store it in user data.

f32b.lua uses "u8" for user data. Each floating point value uses 4 bytes.
In other words, if you want to save two values, create it as userdata("u8", 8).
mydata = userdata("u8", 8)

-- To set a value for user data, do this:
set_value(mydata, 0, -123.45)
set_value(mydata, 1, 100.0)

-- To extract it from the user data:
print(get_value(mydata, 0))
print(get_value(mydata, 1))


[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=153082#p)

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