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Welcome, intern. The company has taken your application in a positive light, you may join the ranks immediately.
Many of our current employees have been looking forward to having a new handyman, we hope you can deliver!

X to dash
o to interact and work!


Cart #summontheintern-1 | 2024-04-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is my entry for Ludum Dare 55, Diablillos, a fast-paced game in which you have to be quick to summon your imps and defeat your rival summoner.

Cart #diablillos-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Note: You need a mouse to be able to play this game.

If you could play and rate the game in the Ludum Dare website, I'd highly appreciate it! Likewise, if you joined the jam, please give me a shout so I can play your game.

You can read a dev log in GIFs at the Ludum Dare website as well.


A second take on the minesweeper game. Priginally made in 2 hours and polished a couple of months later.

D-pad - navigate
X - Reveal tile
O - mark tile as flagged

Reveal numbered tiles when there are enough flags around it to reveal all neighboring unflagged tiles.

Cart #collin_minesweeper_1-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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I love tinkering around in Pico-8, but I'm certainly not a competent programmer and just hack things together using spaghetti code for my own amusement.

In my day job, I work as an innovation manager for a technology company, and we have an internal innovation programme where we fund good ideas from people within the business, which we think will either provide commmercial benefits to the organisation, or provide reputational benefit.

One idea submitted recently was for an app/game to demonstrate "sustainability" (can't really go into more detail here). To test the concept, I knocked up a very crude prototype in Pico-8, which resulted in funding being released to develop a more throrough proof of concept app, using an external developer on iOS.

This was delivered and we are now at the point of deciding upon next steps in its development. Various options have been suggested, ranging from developing the game/app as a full desktop app, continuing development on iPad for iOS, developing for an Android tablet, or producing a web based version. Its all up for grabs.

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The first gangofthree Ludum Dare game is released! Enjoy!

Try to beat the evil wizard by summoning monsters of the right element. Play multiple times for a chance of other levels.

Cart #sumwizard-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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I got sick of making overly easy games to practice and get better
so i decided to start making small visual demos instead.
i have found that it is much more effective for me!
and ive gotten a LOT better in the past couple weeks in my opinion.
so here are my 2 main ones. enjoy!
tell me what u think!

Cart #lighttrail-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #fireandwater-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #trufflepig_jam-1 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Truffle Pig

I little minesweeper clone I made for Mini Jam 156!

The theme was "mushroom" and my mind immediately went to truffle pigs (oink). The limitation was "stuck in a loop", which I barely met by making the level a literal loop. I had planned to make it a commentary by being stuck in a loop of labour exploitation under the capitalist whims of a greedy chef but, you know, jams.

Have fun!



It’s been ages since I did anything for Ludum Dare. This time the theme was “Summoning”, so this is my attempt at a puzzle game where you need to complete a pentacle in order to summon whatever it is you summon. I did not spend too much time on this and could not find game mechanics that were both fun and challenging, so don’t expect anything great…

Left/Right arrows: browse runes (in select mode) or rotate rune (in placement mode)
Z/C: select rune (in select mode) or place rune (in placement mode)
X: cancel rune placement and return to select mode

Compo entry page is here.

Cart #pent8cle-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #flying_buttress_ld54-0 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Flying Buttress (noun):

  1. In architecture, a type of arch that extends from the outside of a building.
  2. A female butler who happens to be flying on this particular day.

You've been summoned by the bell! Collect items (or not) and reach the bell as fast as you can! Z to jump, X to dive. When you hit the ground while diving, you start rolling. Build up speed by rolling, diving, and wall jumping to carry yourself to the end! Make sure to post your fastest times below!

Made for Ludum Dare 55.


Picotronlike for backend

I’ve been spending some time trying to figure out a good design for how to let people build online services in the style of pico-8 or picotron.

If you are anything like me you want to see code before reading more:


function _serve(request, context, user)
    if not context then
        context = {
            messages = {}
    if request.query.post then
        local timestamp = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") 
        if not user then
            user = {
                name = request.query.user
        user.last_post = timestamp
        local newMessage = {
            user = user.name, 
            text = request.query.post,
            timestamp = timestamp
        table.insert(context.messages, newMessage)
        if #context.messages > MAX_MESSAGES then
            table.remove(context.messages, 1)

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=146648#p)

Cart #gpong-0 | 2024-04-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little Pong game I made for a friend! Use X and O to give the ball its own negative or positive gravity every time it hits your paddle. The gravity the ball is under will reduce by 10% every time it hits a side wall. The game ends when one of the players scores 11 points. Other than that, it's Pong!


Cart #ld55_cat_and_box-1 | 2024-04-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

There are boxes on your way to the yellow portal! However you are too weak to push the boxes yourself, so you summon some cats to push the boxes for your. But the cats are somehow stupid and they always push the boxes to the very end...

Also, you need to open the doors with green switches on the floor!

Arrow key to move/select summon position

Z to start summoning cat

Enter to bring up a menu for restart or go back to title

An entry for ludum dare 55

ludum dare link


In my vector library demo cart (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=141574) I have a main menu of demos each linked to a key press. From within each demo you should be able to return to the menu. On the web player I can get from the main menu to any of the demos but, once I'm in one of the demos, I can't get back to the menu.

I've uploaded 4 versions of the cart with the key to return to the menu as: tab, space, 0 and now m. All of these work for me within my copy of Picotron (0.1.0e) but none of them seem to work in the web player.

No idea what could be going on here unless all those keys have been reserved for some future web player only functionality and I'm just really good at picking the wrong key to bind my menu to.

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Cart #rezleste-0 | 2024-04-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


When I use vid(3) to change the video resolution, it seems to mess with the mouse() reading.

The code below replicates the error for me (v0.1.0e, Mac version):

function _init()

function _update()

function _draw()
	print( mx .. ":" .. my .. ":" .. mb, 5, 5, 7 )

For me, when I run the above code, there are large portions of the screen which do not register "mb" as "1" when I click with the mouse. The only portions of the screen that properly register the mouse button as "1" is a rectangle in the upper-left corner, from (mx=0,my=0) to about (mx=119,my=67).

Weirdly, if you click inside that rectangle, the mouse button registers as a "1" and continues to register as a "1" as long as you hold it down even outside that rectangle, so it only seems to affect the initial mouse-down event.

If I comment out the "vid(3)" line, the mouse works as expected over the entire window, so it appears to be specific to the "vid(3)" video mode.

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Cart #kusosolitaire-1 | 2024-04-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made a small Solitaire-Variant, based on italian Triestine-Cards. The Deck goes from 1-13, but without cards 8, 9, 10. Normal-ish soltaire-rules apply. You can stack cards by alternating suits.

"Kuso" (Originally Croatian "Kušo", say it like KOOSH-OH, which kinda means "friend") is my grandpas nickname, who basically sits on his terrace in Croatia all day, playing solitaire with triestine–cards.

I used one secret color, the darker green.

Thanks for Playing!


Cart #honorius-2 | 2024-04-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Memory game about Honorius III, a medival pope summoning demons to save humanity.

Made for Ludum Dare 55.

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One feature of electronic music is varying instrument parameters during the performance - for example, adjusting the depth of the lowpass filter sweep on an acid bassline. I think if there were a way to specify in the instrument design that one (or more) knobs was mapped to a value controlled by the tracker, it would be very easy to do these kinds of musical manipulations.

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Cart #summercrush-1 | 2024-04-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Use the right arrow to advance through dialogue. When it's time to make a choice, use the up and down arrows to choose carefully. You need as much Confidence as possible in the final scene! But, if you run out of Cool, you die, so be careful.


I had this idea many years ago, for a dating game where if you get too embarrassed, you instantly die. Unfortunately, a lot of the drama of that idea was lost in making the game less funny and more "it works".

That said, in the end, it works. I don't recommend making a dating game unless you have a great story idea, because I spent a LOT of time shrinking the story down into something that fit in one pico-8 cart. One cart or die. That's my motto.

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