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Cart #huzuwabupi-0 | 2024-04-07 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Picoroom is a multiplayer experience where you can interact with other users by moving your character around a room.

Getting Started

  1. Enter your selected room.
  2. Link your friends to https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=145948
  3. Ask your friends to enter the same room.

Menu Controls

  • Move down to "Enter room" to enter the room.
  • Left / right arrow keys to change selection.
  • Down arrow key to move to the next menu item.
  • Up arrow key to move to the previous menu item.

Room Controls

  • Arrow keys to move up / down / left / right.

Source Code



How do you detect ANY keyboard key being pressed on the Picotron? btnp() returns a number if you pass no argument so you can check if it is greater than zero to see if any controller button is pressed. keyp() only returns true or false whether you pass any arguments or not.


Cart #mcg_agntsekr_1_02-1 | 2024-05-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Agent Seeker

A PICO-8 Spy Hunter demake/remake/homage


Agent Seeker is a fast-paced, reflex-taxing game built in the style of the original Spy Hunter, one of the greatest video games ever created. [no citation needed]

Drive your heavily-customized luxury sports car down an endless roadway, protecting innocent motorists from a rogue's gallery of menacing enemy agents. Use machine guns, oil slicks, smoke screens, flamethrowers, and armor-piercing cannons to stop as many enemy agents as you can!


Arrow keys/D-Pad: Drive (l/r to steer, up for gas, down for brake)
Z key / O button: fire machine guns (front-facing, infinite ammunition)

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Cart #tinyhawk-2 | 2024-07-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I'm hoping you can figure out the gameplay controls, but beyond that - L = load the sample level (you may recognize it), E = enter/exit edit mode, G = eliminate excess grind rails, S = save to printh output, left click = place object, right click = change object, mouse wheel = elevation change, Q = rotate object, D = delete at cursor.

1 comment

So you want to print a star ★ on screen without drawing it? Just do:
print("\146", x, y, col) \146 is the Picotron character value of the star symbol

Here's the list of all codes we found working in Picotron:


\code - symbol - name

  • \131 - ⬇️ - Down Key
  • \139 - ⬅️ - Left Key
  • \145 - ➡️ - Right Key
  • \148 - ⬆️ - Up Key
  • \142 - 🅾️ - O Key
  • \151 - ❎ - X Key


\code - symbol - name

  • \16 - ▮ - Vertical rectangle
  • \17 - ▬ - Horizontal rectangle
  • \18 - Horizontal half filled rectangle?
  • \22 - ◀ - Back
  • \23 - ▶ - Forward
  • \24 -「 - Japanese starting quote
  • \25 - 」- Japanese ending quote
  • \28 - 、- Japanese comma
  • \29 - ▪ - Small square (bigger than a pixel)
  • \31 - ⁘ - Four dots
  • \128 - ■ - Square
  • \129 - ▒ - Checkerboard
  • \132 - ░ - Dot pattern
  • \134 - ● - Ball
  • \143 - ◆ - Diamond
  • \144 - .... - Ellipsis

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Reading my latest tech news seems to suggest that Apple will allow emulator apps on the iPhone. I know PICO8 isn't an emulator like the console ones, but it sounds like it might fall under this line I read from the Ars report:

"Apps may offer certain software that is not embedded in the binary, specifically HTML5 mini apps and mini games, streaming games, chatbots, and plug-ins."

I don't know jack about making apps, getting the approved, or any of the rules they have to abide by...just saw it and my first reaction was hoping it meant something like Splore could become an app and load our games on the phone...??



Cart #snowfall-1 | 2024-04-22 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Made this to try my hand at using sin and cos to draw shapes. plus i just wanted to make some snow :3 I overclocked it with the number of snowflakes because i wanted to see as many as possible. the framerate drops aren't so bad for the subject matter anyway...

EDIT: 1.1 Update!

  • number of flakes and max radius fluctuates now so it's a much more dynamic screensaver
  • refactored the code in a separate lua file for easy implementation into other projects
  • "manual" mode with button inputs for messing around, also intended for anyone who wants to use this for their own thing. to access this, load the cart and set "manual" to true in snowflakes.lua


Just finished a write-up on this but managed to lose it somehow, so here's the short version.

Trying to write a couple of my own Triangle Fill algorithms before digging into any of the ideas presenting in this thread:


One of the algorithms I tried poorly "borrows" ideas from Brenesenham's Line Drawing Algorithm found here:



Optimal Popsicle Obstacle

More of a brain twister than a tongue twister

Cart #popsicle1_0-0 | 2024-04-06 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You run an out-of-the-oridnary popsicle stand, setting out your treats at night and only selling them at the end of the day. Within this time, they can melt, sog, or even worse. Your profit depends on how well you can stick, stack and freeze together your goods in order to create the optimal popsicle obstacle.


Cart #undertalefight-0 | 2024-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I am working on a recreation of undertale's fight system in Pico-8.
There are a lot of issues with this project and many parts of it are incomplete, sooooo...

1 comment

Cart #flocking-0 | 2024-04-06 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a work in progress simulation or particle system, based on The Coding Train video Coding Challenge #124 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhjuuHl6qHM


  • If left mouse button is clicked, the particles will avoid the mouse.

I'm open to any change to boost the performance of the simulation (Quadrtree?). I plan to use it in a fishtank wallpaper or so, if anyone finds another use, feel free to play with the code!


Cart #gigeburoyu-1 | 2024-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

1 comment

Cart #wzrargo-0 | 2024-04-06 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Picotron started crashing when I run my new project, usually a few seconds after I start running it.

I can't figure out how to upload my cart, it keeps saying it's not valid

EDIT: Uploaded the cart
It seems like the .png file doesn't have the same issue when embedded here

Here's the crash report:

Translated Report (Full Report Below)

Process: picotron [37034]
Path: /Applications/Picotron.app/Contents/MacOS/picotron
Identifier: com.lexaloffle.picotron
Version: 0.1.0e (0.1.0e)
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)

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I've been trying to wrap my head around saving and loading in Picotron.

As always feel free to correct or improve, I'm always happy to learn.

2 main concepts to understand

As far as I know there is no automatic allocation of space for persistent userdata like in Pico8. You save your userdata as you would in other conventional game engines as an extra file. This makes it a whole lot easier.

This data is best stored as a table, so try player_vars={"Tammo",{"Sword",1},}. That data structure is internally stored as a .pod, which can be saved or read via store and fetch respectively. (Otherwise you'll have to arrange your data and pod it before saving just to unpod it after loading it.

Now you'll just need a place to store your data. It is good practice to create your own folder inside /appdata with mkdir. For example mkdir(save_dir)

These files can be opened and read, but this is fitting for our open community. Let's imagine the easiest possible usecase. We want to keep track of the highscore. We need to check for any existing high scores on _init and load them if they exist. If not we'll just start with the default value.

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The Jelpi demo included with PICO-8, but with a cheat menu that can do some pretty funny stuff.

Cart #kogasobiro-0 | 2024-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Page 1:

  • RESTART LEVEL: Restarts the current level. Unmodified from the original version.
  • THANOS SNAP: Activates the glitch mushroom effect, but way more intense. Destroys the game pretty much instantly.
  • MAKE BREAKABLE: Makes all of the tiles in the current level breakable.
  • SKIP LEVEL: Skips the current level.

Page 2:

  • INVINCIBILITY: Activates the invincibility power-up effect for the duration of the current level.
  • INFINITE CHARGE: Disables the cooldown on Jelpi's charge attack, allowing him to go very, VERY fast.
  • TOO MANY GEMS: Turns the breakable blocks and some background objects into gems.

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Cart #foxrun-1 | 2024-04-21 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #foxrun-0 | 2024-04-06 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Guide the fox through the forest avoiding obstacles and collecting butterflies. Controls are up,"w" and down,"s" on keyboard or controller.

Updated in version 2

  • Fixed keyboard issues with 0.1.0f
  • Improved game over
  • Added support for "w" and "s" keys for movement
  • Improved any key detect
1 comment

his name is zoot
but you already knew that
he's everyone's favorite!


Cart #petri_v1-1 | 2024-04-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Petri is a chill cellular life simulator. Witness the rise and fall of countless living cells all trying their best to survive and reproduce.

Behavior and ultimate fitness are governed by stats, mutations, and a move-set, all of which are encoded into rudimentry DNA that is passed down to offspring.

Cells that consume enough food become healthy enough to reproduce. Reproduction weakens a cell, but allows it to pass its DNA (with potential mutations) on to the next generation.


❎ (X): Cycle through display modes
Enter/Pause: Display pause menu and adjust various game parameters

Additional Info


Each cell has three stats: strength, agility, and speed.

  • Speed determines how likely a cell is to move
  • Strength determines how likely a cell is to consume energy each time it moves
  • Agility determines how likely a cell is to change direction each time it moves

Move Sets

Each cell has a move-set consisting of a list of numbers, 1-4, representing a cardinal direction.

Display Modes

The default display mode will output the number of living cells, the number of total births, the number of total dead cells, the amout of food currently in the environment, and the highest generation achieved.

The text-based display mode outputs the stats of the most recently birthed cells. Move-sets for each cell are indicated by a band of pixels, each color representing a different direction.


There are only two sounds effects in the game, one to indicate a birth, and one to indicate a death.


based on the tutorial from here https://docs.coronalabs.com/tutorial/data/shuffleTable/index.html

local cardDeck = {"AS","AH","2S","3S","KH","QD","QS","KD","4D","10H"}


local function shuffleTable(t)
	if (type(t) ~= "table") then
		return false
	local j
	for i = #t, 2, -1 do
		j = math.random(i)
		t[i], t[j] = t[j], t[i]
	return t
cardDeck = shuffleTable(cardDeck)

local currentIndex = 1
local function drawCards(num,deck)
	local cardsDrawn = {}
	for i = currentIndex, num do
		cardsDrawn[#cardsDrawn+1] = deck

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=145857#p)

Cart #ccdownside-1 | 2024-04-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Celeste Downside

This is a mod inspired by Linj's map from newleste strawberry jam, "Summit downside".

You can press down to stop moving on the ground.

we take no responsibility for any harm caused to the player (you) and/or their desk as they play this mod. no financial compensation will be given for any property destroyed as a result of playing this mod. Thank you for understanding.

Updated to fix final level, making it less terrible


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