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Cart #lina_suika_hunt-0 | 2023-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Lina: Suika Hunt

This project is an entry for the 20 Seconds Game Jam 2023, made with the fantasy console: PICO-8.



With all the Suika flying all around the world at every corner, Lina the Witch got enough one moring, and decided to end them for all! Hunt them down in the orchard to free the internet from them once and for all!


Press Arrow keys to match the fruit's direction, and press X to shoot at them! If you miss a direction, you can press C/Y to delete your last input in the combo!

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This is my first PICO-8 game. I just posted it on itch.io yesterday for submission into the 20 Second Game Jam, so clearly you're not in for an hours-long game of chess with this one. The main game mode lasts 20 seconds of course, but the version I'm posting here includes a mode that isn't timed as well as a practice mode.

The idea for this game started with imagining a one-player type of chess that didn't rely on an AI-based opponent. You're presented with a 4x4 board with five pieces to capture. First you select a piece to start on, and you now have its moves available to capture with. As you capture pieces, you gain more moves. You lose by letting time run out or by landing in a spot where a piece can capture you. None of the pieces move unless it's to capture!

Cart #chemps-0 | 2023-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #ashleepsheep-4 | 2024-01-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #ashleepsheep-6 | 2024-03-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome to Ashleep!

Gather Carrots and Apples so you can get sleepy! Jump on platforms and find all the food as fast as possible! If you don't eat all the food and head home in time, you may get very upset! This is my first Pico 8 Game :) (Released: 11-18-23) I removed the older versions for sake of organization
[hidden]-1/16/24- Update 1.1: - Updated spritesheets, optimizations, and new ground tiles

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I think table serialization is a pretty well-known token-saving technique but I hadn't seen anyone post one like this that just operates via peek and poke rather than using strings, so I thought I'd share my table serializer and deserializer here (originally written for PIZZA PANDA) in case this is useful to anyone.

The serializer writes binary data directly to memory so you can use the output however you want, e.g. you can use the "storing binary data as strings" technique to store it as a string, but you could also just store it anywhere in the cart's data.

The deserializer (the part you need to include in your final cart) is 170 tokens and it similarly reads bytes directly from memory.

The serialized format is pretty efficient and uses data types which are more specific than Lua itself, in order to save storage space; each one of the following is a separate "type":

  • 8-bit integer

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How to reproduce:

  • save a zero length pico8 file
  • reload() file from another cart

surprise! 0x0 -- 0x42ff was been wiped out clean even if "blah.p8" doesn't contain any data :/


Cart #abadraycasterwithstolennews-0 | 2023-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

i stole the news from the antimatter dimensions wiki
i wont go to jail i used vpn :thumbsup:

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Cart #flappy_turkey-2 | 2023-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Flappy Turkey

20 Game Challenge entry #1

Flappy Bird clone


Press X to start the game. Press Z to flap and avoid the flames. The longer you go, the game will increase in difficulty. The gap between flames will shrink (both horizontally and vertically), their speed will increase, and the flames will get wider. See how long you can last!


Cart #flopper-2 | 2023-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first pico-8 game!
Wanted to finally try making a game after 1 year of owning this thing, so I decided to make a flappy bird clone to test all its features.


Cart #yggdrasil-2 | 2023-11-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

There's a labyrinth in the heart of the world tree Yggdrasil. Ascend its 9 floors in search of salvation.


(O) - Item/Confirm

(X) - Cancel/(Hold)Inventory

(Pause) - change palettes, game mode, and BGM on/off (palettes/mode must be unlocked)


With great inspiration from the excellent Porklike by @Krystman, and sprites adapted from the work of @kirai_s. Game and music developed by @HelloWorldRamen.


Cart #farmbot-3 | 2023-11-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hey. This is a toy and not a fully fledged game. I was working through @SpaceCat tutorial on YouTube and developed a touch further than where he left off. I learnt a lot from his video as well as, I have to give a shout out to @Lazydev and @DocRob. They all have amazing informative channels on YouTube as well.

EDIT: Also I forgot to thank NerdyTeacher as well. I yoinked the LERP function from the PICO VIEW web zine. Would really be awesome if there was a PDF/printable version of PICO VIEW. Being out at sea with bad internet makes looking up reference hard.

Like I said, this is a toy. I am still learning a lot and have only completed one Fantasy Console game (CHIPPY - LowresNX). But I have to admit that this is far too addictive playing with Pico8.

I dabbled with adding caterpillars as "enemies" but haven't taken it further than spawning them.

V1 - I have added some sounds to play around with the feel. I have also looked at adding character portraits.

  • LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN (Movement)
  • Z/O (Selection in the hotbar/Action in menus
  • X (Action button in game/Open+Close menus

Cart #starpulse-21 | 2024-02-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Explore a nostalgia dos clássicos com "Star Pulse"! Este shoot 'em up em constante evolução promete reacender a paixão pelos jogos estilo Galaga. Desenvolvido com entusiasmo por um grupo de colegas, cada pixel é uma homenagem à era dourada dos arcades. Aguarde uma experiência aprimorada com arte refeita, transformando cada momento em uma emocionante jornada pixelizada. Em breve, sua nave estará pronta para enfrentar desafios intergalácticos.


  • Teclas de seta: Mova a nave
  • (X): Atirar
  • (0): Tiro Fragmentado (Esgota o marcador "Pow" abreviação de "Power")

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Grade: 100 !!!!!

made in 2 days (after school hours) for a school project.
if you're going to read the code, I'm terribly sorry...
everything in this game is rushed, and not the standard I hold myself by. Frankly, I'm pretty embarrassed by this. I wish I could've made this better, I wish I had more time, but at the end of the day at least I'm done.

what I learned from this:
the presidential roles
how 2 pixel art

What I wish I improved:
every single minigame. each one was made in one or two hours and half of the logic happens in the draw function.

Honestly, though, this was a fun challenge to do, minus all of the stress of course.

Thank you to my history teacher for letting me do this

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Cart #ragingsquash-0 | 2023-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello! Here's a little game I've made for a game jam under the theme "emotions".
It's about hitting the ball as hard as you can to release your pent-up rage and prevent your head from exploding.

o to jump/double-jump
x to charge/release a smash

There's a 2p mode too!

It was made in 48h so it's a bit janky and there's no music. Feedback is very welcome! If I have time in the future I'd love to refine it a bit.

Also, let me know what your best score is! The current dev record is about ~70, but I'm sure 100 is more than achievable.


Cart #rosegarden8-0 | 2023-11-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Rose Garden

Once upon a time, I was in a rose garden. With this game, I try to go back a little bit.

It's my first game (without tutorial) en I still have a lot to learn so please let me know so I can improve.

For now, there is a "game" with no real game only with a certain atmospheree with my "pixel art" experimentation.

For next step, I'm gonna make a game... maybe a "harvest game".

If you have any suggestions do not hesitate :)


Cart #mappy-2 | 2023-11-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My Pico-8 interpretation of the 1983 Namco arcade game and the various console versions.

How to Play

Collect all the stolen items from each mansion, avoiding the cats!

Cats cannot harm you when you are on a trampoline or jumping on or off of one.

Extra life at 20,000 and 70,000 points.


[X] - Open Door

Thanks To

Version History

  • 0.80 - 12-Nov-2023 - Released

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Cart #minefield_p8-7 | 2023-11-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Arrow Keys : move

X : confirm // delete block // chording

C : set / delete flag



  • high score is now working (hopefully)
  • new animation when deleting the blocks
  • "best time" indicator for the game-over screen
  • Numbers in "dark mode" are now the same colors as "light mode"

I've changed some colors in the game to make the animations pops a lil more
You have now to press a button (x or o) in order to exit the game over screen

Big thanks to RealShadowCaster for the help and all the brilliant ideas!


Enjoy !

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Cart #pico3s_0a-0 | 2023-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A Pico-8 remake of Sirvo's classic puzzle game, Threes


By Disco Rectangle

Based on Three's by Servo


Move ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️

Select 🅾️ / z


For this project, I wanted to jump into a single screen game with a more complex game loop than I'd previously worked on. While the game is functional save for one known, game breaking bug (see below) and the art style is largely in place, I found that I quickly ran out of enthusiasm for the project, largely because it didn't 'feel' to me like what it was originally based on.

Having now read some about the development of Three's, I can see why. Those developers made the prototype in 1 night but spent 14 months testing, refining and tuning their game. When originally deciding to remake it, I had thought that it would be a simple process because the game is mechanically simple. I just hadn't considered how much balancing would also needed to make it feel just right!

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Cart #simibokifo-1 | 2023-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


What is the preferred way to move a project from Work in Progress to Releases? Should I post a new thread in the Releases category, or change the category on the existing post and update the description/cart/etc?


Been inspired by old Lego products and PC games. I drew up some standard Lego pieces in the Pico-8 and was pleased with how they turned out. Should I make a Pico-Lego Builder out of this? I know it's been done, but I'd like to try my hand at it.


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