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im tryin to make a platformer base to use for future projects, but when travelling in positive directions, the collision is seemingly not detected until a full pixel further than it should be

            local xd=n.x+n.speed.x+n.w/2*sgn(n.speed.x)
			local yd=n.y+n.speed.y+n.h/2*sgn(n.speed.y)


			if fget(mget(xd\8,(n.y+n.h/2)\8))==1 or fget(mget(xd\8,(n.y-n.h/2)\8))==1 then
				n.x=xd\8*8+(n.speed.x>0 and -1-n.w/2 or 8+n.w/2)

			if fget(mget((n.x+n.w\2)\8,yd\8))==1 or fget(mget((n.x-n.w\2)\8,yd\8))==1 then
				n.y=yd\8*8+(n.speed.y>0 and -1-n.h/2 or 8+n.h/2)


negative velocity position readings(continuously accelerating by -0.005 pixels/second/second)
INFO: y=10
INFO: y=10
INFO: y=10
INFO: y=10
INFO: y=10
positive velocity position readings(continuously accelerating by 0.005 pixels/second/second)

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Hi all,

I decided to create my own take on the PICO-8 Cheet Sheet. 👨‍💻🖼️

Inspired by @LightBWK's version - I wanted to try to make a 4K one using a clean, modern look.

Light Version

It was also important to me to have a matching "Dark Mode" variant, as that's my go-to style 🕶️

Dark Version

Main Features

  • 🖥️ 4K (3840x2160) Resolution
  • 🔠 Clear, Monospaced JetBrains Mono Font
  • 🔷 PICO-8 API up to v0.2.5g
  • 🎨 Full PICO-8 Palette (inc. "Secret" cols)
  • 🦓 Matching "Light" and "Dark" variants
  • ⌨️ All Major PICO-8 Keyboard Shortcuts
  • 🖌 FILLP() Mask + Glyph Patterns
  • 🔄 Turn-Based Angle + Trigonometry Primer
  • 🈂️ Full Character Set

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Cart #oceanquaryum-1 | 2023-09-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Demo inspired by tweetcarts from @2darray and @gateeightyeight. 945 bytes
my personal oceanquaryum under the sea and under the bridge. for fun : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXkaGt94Dwg


Cart #picoblazer1k-2 | 2023-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Picoblazer 1K: A #pico-8 homage to the epic 1986 Trailblazer for Commodore 64, in 1017 bytes of compressed lua code. Produced for the 2023 #pico1k jam.

Use the left and arrow keys to direct the ball to the end of the track, while avoiding pits. Red tiles will bounce the ball back while green ones will speed it up. Blue tiles will cause it to leap forward.

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Cart #sb_1800_v1-2 | 2023-10-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I recently finished a game for the Cre8 Jam. You control a robot through commands to move through and scan a 3d environment. I would have added a bit more or fixed it up better, but I'm about out of time for the jam and really low on tokens. Even after using special functions to lower the token count.

You can get more information through the HELP command, but the main commands are:

MOVE (direction) (amount)
TURN (left/right) (amount)
SWITCH [name]
SCAN (dot size)

And another important one is RSCAN, which is just SCAN, but repeatedly scans.

I would highly recommend checking out the itch.io page, as its design is special for this game.

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Cart #smoothride-0 | 2023-09-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

One button tiny physic-based platformer made in Pico 8 with code under 1024 compressed bytes, made for #Pico1k jam 2023

Use RIGHT ARROW to accelerate when on the ground
Release RIGHT ARROW to fall faster when in the air
Press UP ARROW to start a new level
Press ENTER and select SEED in the menu to start from level 1 if you want a fixed series of levels

Number on top left is a timer for your run of the level, counted in frames (at 60fps), on top right is the sum for all the levels in your session. For example a casual run of all the seeded levels from 1 to 10 took me 14027 frames. My PB for level 1 is 1071.

Source as p8 are available on https://nusan.itch.io/smooth-ride in two versions, the "comment" version is what I coded with additional comments, so it's readable but the "minimal" version uses a tool (https://thisismypassport.github.io/shrinko8/) to makes it even tinier, it's not readable but it fits into the 1k compressed bytes target


Cart #goblinboneyard-4 | 2023-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Little Boo Games
Bram’s Daydreams

Goblins have stolen the marshmallow skulls from candy lake! You must find them!

(This is the 4th level from a 4 part children's series called 'Bram's Daydreams'.)

Level 4 / Goblin Boneyard
Collect the marshmallow skulls and watch out for goblins!

Controls: left, up, right, down

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Cart #jackolanternpatch-4 | 2023-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Little Boo Games
Bram’s Daydreams

Goblins have stolen the marshmallow skulls from candy lake! You must find them!

(This is the 3rd level from a 4 part children's series called 'Bram's Daydreams'.)

Level 3 / Jack-O-Lantern Patch
Goblins are attacking! Throw rocks at them!

Controls: left, right, z=throw


Cart #magicstorm-4 | 2023-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Little Boo Games
Bram’s Daydreams

Goblins have stolen the marshmallow skulls from candy lake! You must find them!

(This is the 2nd level from a 4 part children's series called 'Bram's Daydreams'.)

Level 2 / Magic Storm
Watch out for falling jack-o-lanterns in the magic storm!

Controls: left, right, z=jump (freezes enemy)


Cart #galax1-1 | 2023-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello - and greetings from the Dimaverse! This game has been released for quite some time now, but we haven't posted on the BBS yet. So here it is!

Blast your way through 13 challenging waves in an effort to stop the Blurg from taking over Galaxius. At the end, you'll find the pinnacle of Blurg tech: the Mothership. Destroy it and retake Galaxius... until we make a sequel. Sorry.

Sarcastic™ Feature List

  • Hard gameplay that is only fun sometimes
  • 13 waves that look cool but are hard
  • Easy to learn yet infuriatingly hard to master
  • Slightly non-intuitive Pulse mechanic
  • High score saves... but only in the tab :(
  • Training mode for all the noobs out there

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Cart #robovac-1 | 2023-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Why Robovac?

I have been programming with Pico 8 for some time now and have created a few games, but they are not finished yet. By chance I stumbled across the Cre8 game jam a few weeks ago and thought, why not? I have never participated in a game jam before and hoped that this would give me enough pressure to finish a game.

But first I had to wait a bit to see what the game jam would be about. ROBOTS! Okay, my first thoughts were about the numerous titles of my childhood on the C64: Robocop, Terminator 2, Paradroid. But then I saw our Roomba standing in the corner. Bravely, it always does its job without being appreciated. Well, here is the game in his honour.

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Cart #sugarhigh-4 | 2023-09-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Little Boo Games
Bram’s Daydreams

Goblins have stolen the marshmallow skulls from candy lake! You must find them!

(This is the 1st level from a 4 part children's series called 'Bram's Daydreams'.)

Level 1 / Sugar High
Make a soft landing in Candy Lake to get some more energy-but watch out for bats!

Controls: left, up, right

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With the directional arrows you can go from left to right

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Cart #monochohan-0 | 2023-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Mono Cho-Han 🎲🎲

Night has fallen and it has begun to rain as you enter the inn. Two people and the dealer are sitting on the tatami floor. they kindly ask you to join their game of Cho-Han.

You agree.

The Rules

The rules are simple. The dealer shakes two six-sided dice in a bamboo cup. The cup is then tipped onto the floor. Players then place their bets (1, 3 or 6 mon) on whether the sum of the numbers on the two dice will be "Cho" (even) or "Han" (odd). The dealer then removes the cup and reveals the dice. Winners receive double their bet.

If any player runs out of money, the game is over. If the bank runs out of money, the game is also over. The bank runs out of money when a player reaches over 99 Mon.

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Cart #solongsofar1-0 | 2023-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So long,so far (or Wake up or the endless fall).
It may be the story of a guy who falls and keeps saying to himself: so far everything is going well and who counts the distances 100m... 90.. 80... etc. when he gets to 20cm from the ground, puts his foot on the ground, tells himself one last time so far everything is fine and leaves.:-)


I would like to request a more consistent availability of the "SHUTDOWN" menu command for handheld devices. Currently, when running Pico-8 on a handheld device (Powkiddy RGB30, Anbernic 351v, etc..) it can be difficult to shut down Pico-8. Every device has button shortcuts to force quit an App but they often won't work in Pico-8 depending on the OS and Handheld. In these cases using the "SHUTDOWN" command in the START menu is the only way to return to the OS. When launching directly into a cart, there is always a Shutdown command in the START menu

In my opinion, this is the desired behaviour.

However, when Pico-8 launches Splore mode, that menu does NOT have the "SHUTDOWN" command. It is replaced by "EXIT TO SPLORE"

From Splore it is possible to get to a Shutdown but that is hidden and sometimes not easy to access. You need to actually select a cart and press START, then select "OPTIONS"

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Cart #sofarsolong-0 | 2023-09-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

So far, so long (or wake up or the endless fall) A 1kjam demo 2023 (1014 compressed bytes).

1 comment

I would like to request more robust features to be able to control which controllers are assigned to which player. The current solution causes problems when using the Powkiddy RGB30 in TV console mode.

Background: The Powkiddy RGB30 has an HDMI out allowing it to attach to the TV like a Nintendo switch.

In this mode it makes sense to attach an external Controller to the handheld to be able to play the game at a comfortable distance - ideally using a wireless USB dongle or a Bluetooth controller.

However, the way Pico-8 currently handles controller assignment makes this cumbersome or impossible. On the RGB30 the face buttons on the device are mapped as a controller. That controller is usually controller #0. Attaching an external controller results as that controller being #1. Pico-8 will map that second controller to player 2. This makes it impossible to play most games and it also makes it impossible to control the menu with the external controller.

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Cart #histks_ttl_loops-0 | 2023-09-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hi folks!

This is a demo cart to accompany my article from the latest issue of PicoView, an excellent web zine run by @NerdyTeachers! The article series discusses using the looping features of Pico-8's tracker to create long and evolving musical phrases, while using minimal memory resources.

You can find the full article here:

PicoView: September 2023 - Practical Looping

It's a follow up to last month's article, which you can read here:
PicoView: August 2023 - Making Music with Loops


This article, and the accompanying demo cart, uses music composed by Gruber for Krystman's "High Stakes". Thank you very much from myself and everyone at [b]PicoView

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