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Merry New Years!

Cart #countdown_to_newyears-1 | 2023-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

sorry if im late


I was just messing around and misnamed the directory name and when I went to go hit tab to autocomplete it instead of seeing there's no directory named that it spewed this random garbage at me. It seems to be the same data everytime except it's randomly initialized when I open the .app.
I'm on mac 2.0.5e

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Happy new year everyone!

One of the things I want to do this year is to write more pico8 programs, and share what I do here.

In the last few days, I've been following LoveByte's TinyCodeChristmas Series, with the goal to write a pico8 new year's card. This is the result!

The mountains turned out kinda weird, but other than that, I'm happy with the result. Here is the card, feel free to hack it.

Cart #nenga2023-0 | 2023-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Next, I will try to complete LazyDev's Schmup tutorial by the end of February. Let's hope it works!

And also check out this BBS more :-)


Random Talk, Interview With Ericb - Pico-View #4

EB = EricB

M = Marina

Their games:
Into Ruins (click link)


M: So, @ericb who are you and why are you on Pico-View?

EB: So Hi, I'm Eric Billingsley. I'm an indie developer based in Canada, and I've worked on games like Tunic and Cuphead, and also my own games like Spring Falls. I started playing around with PICO-8 a few months ago and making Into Ruins, a roguelike. Which is mostly what we are going to talk about I think?

M: Wait, really? You worked on Tunic and Cuphead? Like 100% of my research for this was playing into-ruins.

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Hi guys.

I'm not going to call this a bug cause it really isn't. However it is pretty inconvenient.

In light of the recent data compressor I wrote:


I am required to encode characters "0" (zero) to "9" as "\48" to "\57"

Why ? Well quite simply the system recognizes that \0 to \9 are read as single characters. So suppose you wanted to have character CHR(4) and character "8" in a string for data.

Well normally you would encode that as "\48" but now you see the problem. That also makes chr(48) which is character zero.

What I propose is, and you can make it optional, that "\" followed by a digit is disallowed as you can use \" for character 34 and all other non-printables like chr(10) and chr(13) already have equivalents.

This is controlled inside the code itself, possibly with an obscure POKE or even the command, nnbd() for "No numeric backslash definitions."

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I have a noticeable scrolling lag with glitches in the explorer since the latest version.
Games start and run but also seem to be a bit laggy. Any Idea how to solve that?
Thanks and Happy Holidays!!


Cart #lastxmastree-0 | 2022-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Game jam entry: This game was created for the 2022 Toy Box Jam. This is game is not feature complete nor was it really playtested. It's a jam entry so take what you get :)

Grinches have destroyed all but one Christmas tree. You must help the elves save the last Christmas tree!

This is tower defense game where you can move blue tosser elves into any position while you also have to use the red scout elf to dig up snow and keep the tossers stocked with snowballs.


  • D-pad to move the red scout elf and blue tosser elves
  • When red scout, hold X button to move quicker under the snow
  • When red scout, press O button to dig up snow. When your snow is full, return it to the North Pole so it can be made into snowballs.

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This is a minor typo in one of the help docs, but when running help pset or help pget, the example function uses sget/sset rather than its pixel cousins.


Cart #zagowugati-1 | 2022-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A build of the game with options mainly to test the gameplay.


Use the arrows to move in 4 directions by one grid. To jump, press Z and then direction to jump over the pits.


Collect as much gold as possible while avoiding pits. Each collected gold spawns more pits.


the recent release of PICO-8 Education Edition proved that the PICO-8 editor can work on phones, but

> Sorry, touchscreen typing is not available ~ please plug in a keyboard!

i know why PICO-8 doesn't support touchscreen typing:
P8SCII is special, so it needs a special touch keyboard to work.

the standard phone keyboard has no [ctrl] and [tab] keys, that are important for PICO-8 programming:

  • [ctrl] is needed for shortcuts like [ctrl]+[s]=Save or [ctrl]+[g]=Grid
  • [tab] is needed for code indentation
    (you can do this with spaces, but using tabs is the right way because you can change the tab width in Config)

also, using [shift] in PICO-8 is much different than everywhere else:
unless you choose to use Puny mode, [shift] switches the letters to glyphs instead of uppercase letters.
so showing that on the keyboard really helps.

here is my PICO-8 touch keyboard draft

(in 1× scale, so that it can more easily be worked into an actual PICO-8 app)

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Cart #tegzer-3 | 2023-05-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my attempt of demaking japan's best selling action game (according to sierra online's claiming) THEXDER.

The mysterious asteroid called 'NEDIAM' had captured weapon development ship 'Leifina' with strong magnetic force.

Before starving to death, the crew members of Leifina decided to send the Hyper Dual Armor prototype TEGZER into NEDIAM to deactivate the magnetic force generator in it and escape.

NEDIAM is appearantly a very hostile entity with various defense systems who destroy anything that is not a part of itself. You may not get out of there alive, but your noble sacrifice will save many lives.

How to play :

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Cart #pomodorotimerv1-3 | 2022-12-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


I made this cartridge as a productivity tool that anyone could use. To use it, press ❎ or 🅾️, to start the program. You can also use them to start/pause the timer. When the timer says "WORK", do nothing except focus on work. When the timer says "BREAK", do whatever you want besides work.

I'd recommend starting off by finding a work/break ratio that's right for you. If a pomodoro feels exhausting or overwhelming then lower the work timer option a little (it'll remain after you close the page). Once you have the ropes, what if you don't feel productive enough? In that case you can try increasing the work timer slowly over time.

Finally, I confirm that this tool isn't to make you work more, it's so you get more done in less time. So that you have more fruitful work-sessions, rather than longer ones.



❎- resume/pause
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ - fix timer settings


Development: Marina Makes (

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The post formatter is putting the "@user" concept at too high a priority. It screws up Mastodon links, and also adds an extra space for no reason I can tell. Edit: Even on this line, the "@user" placeholder has an extra space in front of it that I didn't type.

Here's a link to one of your posts, just pasted as plaintext, to use as an example of how garbled it can get:


Here it is as an inline code blurb https://mastodon.social/@zep/109507080931110623.

Here it is inside a code block:


This is what I actually typed, as an image:


Just gonna repeat what I said on mastodon:

I just had what MIGHT be a good idea. Emphasis on "MIGHT".

Currently PICO-8 does not honor the concept of insert/overwrite mode like DOS used to. Indeed, many programs don't.

How about using the [Ins] key to toggle puny mode?

This post was brought to you by People Like You and Me Who Hate Doing Ctrl-key Sequences™.

Also it'd be nice if you followed this common PC editor convention so I won't need to fake it with AutoHotKey:

shift-del = cut
shift-Ins = paste
ctrl-ins   = copy

So much easier to use on the fly. I learned this and never went back to ctrl-x/c/v.


Cart #coingrab2-1 | 2023-01-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Grab the coins using the arrow keys

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Cart #cbazaz12firstgame-0 | 2022-12-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Catch the rocket using the arrow keys


Cart #home_explore-0 | 2022-12-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This isn't really a game, it's just an attempt to show the capabilities of Pico Illustrator and the upcoming Sprite Composer utility.

You control the character by using the arrow keys.

The character animation was created using sprite composer:

The rooms and walkable areas and room exits were configured with Pico Illustrator:


Cart #thepanspermiaguy1-2 | 2023-02-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Spread life! The universe needs you
But watch out for life-hating spider-droids!

Create seeds from bio samples and shoot them out into the universe. The more seeds you shoot, the more score you'll get, and the more the universe will come alive.

It's not a hospitable place though, the wilderness is not evil yet still dangerous. There are other lifeforms out there too. Some tolerate you just enough to maybe meet some common goal, while others hate your life-spreading mission and will hunt you down as soon as you reveal your position.

Arrows - Movement
O - Ship actions, sampling/showing sample case
X - Run faster/use tool


  • Procedurally generated planets

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Kaizoleste 2: A Mod of Celeste Classic 2

Cart #kaizoleste_2-0 | 2022-12-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #popeyet-2 | 2022-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello, this is a slapdash remake of the Atari 2600 classic "E.T. the Extraterrestrial", except instead of E.T., it's Popeye.

Help Popeye call his ship and return to his home planet by collecting the 3 pieces of the space phone found in pits scattered throughout the forest then making your way back to the landing zone in the woods. But beware! Bluto will come try to steal your phone pieces, and Olive Oyl will try to find Popeye and lead her sweetie by the hand back home to Washington, DC. Popeye can collect cans of spinach which just happen to be lying around for some reason, and he can trade nine of these to his pal Elliot, who will give him a piece of the phone in return. Popeye can use his alien neck extension powers to levitate out of pits he falls into or activate power zones that let him locate phone pieces in pits (? symbol), call his ship (cat symbol), call Elliot for a spinach-for-phone deal (smiley symbol), or send any unwanted humans back to Washington, DC where they belong (III symbol).

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