Happy new year everyone!

One of the things I want to do this year is to write more pico8 programs, and share what I do here.
In the last few days, I've been following LoveByte's TinyCodeChristmas Series, with the goal to write a pico8 new year's card. This is the result!
The mountains turned out kinda weird, but other than that, I'm happy with the result. Here is the card, feel free to hack it.
Next, I will try to complete LazyDev's Schmup tutorial by the end of February. Let's hope it works!
And also check out this BBS more :-)

Alright, a whack-a-mole game !
No, seriously. Lovely work, @caranha. Now if you can just put up with all the illegal fireworks being launched in your neighborhood, you'll be fine in the morning. :)
Great animation and art. Gold star.

Thank you!
Luckly, New Year fireworks are not a thing in my corner of the world :D
Also, "it's a whack-a-mole game!" was exactly what my wife said when I showed her the animation... I guess that will have to be my next project... XD
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