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Vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the code editor would be a godsend. The code editor isn't exactly the easiest to navigate (especially when trying to move horizontally), so for the sake of accessibility, this would be a wonderful addition.


Blue Orange

made by Thies and Samuel

Project by a pair of my students.

Cart #suhuwikahi-0 | 2022-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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The Blue Wolf

Made by Dayyan

A project made by one of my students.

Cart #bibasudude-1 | 2022-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #pico_polaris_by_senjinsama-0 | 2022-12-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hello Everyone,

this is one of my first creation. I'm a beginner in Pico-8 and in games developement.

i have ever create a game once with this wonderful tool, but i don't publish it yet.

This one is a POLARIS pico-8 version of the 1980's Taito game.

There is only one level and no difficulties.

I hope to upgrade it in this way.




Cart #siwebegori-3 | 2022-12-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

PICO Illustrator v2.0.0

A tool to create vector artwork in PICO-8

Updates in v2.0.0

Added support for dithering patterns


X + Click : Insert Vertex | Will try to find the nearest side of the path you're editing and insert in the middle.
A + Click : Append Vertex | Will append a new vertex either to the end or beginning of a path, whichever is closest.
Z + Click : Delete Vertex | Will delete whichever vertex you are hovering over
Shift + D + Click : Duplicate Path | Will duplicate the path you are editing
Shift + F + Click : Duplicate Layer | Will duplicate the entire layer you are editing

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Cart #a4343-0 | 2022-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"Legend of the ChunChunTree" is a 2d turret-defense wave survival shooter featuring an rpg-style castbar system, tons of buttons per button, a kinetic-physics system, and the ability to simultaneously control two overloaded weapons(the bullet-hungry 'TriMG' and magical-casting 'Epica'). V1 #FreeToPlay inbrowser on #Pico8 bbs and download(click)/cart/splore.

Practice: <controls_overlay>redDots show fingerRest positions; redPoppies(blackDotWithRedDots) show keys with tap/tap2/hold states; practice waves with f,u,h,i,g,j,y (recommended).

Survival: Keep your hp>0 for 400s. Score 웃---(least dmg taken per run) is saved at end of each successful run (lower is better; post me your best[the score to beat is 웃345.5]).

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Cart #dapozadido-0 | 2022-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I know, fighting games are very hard to make. So this is a quiet nihilistic approach to capute that fighting fun with only two buttons available. This is developed as a local multiplayer game, so there was no effort in creating computer opponents. So all of you lonely rangers out there - get someone to battle with :)


Cart #kanukezuyu-0 | 2022-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This quiet minimalistic driving experience has a lot of potential to excalate! Means color, means running over things, crashing ... or even silently drinving for hours! - This is NO finished project, but educational material and quiet fun :)


This is the perfect game for potential escapist. You can float in a colorful bubbly universe and earn score with eating bubbles. Even if you don’t – there will be no end of the fun. This one is a first prove of concept - this needs some time to grow :)


Cart #xmaspp-3 | 2022-12-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(v03 12-08-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #xmaspp

  • 12-08-22 Thanks to @kimiyoribaka for "quick new game" suggestion. In the system menu.
  • 12-08-22 Thanks to @extar for finding a bug in the name entry. Corrected.
  • 12-08-22 Show high-scores after entering your name. Game continues from there.

@ScrubSandwich: Greeting humanoids, this is the first game release from the group of SORCERY. We hope that you enjoy our humble release filled with Christmas cheer and winter shenanigans.

12-07-22: Hello ! I thought I would update this joint project Sorcery and myself worked on years ago with new Pico-8 v0.2.5c abilities.

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Cart #spacebattle-0 | 2022-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Arrow keys - Move space ship
(X) - Fire at everything

You won't believe it, but Space Battle is a shoot 'em up. Besides different enemies (and bosses), it offers various extras (explained in the opening credits), more firepower, a high score list and a cheesy background story.

Credits & Behind the Scenes

Triggered by @Krystman's SHMUP tutorial on his Lazy Dev YouTube channel, I thought it would be a good idea to program a game together with my ten-year-old son and teach him a little programming logic along the way. He was immediately hooked, but was more interested in the sprite editor and kept coming up with enemies, bullets and new ideas for a few extras. In any case, we both had a lot of fun.

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1 comment

Cart #shmuppico8-0 | 2022-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Shmup Pico-8 est un shoot'em up. Le but est de détruire les ennemis arrivant du haut de l'écran par vagues.
Une fois 9 vagues passées un boss de fin de niveau arrive et vous passez ensuite au niveau suivant.

-Les cœurs : vous permettent de récupérer de la vie.
-Les boucliers : vous protège pendant 30 secondes.


⬅️➡️ Gauche Droite
⬆️⬇️ Haut Bas

Ce jeu est issue d'une formation complète sur Pico-8.
Développeur : PAREIN Jean-Philippe


Cart #butosujijo-0 | 2022-12-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

just savit it for test in my phnoe


I'm working on a Minecraft (2d) clone. I have world generation pretty much complete, but I need to have a way to store said generation. I know that using printh() lets you write to files, but I want to read the contents from an external file like new_world.dat or something similar.


Cart #run_run_rudolph-1 | 2022-12-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Satan has taken over Santa's house! Luckily, Rudolph (that's you) has escaped from the cage he found himself in. Rescue Santa! Rescue reindeer! Stop Satan! Collect Christmas things! Save Christmas!

I thought I'd try my hand at the proud, proud tradition of making a lazy asset swap Christmas game. Turns out this was vastly more work than I anticipated but also a lot more fun. Trying to make sense of my own code from two years ago was not fun though.

This started out life as Banana Chase, one of my first games. All the sprites needed Christmasing up, I heavily remixed the map and also jammed in some Christmas jingles. What was not fun was trying to make sense of the absolute nonsense that passed as the level sequence code, this is not a place of honour etc.

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i made a spooky scene to test if i could generate visual details procedurally — yes, i could

Cart #spooky_decogen_berodajuya-0 | 2022-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

before i could create the full scene, i made a fake screenshot in a pixel art editor
so i could look at the picture and imagine which commands i would need to add the details

behind the scenes

warning: long text

i added details by selecting tiles that should have added details, storing the tile numbers as variables on a code page (the 2nd one), then programming on the next (3rd) codepage how the tiles should be decorated.
the last (4th) code page has only the main loop, and the first one has no code because it's for a bit of extra documentation.

the decogen…draw() (decoration generation draw) function checks every tile for if it's one of the special tiles, and then decorates if it is.
each tile has distinct decorations, so they have very different approaches to being decorated:

  • pillars are generated from the base (the only pillar sprite in the spritesheet).
    they check for a ledge above to know how long the pillar should be.
    when they hit it, the rest of the pillar is drawn from top to bottom, with three parts
    • the base sprite but mirrored, is the capital (the top)
    • a dark line shades the capital
    • a rectangle connects the base and the capital
  • every brick wall tile on the map checks if it is below a ledge tile.
    if it is, it draws a shaded row of bricks below the ledge
    using a one-off character that i made in my one-off character creator
  • the lamp's decoration has two parts
    • the pole is almost like a pillar, but in reverse:
      the lamp checks the tiles below the bulb (the only lamp sprite) until it hits the floor,
      then it draws the pole. it has four parts
      • mirrored base sprite as capital
      • line that shades the capital
      • rectangle that connects the pillar
      • base sprite used as-is for the base
    • the emission lines are just six lines that get drawn next to the bulb — no checks needed
  • the door has only its bottom tile in the spritesheet.
    the part above gets generated — no checks needed.
    it has 4 parts
    • the top third of the door is another one-off character
    • the row of bricks above is another one-off character, but only the bright pixels
    • the single dark pixel of the brick row is drawn with pset()
    • i added a black outline to the left and right of the door
      using 2 lines
  • the clock is also getting decorated with no checks. the decoration has 3 parts
    • a black filled circle for the clock face
    • a bright hollow circle for the outline
    • because the filled circle overdrawed the clock hands,
      the clock hands sprite gets replaced
  • every cloud tile checks if it has an empty background tile to its left or right.
    if it has, it draws a line to complete the outline
before after

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Fruit Salad 64

Make a bowl of fruit salad by squashing matching fruits together. Can you finish all 3 levels? Fruit are worth more in the beginning, be fast to get a good hi-score!

C&C welcome


  • – Move the selection

  • X/Z – Pick and place items

  • Enter – Pause/Settings

Cart #fruit_salad_1-8 | 2023-01-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Update notes

  • 2022-12-07

    • Updated cart image
  • 2023-01-01
    • Game session is now remembered across restarts (reset saved game from pause menu)
    • Items can be picked up, even if there are no matching items on the board
    • Items can be swapped if they don't match
    • Added more levels
    • Score can now reach hundreds of millions before overflowing

Cart #facegen-1 | 2022-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A small experiment on creating a simple faces generator made after stumbling on slynyrd's awesome pixel art tutorial.

How to

⬆️⬇️ to chose a feature to change.
⬅️➡️ to change feature value.
🅾️ to randomize all values.
❎ to switch between screen-saver and edit mode.



  • added skin color setting

Hi all! I have a problem. I made a game and I've lost the source code (my laptop was stolen and my code wasn't backed up 'cause I'm a dummy).

Regrettably I didn't post it to BBS either :/

I'd like to be able to recover the .p8 file from the exported html and js files. Is there any way to do this?

Many thanks <3


Powered by Chronoco™

Cart #date_and_time-0 | 2022-12-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Rediscover Convenience

Date&Time is revolutionary calendar software designed to keep track of you- for you . Rediscover convenience with our state of the art event modification tools ; or tailor your experience to be as unique as you with (6) different colours to save reminders as .


  • 📆 Keep track of the date
  • 📌 Create and save up to 10 events ! (feature still in construction)
  • 🖍 6 unique colours to choose from !
  • ⏱ Supports up to 3 timezones ! (feature still in construction)
  • 📡 Automatically register all data to the Chronoco™️ data core

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