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While HELP is indeed informative it is missing some commands that are used in Pico-8. I'm not going to mark these as errors, @zep, as they may just be overlooked. This includes:

goto count setmetatable getmetatable rawset rawget rawequal rawlen assert . Likely there are others.

While not required for help it would be nice if there was HELP for these single-key shortcuts:

? # @ % $ \

If you ask for help on do it does not give a code example which is odd as all the other commands do.

Further the HELP could also appear if you are one-character to the right of the command.


Where the cursor is on the ( Pressing CTRL+U does not give help on it.

Should also work if the cursor is directly on the ) which is linked to that same command.


I just discovered that you can use W for next sprite and Q for previous sprite in the map editor. I think it would be really neat if instead, you could use WASD to move the sprite selection around. It would be super helpful to avoid moving the mouse back and forth, click to select a tile, place a single one, switch tiles again. As far as I know, ASD don't have any current uses so it would work pretty nicely.

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Cart #wemaykiko-0 | 2022-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Orbital mechanics puzzle game developed for the A game by its cover 2022 jam.

A tutorial and binary downloads can be found at itch.io

This is the first game I have developed, so let me know what you think.


In my code, I used menuitems as a way of interaction with the game.

When you run it, if you go to the command line, set items.planks to true and go back to the game and pause, press level 1 and then press move, it shows an error, about trying to call _superyield with flip().

I don't know if this is something bad or not, as I don't understand yield(), _superyield and flip() since I never used any of these.

The error:

The code (tried to remove the useless stuff):

function _init()
	menuitem(1,"level 1",level1)

function _draw()

function level1()

function move()
	return true
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The first release of another finished hobby project. I mostly wanted to play around with rendering from the screen buffer, and it turned into a short little fishing/memory sequence game.

You have to guess a fish's lure and bait preference, and once your hook is in the water, you need to attract the fish by moving your rod either up, down, right, left or shake with O.

Each fish type has a unique sequence it needs in order to bite, that you have to press in the correct order.

This is where the guessing comes in. Press buttons until you see a heart icon over a fish, that means you guessed the first button. Now you can guess the next button. If you fail, the fish shows a X over it instead. Start over with the first button again, and keep guessing. The most rare 5-star fishes have a sequence of 5 buttons to press!

Once you have caught a fish, it is permanently unlocked in the fishdex and you can read what bait/lure and sequence it has.

Then take your knowledge to survival mode, and see how long you can survive.

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OK, I know we can use ternary conditions in variable assignments. But - as far as I can tell - they can't be used in calculations. Having logical statements be used as a value operator in a calculation can be used in many circumstances, would be readable and possibly pretty token efficient.

How might this look?

(a > b) would result in a 1 if true, 0 if false.

something like "pset(100+100*(a > b), 200, 7)" would prevent the use of a bunch of ternary assignments, local variables or if statements.

So what do you think? Useful? Doable? Worth it?


Cart #alien_project-0 | 2022-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Welcome to the universe where the Humanity is the invader!!
Annihilate all the astronauts before they colonize your planet!

We are three web developers apprentices in Ada Tech School in Nantes (France), we created this project in two weeks.
So please be tolerant, it's not perfect but we're proud of our work.

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Cart #pickapoint-0 | 2022-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(v00 11-17-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #pickapoint
^^ This version is for examining and learning from. The way I will mostly code from now on.

Cart #pickapoint_shr-2 | 2022-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type: load #pickapoint_shr
^^ This version is for use in your own code. It's a lot smaller in size. If you use CLIPBOARD to copy and paste, be sure to press CTRL+P prior to pressing CTRL+V to paste and after CTRL+V as well.

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@zep, could you please add a hotkey like CTRL+W to turn on and off word-wrap for code ?

For instance we have this one line which extends beyond the screen:

However, if you press CTRL+W then it would wrap around the screen like so, showing the at the beginning to let you know it is a wrapped line and you can navigate the area and easily edit all 4-lines. When done, press CTRL+W again to return it back to a full and single line that scrolls off the edge of the screen.

Ignore the color changes above, this is just me putting that character in front of the code to show what it would look like.

Now I know this isn't perfect, I mean Pico-8 only has 32-characters across using a 3x5 pixeled font. Yet I think this will help some of us work on large lines.

It could also be that you do not see this word-wrap except for lines that do exceed 32-characters AND the cursor must be on that line in order to access it.

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this is where i dump my less good cartridges

i am doing this

  • because i want to publish even my less good cartridges
  • i also don't want to clutter the BBS, so i put them in the same thread

2022-11-17: Welcome!

i gave up on PICO-8 years ago when i buyed it since i got overwhelmed fast.
now i rediscovered PICO-8 and wanted to try it again, so i did.
this is my first PICO-8 cartridge i ever made.

Cart #welcome_tigayizadu-1 | 2022-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

2022-11-20: Welcome! — special edition

Cart #welcome_special_edition_ayizu-0 | 2022-11-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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Cart #celestenograv-1 | 2022-11-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Celeste without gravity!

this was really fun to make! i hope you enjoy!

Celeste mountain seems to have flown off into space somehow! get ready for the weird gravity and the mood-like surroundings to get to the top! sounds and music have slowed down and everything is all moon-like and gray!

Original game make by Matt Thorson and Noel Berry. make sure to check out the og game too!
If you get stuck, you can retry your current level in the pause menu. (Enter/P to open)

Make sure to grab balloons to get another dash when your stuck!

Have fun!


Cart #zawuferaza-0 | 2022-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

small game we made for a school project! Shoot pigeons using X and avoid them pooping on you... Try to kill Mother Pigeon by aiming for her weak spot (left wing tip) and gain bonus points!


Cart #divadoomrun-0 | 2022-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Diva Doom Run!

Three pop divas with bugged-out physics somehow end up on an iceberg... in the middle of a volcano... with a wall of saw blades chasing them, so they have to run... somewhere... while singing their greatest hits, of course.

Avoid lava and what we think may be thorns or bramble or something! Grab pizzas (pizzas?!) for extra points! Mix and match each diva's abilities to see how far you can get before the primitive level generation betrays you!

Unnamed Diva 1 - Tick-tock, on the clock! The all-rounder, solid speed and jump, almost-tolerable physics.

Unnamed Diva 2 - She's levitating! Slow speed, but a great jump, crucial for those high cliffs.

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An impostor among them... 🧐


... What's the fewest tokens for a 'game'...?


Cart #ninja_platformer_v4-0 | 2022-11-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Interview With Noh Creator of "Wizard Hop" and "Shotgun Night"-Pico-View #1

Noh = Noh

Mar = Marina

Their games:

Shotgun Night (click link)

Wizard Hop (click link)

Pipe (click link)


Mar: So, who are you and why are you on pico-view? Or, what you made? I'll tell you why you're here later.

Noh: I am Noh, a pico-8 gamedev for almost a year, and I've made games such as Wizard Hop, Diesort and Shotgun Night

Mar: Nice. I haven't played Diesort, but I played every other one of your games. What's Diesort about?

Noh: No one has 😢 😂 Diesort is like a warioware style dice sorting game i made for GMTK-jam 2022

Mar: I like how juicy it is. I noticed all of your games have had a lot of juice, except your first game "Bullet Tower"

Noh: Yeah, i really like to focus on juice/game feel on my games. Bullet tower was my first proper pico-8 game so that was more testing the waters.

Mar: lol, yeah, it's cool, every game besides "Bullet Tower" is really good and juicy. What's your favorite?

Noh: I haven't really been making (pico-8) games for that long, so i feel like every game I make is mostly better than the last. My fav has to be either Wizard Hop or Shotgun Night.

Mar: I actually put all of your games, apart from Diesort, bc mouse, onto my Miyoo Mini. And I started from your first and went all the way to your latest, Shotgun Knight. My favorite is "Pipe", but I might be bias bc of how awesome the red looks on the Miyoo:

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I'm trying to make a thexder demake for pico8, and this is an mock up image.

I'm trying to use 3x3 tiles for the map with thexder being 9X12 and enemies being 6x6, instead of 8x8 tiles as they are too big for thexder's gameplay where the player can transform as a jet to get into narrow 3 block tunnels.

Since pico8's map can only support 8x8 I need to make my own mapping to use smaller 3x3 grids.

tilex = {}
tiley = {}
for i=1,252 do
for i=1,126 do

I tried making two arrays of each x and y variables, and the tiles are suppossed to be drawn at the position where both tilex[?] and tiley[?] equals 1.

for i=1,42 do
for i2=1,42 do
local xck=(player.x-20+i)+1
local yck=(player.y-20+i2)+1
if xck>0 and yck>0 and xck<=#tilex and yck<=#tiley and tilex[xck]==1 and tiley[yck]==1 then

the entire screen has space for 42X42=1764 tiles, but displaying all those tiles with sspr like adove code makes a bad result. it already uses half of the cpu that I imagine it will be really unplayable when players, enemies, and other systems are all thrown in.

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In honour of todays successful Artemis I launch, I give you Space Mission. Enjoy.

Cart #space_mission-0 | 2022-11-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Fortune Fishing: A Pike-Moray-tem

Due to the fact that I kept an intensive record while working on my latest game, "Fortune Fishing", I've decided to create this post-mortem. I am not proud of "Fortune Fishing", at least not especially so. I am only posting this so that perhaps we can all gain some knowledge from my experience working on "Fortune Fishing".

And maybe we all can learn a little bit more about this river that is game-dev.

Waist Deep In Grill-Boy

When I came to the realization that I wanted to make "Fortune Fishing" for the 2022 AGBIC jam. I was still Waist Deep In "Grill-Boy", the project I was working on at the time. I was in the stage of game development I like to call "The Slodge". Where it feels like you're wading through toxic sludge in order to drag this game through the finish line. I was desperate for an escape.

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Cart #reconfig_arrow_keys-2 | 2022-11-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(v02 11-16-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type:
load #reconfig_arrow_keys

VVhat's New ?

  • 11-16-22: Changed the default keystrokes to normal arrow keys. Should work now.
  • 11-16-22: Got a nice doodle for the covert art.

Use the arrow keys to navigate and press 🅾️ to reconfigure the arrow keys to anything you like.


One thing I noticed about new Pico-8 is that KeyConfig() no longer works inside code. Now this is not something recent. I think it was years ago that it =DID= work, however.

So as coders we must find a workaround. Here now is one I have written to examine full of many remarks and comments explaining what is going on. Not only does it let you choose SHIFT and other non-standard keys for your arrows, it also records them so even if you shut it down and bring it back up later it remembers what you recorded.

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