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Cart #invertworld-4 | 2022-10-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I have finally released my first game/demo for pico-8! It's and endless runner that it's main concept is that you can flip or invert the world. The idea came about after reading through the Playdate SDK and seeing there was a way to flip the colours on the 1bit display. I thought I'd prototype on pico-8 first and then port to the Playdate console. The port is going well and I hope to have it released by the weekend. I will attach a link to an itch.io page when it is ready.

The code is not the most efficient but if I do decide to extend this then I will work on not loading in and inverting the whole map on each Z button press.

-- UP or X to jump
-- Z to invert the world

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Cart #compito_vacanze-1 | 2022-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Help Lucy drink all the lemonade she can find. But watch out for the wasps.

A little game made for summer jam.

Cart #kwikrick_lemonade-6 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • Added a highscore list (cartdata)
  • Works again (was broken with 2.5e).
  • Fixed some small bugs.
  • Small improvements in gfx and sound.

Cart #nap-3 | 2022-09-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I found a better solution for the bullet issue thanks to an fellow anonymous gamedev. Turns out I did not need to use "poke" at all. So, yeah. Also, I hope to make this is the final update. Let me know how it goes though. For now, I need a break.

Realized how too easy this game is, so I changed these:

  • Score system from by 10 to by 1
    This makes sure that the score doesn't overflow into the negative.

  • How bullets behave:
    Bullets now won't appear as much. Also, bullets will now disappear after you hit enemy.

Happy shooting.

[UPDATE] Fixed bullet hitbox.

My first Pico-8 game that actually is cool. <3
An endless shmup where you shoot down enemies in the night sky and score points. How high can you go?

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Cart #blue_space-0 | 2022-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just some music and a little demo for a school assignment.
Some inspiration from Dandara :)

edit, made drumbeat more noticeable, changed graphics, more tweetcart besides music.


Cart #mcg_ssg-0 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hello, everyone! This is my first PICO-8 game, started on an airplane with no wifi and finished as a fun little shmup toy while I was out of steam working on my main project.

Spiffy Spaceguy is an endless 80's-style side-scrolling shooter. Powerups will either switch your weapon type, power-up your current weapon (if you choose the same powerup style as the weapon you currently have,) or heal you. Different weapons have different strengths and weaknesses; play with all four to find your favorite!

While this is technically a work in progress, it's pretty complete. Have fun!

(PICO-8 is a delight to work with. I could see never going back to making larger games...)


Cart #linjat-0 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Here is my Pico-8 version of Linjat.

Original game idea, levels from Juho Snellman

396 levels in 4 packs:

  • easy (6x9) --> 99 levels
  • medium (7x10) --> 99 levels
  • hard (8x11) --> 99 levels
  • expert (9x13) --> 99 levels

Have fun!


Cart #midnightdrive-0 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is an exercise in whether I could and not whether I should try and write a primitive 3D engine within 1024 compressed bytes. Turns out I could but visually it would've been better to fake it. Nevertheless, I thought I would upload it here anyway. As it's pretty rough I won't enter it officially into the jam. It would be interesting to see how people from the community who are more proficient go about the same challenge.

It lacks any depth ordering so I put some dithering in there which I wanted anyway and helps mask the problem. Similarly I thought it would be cool to have a street light effect on the "road" so dithering was used there. It also has some really ghetto hacks to prevent clipping.

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Cart #pck404_fulmosago_1rc1-0 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A bright yellow ship is launched at full speed across the universe.

Mission code is Fulmosago. The objective : a small and well-guarded planet.

Based on Basic Shmup Tutorial by Lazy Devs Academy.


In menus, press X or C to confirm.

In game, use arrow keys to move your ship.

The ship will shoot automatically when there are enemies. Hold C to force shoot. Hold X to prevent autoshooting.


  • pink pickup restores health (or add one extra heart if health is full)
  • orange pickup activates double front canons
  • blue pickup activates side canons (auto-guided orbs)

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look at the little guy go :)

Cart #tiny_langtons_ant-1 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

131 characters


Cart #picoi_koi-1 | 2022-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Picoi-Koi is a PICO-8 implementation of koi-koi, a game played with hanafuda cards.


❎ to select/confirm
🅾️ to display all captured cards

Knowledge of koi-koi is obviously highly recommended to enjoy the game, but here a quick rundown of the rules :


An hanaduda deck contains 48 cards, 4 cards for each month :

Each round, you try to capture card by matching a card from your hand with a card from the table with the corresponding month, then you reveal the top card of the deck and try to match it in the same way.

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Cart #shootrock-0 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is an entry for PICO-1K Jam 2022. The whole game fits in exactly 1024 bytes of compressed PICO-8 code.

Hold Z to charge laser. When laser charged, release Z to shoot rock.

When you shoot rock, gem fall out. Get gem. More gem got without shoot = more combo point.

Get 10000 point to become master of shoot rock.

1 comment

I had a bit of time to tinker yesterday. I'm not sure what made me think of the old Infocom text adventures but here we are.

If you're familiar with Text Adventures (or Interactive Fiction) you may know that one of—maybe the—most popular tool for creating them has been the Inform language. The current version is Inform 7 but waaaaay back when I was first learning, it is was Inform 6.

Anyway, I decided to throw together a quick little IF authoring API loosely based on Inform 6. It is by no means complete or particularly advanced. Basically, I followed the first tutorial for the game Heidi from The Inform Beginner's Guide and implemented just enough to make it work. But work it does! Mostly. I think...

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Cart #sci_fi_lab_half_cart-0 | 2022-09-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is Half Cart of TIC-80 + pico-8 Animation
Other cart At link
Full Animation At You Tube


Cart #lark_klondike-5 | 2024-04-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

save tableau
save settings
optional setting: move from foundation
up and down arrows navigate to and from the deck

previous update: undo, persistent score, a no-move resign doesn't ding score


Cart #fourfingersofdeath-0 | 2022-09-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Four Fingers of Death 👊✋✌️

A rock-paper-scissors video game in a street fighter like evoirment? Yes, that is a stupid idea and I love stupid ideas. I made this little game in one day so no damage is done and not much energy was wasted.

It turns out it is very accessible since you only need one finger to play it and you got all the time in the world to decide what you want to do next.

It's further accessible even without the need to press any keys at all: If you find someone to start the game and activate auto-battle for you.

How to play

Press C to start game.

Press left arrow, down arrow or right arrow to choose your weapon: rock, paper, scissors respectively.

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1 comment

Cart #tj_demo_main-2 | 2022-09-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

HI THERE!!! ヾ(•ω•`)o

(I might've messed the formatting up, so I may have to edit this a few times)


So I've been working on this project for a little over a year and now it's almost time to release it! I'm SUPER excited!!!
Above, you can play the demo. It contains the first two levels of the game and cuts off at the third. I hope you enjoy it! And lemme know if something goes wrong while playing it.


The concept originally came to me from a piece of artwork in the Famicase gallery (I think it was either the 2018 or 2019 one). The cart was called "TrainTrip". There wasn't a very detailed description of the artwork, so I started thinking up something very different from what one might expect based on that description. It eventually branched off so far and became such a big project for me, so I changed the name slightly, but kept it similar as a reference to the original artwork. Some other big inspirations for me were Kaiba, Night on the Galactic Railroad, and Galaxy Express 999, all of which feature a protagonist who is taken across different lands, but who has no control over the vehicle they ride or where they go (and yes, two of which feature trains). Obviously, I highly recommend those three animations.

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Cart #bodoguwofo-1 | 2022-09-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Teatime!v2 is a top-down 2-handed-keyboard roguelite shooter featuring experimental controls, 6 weaponTypes, 3 playable characters, and quirky mechanics. Free-to-play inbrowser on itch.io and the pico8 bbs.

Goal: Keep your cupHp and playerHp above 0 for 300s while preventing no-more than 10 leaf from entering your cup. When the timer hits 0, you are given 10s, from times [0,-10], to drink the tea before it spoils.

[LongPlay: Fewer leaf in your Cup will mean a higher score and potential bonuses]

a|d: angle of fire
s: fire; (tap)shotgun/sniper, (hold1)bomb/kinesis, (hold2)mg/poison
f: (tap)grab-nearby/drop cup; (hold)drink from heldCup
e: drop fakeCup

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=117549#p)

Cart #nostepsnek-0 | 2022-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #vision_quest-0 | 2022-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

"Vision Quest"

I hardly remember the sand stinging my face or the burning fatigue in my limbs, my entire spirit absorbed by the spectacle dancing before my eyes...

280 characters

w,t,s,c,r=128,0,sin,cos,rnd::_::pal({1,2,8,9,10,12,13,14,7},0)for x=0,64 do?"웃",32,87,0
a=38*(x+t*2)b=(x%27*9)%64line(a*2%w-9,b,a%w+9,b,9)for y=0,64 do
n=s(x/w+t)+c(y/w+t)+s(y/w+t*3)*c(x/w+t)pset(x*2+r()*2,y*2+r()*2,y>48+r()+s(x/80)*4and 15or(3*n%3+t*4)%8+1)end
t+=.001goto _

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