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I, during my free time, like to make games. I usually use the app, but on my school chromebook, I use EDU edition (found here). Said chromebook has a touchscreen. PICO-8 works until you touch it, and when you do so the mouse no longer works. This is what should be changed. It is incredibly annoying, because you have to save the file, reload the page, type load, find the file, and select it. It takes a while, and is annoying when your in the middle of something and just accidentally touch the screen (Such as when you are trying to point out something to another person), and I would love to see this changed. My solution? The little popup thing that says Sorry, touchscreen typing is not supported. Please plug in a keyboard! should have an extra button, 'Undo' (Or something, I'm not sure exactly what to call it). The button itself would then disable touchscreen mode.

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Cart #mazetoobig-0 | 2022-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Solve a 100x100 maze with keys and doors in under ~17.77 minutes!

O = run
X = poop


I tried to decompress the source code of my dithering-demo:
and my code failed.

First i thought my code is wrong, I translated from this source:
the decompress-code to lua, so it is possible that I made a mistake.

I can't find a erro, so I looked at the rom-data:

4300  00 70 78 61 03 BC 02 39 02 40 C1 AC CE 6D 8C 2E  .pxa.¼.9.@Á¬ÎmŒ.

the first 8 bytes (00 70 78 61 03 BC 02 39) are the header, so the first databyte is 02
or binary: 00000010

When I look in decompress code:

while (src_pos < comp_len && dest_pos < raw_len && dest_pos < max_len)
		int block_type = getbit();

		// printf("%d %d\n", src_pos, block_type); fflush(stdout);

		if (block_type == 0)
			// block

			int block_offset = getnum() + 1;
			int block_len = getchain(BLOCK_LEN_CHAIN_BITS, 100000) + PXA_MIN_BLOCK_LEN;

			// copy // don't just memcpy because might be copying self for repeating pattern
			while (block_len > 0){
				out_p[dest_pos] = out_p[dest_pos - block_offset];

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I'm gonna be honest: did this one next because I remembered my opening a soundfont in LMMS for the first time, browsing around, and going "wait, did that say Celeste?!"

(It did, but it's a case of shared etymology - it means the heavens. Or the sky.)


In keeping with the real-world version, this is a transposing instrument - plays an octave above the note entered. There is some artifacting on D#6, however.


Cart #yemapepoke-0 | 2022-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little demo of importing dithered pictures. The rom contain 3 pictures, switch with x/o.

Images are created with jaP8e



  • Source code in lua!
  • Editor for sprite, map, sound, music, charset
  • Map editor with support of custom width / size
  • Name sound and music
  • Custom palette with the extended 128+ color-ids (32 Colors in total)
  • Charset editor with possible to export single characters and variable width
  • Hex editor to copy & past memory to pico-8 string (URL raw memory access format )
  • Modular design
  • Import images as sprite sheet, map(!), label - with optional dithering


This is a beta release! This means, there are bugs, the program can crash. Make backups before using the editor.



basic control/setup

Set the path to pico-8.exe

jaP8e needs to know where the pico-8 execute is. Choose in the Menu the "Pico-8" > "Set Pico8 exectuable" option to set the path. Otherwise it can't run any code or playback sound.

Pico-8 Remote

Since I don't know how to program sounds like in pico-8, jaP8e can't playback sound by default. But it is possible to start a "Remote"-pico-8, which runs in the background and is controlled by jaP8e. Activate this option in the "Pico-8"-menu. After this you can playback any sound effect and music during jaP8e.
This function starts a pico-8 with the remote.p8 file in the background. I send commands through stdin/stdout to this remote.

Change Values in the grey input boxes

You can change the values of the grey input boxes by left click in it and use the keyboard. Alternative you can press and hold the right mousebutton and change the value with x-mouse-movement. The third possibility is to use the mouse wheel over the input fields.

basic layout

On the top you find the modules-tab to switch the editors. On the right top side are currently open files. A Star in the file name indicates that the file has unchanged data.

memory layout

jaP8e "simulate" the memory of pico-8, with a rom and ram section. The rom-section is stored normaly like pico8 does and can access normaly. RAM is stored as meta-data and can't access directly in pico-8, but you can export ram as string to copy in the source code (HEX-Editor).
Also you can reposition the map, sprite, sound, music, spriteflags to any memory location, even when pico 8 doesn't support it.
For example, when you don't use a map in your pico-8-project, you can store there additional sprite data. Simple reposition the sprite to 0x1000 to draw in the map-data. In pico-8 you must manually copy the memory (memcpy) to access this additional sprite data.

Error-message and disable a module

When a error happen, a message box with ok and cancel will open. With ok jaP8e will ignore the error. With cancel the module which cause the error will disabled. At least you can try to save your work when a error happen.

Source Editor

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Cart #yerp17-2 | 2022-09-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A fan game celebrating Deathloop's 1st anniversary, but I haven't finished playing Deathloop yet... so... Another Prey fan game!

YU are a mimic today... and don't get caught! Mimic a mug to disguise from the researcher's eyesight (white), but be careful if they use a psychoscope (blue)!


Arrow keys: move mimic

X: start game

Z: mimic a mug (can avoid being found by white triangle)

Change log v0.1

  • Rebalancing difficulty

  • Add in-game tutorial

I think, that it is common to print a text in center of the screen.

With the variable font it become a little bit complicated..
When the text is variable we must do something like this.

str = "text"
len = print(str,0,-0x4000) -- print outside to get the length
print(str, 64-len\2, 128)

it would be nice, when instead of the x-coordinate a string with the position could be added

str = "text"
print(str, "center", 128)

possible "key-words" would be: "left", "center", "right"
for y would be "top", "center", "bottom"

btw. a "printsize" function would be nice, don't draw anything, only return width and height in pixels.


Cart #knutil_tbfill-0 | 2022-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Feature Overview

TBFILL() Create a table by specifying an index number.

  • Create the table with the specified minimum and maximum indices and fill it with the value of the first argument.
  • Multi-dimensional tables can be created by adding minimum and maximum arguments.
  • This function consumes 30 Token.
-- one-dimensional table 
?t[1]..' '..t[2]..' '..t[3].."\n\n"

-- two-dimensional table
?t[1][1]..' '..t[1][2]..' '..t[1][3]
?t[2][1]..' '..t[2][2]..' '..t[2][3]

This function is included in the KNUTIL library.

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Cart #ai_tool_v0_2-1 | 2022-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cart #toolbox_v0_2-0 | 2022-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

.: Instructions :.
Up Arrow and Down Arrow to scroll Map
Left Arrow and Rights Arrow to change Shoot Editor and Sprite Editor
Z to save project (For working download cartridge or native player (Link is in description))
X to open Data Mode (Data Window)


Cart #ytivarg-0 | 2022-09-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This was my entry to the Interstellar Game Jam. (Which I won! [though there were only 14 people])

The theme was 'defy the law' so in this game you defy gravity by being pushed instead of pulled by planets (more like dense asteroids due to their size) thanks to a gravity inverter you stole!


If you look closely, there is an extra line of color than there should be in the leftmost and topmost rectangles in the sprite editor. The screenshots use the cursor (A perfect square of 7x7 pixels) to show that the sides aren't square. The second photo shows (annotated) the ones that aren't square


I bought Pico-8 on version 0.2.4 a while ago but at the time I didn't have an account and I am wanting to update it with version 0.2.5. Now I do have an account but it says I haven't bought anything in the past and now I would have to buy pico-8 again. I didn't have a humble bundle account either I am hoping to find a way to get the new update without rebuying it.


Cart #juggle_cat-0 | 2022-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A simple juggling game I made for the PICO-1K Jam. Move Juggle Cat using the arrow keys and bounce the white balls to keep them in the air, while avoiding the red bombs. The game tracks your highest score - can you beat my best of 46?

Juggle Cat clocks in at 614 compressed bytes, and only 978 characters in total! This is my first attempt at a super-compressed game and I'm pleased with how well it turned out.


Cart #gabofebewo-1 | 2022-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a very simple desktop application. More features coming soon.


Cart #absorb-1 | 2022-09-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


You are born as a tiny cell. You have to absorb smaller cells to grow, but be careful. The red cells want to absorb you, and size doesn't matter. Remember that every movement costs energy and leads to shrinkage ... even for the red cells. Just try to survive as long as possible.


Use wasd or the arrows to move the cell. If you completly absorbed by another cell restart the game with the x key.

Background story

Absorb is developed for the Pico1k game jam in september 2022 for the virtual console pico-8 . It has to be used a limited code size of 1024 compressed bytes and doesn't not use prepared sprites and sounds. The game is inspired by 'osmos'.

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Cart #wibokadaho-0 | 2022-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a small tool with which you can create 16x16 pixel arts in the pico8 color palette.
best regards



I'm currently trying to convert a pico8 card into a qrcode (or several), but unfortunately I can't find anything how something like this could work. I know that there is a possibility with "save @url" but then the map is not saved but this card needs it. I had also seen that it had already been tried but didn't find anything further about the procedure but also online services which say they would not be able to do something like that but only save the image and output a qrcode with a link in itself or with a pythonscript which didn't work either. I don't know what else to try if I could get a hint about this I would be very happy.
best regards


Sorry for my bad english


I know that I can make sprites bigger (with sspr()) but is there any way to display map tiles at, say, 2x size?


Cart #jeradoyuje-0 | 2022-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Arrow Keys to move

X to grab


Snails and goldfish are +5 points

Reg fish are +10 points

Eels are +25

The coin is +50 points

The stopwatch will pause the timer for 5 seconds

Regular trash is -5 points

Bombs are -50 points

Jellyfish are -25 points

Hooks are -10 points


This is a remake of a previous game I made called "Grab Fishin'" which can be found here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=48474

I decided to remake the game as I really like the idea of it but I definitely needed to improve it by doing things like adding extra items and levels.

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