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Cart #nes_triangle_wave-0 | 2021-12-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

What is this cartridge?

This is an example of how the bitcrush/distortion flags (found at poke location 0x5F42) can be utilized. The triangle waveform in PICO-8 can be made to sound more like the NES's triangle wave channel, but not exactly the same as it.

Technical bits

Generally, all digital sound data is not accurate. They are limited by some factors. One of those factors is "amplitude".

The primary way to store audio digitally is with Pulse-Code Modulation (PCM), where an analog audio signal is repeatedly sampled at a certain time interval, and each analog sample is quantized to a limited range of digital values.

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Cart #bean_bash-7 | 2022-01-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Explore Dragon: Bean Bash is the sequel to Explore Dragon. It runs on the same engine as the original game, but with some new features!

Pressing X will allow you to "dash", which makes your speed faster for a bit. There are also some parts of the map that are extremely dark and make the game more difficult. These sections decrease the light energy, so be careful: if you run out of energy, you get sent back to a checkpoint!

Credits for additional code (these can also be found at the end of the game's code):
Azure, Groove,M.D., Kometbomb, Thykka, Yolwoocle, Daniel Shiffman's "The Nature of Code", MBoffin's "PICO-8: Smooth Map Screens" Tutorial.

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1 comment

Hey guys, I'm stuck on trying to make an endless runner with procedurally generated platforms.
I was originally going to try and use the map sheet to make different 'rooms' and then try to cycle through them and draw the 'next room' randomly, but decided to abandon that idea in favor of just procedurally generating the platforms. (someone please let me know if that's a better way to do this type of game)

If you try the game you'll see the issue - the tiles are generated all over (I was going off the LazyDevs roguelike tutorial and trying to modify it for my purpose), they aren't jumpable despite having the right collision flags, and for some inexplicable reason they fall as if they had gravity, which I just can't figure out.

I've been tearing my hair out and really need assistance. Any help at all, or a better method would be really appreciated! I basically want to generate the runner platforms per 8 map screens, and ideally be able to generate powerups, holes in the floor, eventually enemies/traps etc.

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Your Pico-8 just got a big graphics upgrade

With game graphics drawn "from the limitless imagery of your imagination" (according to an old Infocom advertisement), a world of classic text adventures is now playable on the Pico-8.

Status Line implements the z-machine v3/v4 specifications, allowing you to play .z3 and .z4 text adventures like Zork, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Trinity, A Mind Forever Voyaging and more. There are those who continue to keep the Infocom flame alive, and their games will work as well.


  • Can play every game in the "z3" and "z4" format
  • Custom font with multi-font display, includes mixed plain/bold/italic
  • Supports game sizes up to 256K
  • Supports simple sound effects (used by many z4 games)
  • Save/restore games in progress

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Cart #picokaiju-9 | 2022-01-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


You are one big monster with a thirst for destruction. This quick turn-based roguelike PICO-8 game is all about stomping, smashing, grabbing, and chomping your way through a procedurally generated hapless city and its tiny citizens.

Also available at itch.io


  • D-pad (arrow keys), move the Kaiju by one tile
  • O button (Z, N, C), ROAR
  • X button (X, M, V), Open abilities menu

The mobs will move once you perform an action (movement, roars and abilities).

Score tracker at the bottom right shows "current points"/"points until next powerup".


Mobs have a chance to spawn every other turn (except for civilians) and the max count is based on your kaiju's destruction.

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I can't find any posts talking about this, which may just mean I'm terrible at finding thing in the BBS.

At any rate, I'm doing Windows, macOS(OS X), and Linux executable exports. I've noticed a few things, and I need to know if this is "just how things are," "that sounds broken," or "that is something we can fix."

On Windows:

  • The executable on first launch triggers Windows Defender. I tried codesigning the .exe with signtool to no avail. Is there a way to fix this?
  • On first launch, the exe runs full-screen. I don't want this for my release as it relies on file system interaction via drag-and-drop. Can we default to windowed mode?

On macOS:

  • Like Windows, the unsigned app triggers a security warning. Has anyone successfully done a codesign to fix this?
  • Also, the full-screen mode occurred for one person, but not for another. Does having Pico-8 installed affect how this launches? (person with Pico-8 was windowed mode on first launch; person without Pico-8 was full-screen on first launch)

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Cart #gwars-0 | 2021-12-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A clone of Geometry Wars for PICO-8. More or less a demo. Needs more enemies and levels.


Mouse - Targeting
LMB / ❎ - Fire
RMB / 🅾️ - Activate Graviton Wave Generator

⬅️⬆️⬇️➡️ - Move


Cart #wujisijahi-14 | 2022-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A bullet hell game with platformer RPG elements in between challenging mini-bullet-hell-encounters.


  • 20 unique bullet-hell boss fights
  • A pretty alright story
  • A lever with an attitude

I can beat this in under 30 minutes, but every later fight needs to be puzzled out, I reckon there's more than an hour of gameplay here. There's no save feature unfortunately, so be aware!

X / M
Interact with NPCs and reveal the lore behind this broken kingdom you apparently rule.

Z / N
Jump & start combat encounters

In combat touch the red wall of the arena to damage the opponent

If a particular encounter is giving you trouble, you can enable 'drain mode' from the options menu. This will slowly drain the opponent's HP rather damaging them with attacks, think of it like an 'easy mode'

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Cart #lockey-0 | 2021-12-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

For more information, check out the itch.io-page which also includes a manual!



A game about locking and unlocking!

Heeding the tales of an old man, Zana makes her way to the catacombs to find Lockey's fabled artifact that grants its owner immeasurable power. As she reaches the catacombs, the ground gives way and drops her in the middle of this otherworldly underground... which is filled with locks and keys! As Zana keeps locking and unlocking doors, collecting and using keys, she realizes: the old Lockey was a nutcase and this place is a labyrinth! What will Zana do? Perish between the locks? Keep her cool and find a way out? Or even retrieve the artifact and make her dreams become a reality? It’s up to you!

The game

Welcome to the strange catacombs of Lockey! This place may seem daunting at first, but keep your wits about yourself and you’ll do just fine! LOCKEY: Zana’s Tale is a puzzle game for one player. By controlling Zana, your goal is to figure out how to go from room to room in order to exit the catacombs … or maybe even find Lockey’s artifact! Zana’s only action is locking and unlocking doors. There are no hazards to speak of, there are no Game Overs and you can play the game from start to finish without interruption.

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Cart #snowcatcher1232-0 | 2021-12-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Cart #hi-0 | 2021-12-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

this is a game I've been working on that's inspired by jelpi :D I wrote a lot of the code but ultimately used some of Nerdy Teachers' platformer code for the rest, as it was way more efficient so I could focus on the art aspect of my game, which was the main focus in the first place.


I am just now getting into Retroarch for my cellphone, Galaxy A01 Rev 3.0, and understanding how to configure it for different gaming systems like NES and PS1.

One of the systems it supports is Pico-8, apparently an early version.

Yet I'm not seeing any way to port modern Pico-8 to it, 0.2.4.

Is there a way ?


I recently updated my iphone to OS 15, which changed some Safari browser behaviors. The title bar can optionally be at the bottom, and there's a new gesture (flick up) that can hide the title bar. For some reason, this will move just the D-pad and buttons on the BBS up and down on the screen during normal gameplay (e.g. using the d-pad to play.) This makes it pretty much impossible to play anything on the BBS unfortunately.

Oddly enough this doesn't seem to be an issue with direct html exports hosted on my own site, so it's likely BBS-specific. I don't know web coding but maybe there's something to do with the embedding or frame size.

I did try changing Safari settings (such as moving the title bar back up) and disabling accessibility gestures in the OS, but none of this helps, unfortunately.

Hopefully there's some easy solution with the .bbs page layout? The Sisyphean toil of keeping things working in browsers continues :( Thanks for looking!


Cart #rompa01-0 | 2021-12-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Red Shirt Alert

An epic adventure, set in the Star Trek universe.
Your mission is to save the red shirt crewman that are stranded on a planet.
Become Admiral and beware of the borg.


Cursor Keys for movement.
"x" to accept/use.


Code - Mani
Gfx - Romeo
Playtesting - Stella

Greetings to Claudia, Fini, Sophia, Michi and Erwin.


Cart #make_a_tea-0 | 2021-12-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



I joined the itch.io 'Secret Santa Jam' this year, where you get anonymously paired with a random stranger and create a small game for them based on a letter about their interests.

Part of my giftee's prompt was "I like playing games that make me think and involve some kind of strategy e.g. card games like Magic the Gathering [...] I am a huge football fan. I support Manchester United in England and Borussia Dortmund in Germany. I have a rubbish Windows laptop, so any game that can run in browser works best for me.".

I let inspiration guide me from there and here's the small puzzle / tactics game I came up with.

Cart #footballdungeon-5 | 2021-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Sadly, there are no sound effects or background music as I ran out of time and wanted to ensure I gave them something playable by the deadline, but maybe I'll come back to it some day...

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Cart #kakakaboom-4 | 2022-03-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update 020322

  • Previously, extra lives were given at 200/400/600/800/1000 points. Now the first extra life is given at 300, and then every 400 points with no upper limit. The player can keep up to 8 lives.
  • Cutscene intervals are extended, appearing at every 1000 pts.
  • High score cap is removed.
  • And while at it, a little more embellishment on the title screen.

I wanted to go to bed, but somehow my brain thought of this change, and I couldn't fall asleep without letting this out of my system by implementing it.

Update 022020

  • Slight revision to the text to tie in with its plot sequel Bomba Cum Laude.

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Cart #jumper-3 | 2021-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Happy Holidays, everyone! This cartridge is my addition to the 2021 PICO-8 Advent Calendar, which you should also check out if you haven't already!


  • LEFT/RIGHT: Slow down or speed up. It is vital to get the right speed for some jumps
  • O (Z/C): Jump. You can get more height by going fast and/or holding the button longer.
  • X: To restart after crashing.

This game gets reasonably tricky; especially from level 3. But if you can reach the end, you'll get a simple ending along with your total time and number of restarts. The randomish elements in the game (you'll see what I mean) are actually deterministic, so it's possible to form strategies and optimise your time, if that's your cup of tea.

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Cart #holidaymountain-0 | 2021-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's a little mod I made of Celeste Classic for Christmas. It's a sequel to the last mod I made. I hope you like it :)


Cart #christmas_21-2 | 2021-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


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