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I can't find any posts talking about this, which may just mean I'm terrible at finding thing in the BBS.

At any rate, I'm doing Windows, macOS(OS X), and Linux executable exports. I've noticed a few things, and I need to know if this is "just how things are," "that sounds broken," or "that is something we can fix."

On Windows:

  • The executable on first launch triggers Windows Defender. I tried codesigning the .exe with signtool to no avail. Is there a way to fix this?
  • On first launch, the exe runs full-screen. I don't want this for my release as it relies on file system interaction via drag-and-drop. Can we default to windowed mode?

On macOS:

  • Like Windows, the unsigned app triggers a security warning. Has anyone successfully done a codesign to fix this?
  • Also, the full-screen mode occurred for one person, but not for another. Does having Pico-8 installed affect how this launches? (person with Pico-8 was windowed mode on first launch; person without Pico-8 was full-screen on first launch)

On Linux:

  • The executable had no icon, but a separate .png file was in the .zip file. Is this normal?
  • The full-screen mode issue occurred on my Linux machine, yet I do have Pico-8 installed.

I thank the community in advance for any assistance in these matters.

I can answer with my experience on Linux (sorry, I don't have any Windows or macOS machines). This may or may not matter, but I am on the latest Manjaro KDE Plasma distro.

  • The executable (when viewing it in Dolphin) has no icon, but when I run it, the cart label PNG does appear in the dock and in the upper left corner of the application window.

  • Mine launched in windowed mode, but I have "windowed 1" set in my .lexaloffle/pico-8/config.txt file, so I'm not sure if that comes in to play or not.

binary exports use/create the same config.txt as the pico-8 exe, instead of a local one. So all the settings are shared between the exe and all exports...

@ultrabrite So a system that does not have pico-8.exe will just get some kind of pico-8 default config.txt file?

@2bitchuck Thank you for your Linux info. I have an install of Zorin, but didn't notice the behavior you noted on the icon. But then again, I wasn't expecting that behavior, so I may have just missed that.

@ChristopherD I think what happens is that whatever YOUR config.txt looks like at the time of your export is what gets rolled into the executable. I could be wrong, but that is how it seems to work for me. Just to test, I changed the windowed param in my config.txt from 1 to 0 and exported again, and this time the game launched full screen.

@2bitchuck ??? But isn't the value of my config.txt reflected by my usage of Pico-8? In other words, if I'm not personally using Pico-8 in fullscreen then my config.txt shouldn't be set to fullscreen... right? I'll give that a shot though.

Update: My config.txt is already set to 1 (windowed) but my testers reported fullscreen on first launch. I dunno...

@ChristopherD that's interesting, I guess I was wrong about that. I'm not really sure where it would be pulling the value for non-PICO-8 users from then.

Yes, a default one is created in the common dir.
Also, from the changelog: "If config.txt is not found, the same directory as the executable is searched"
Which means you could put a "windowed" config.txt alongside your binary and have it used at first launch on a system that doesn't have pico-8, PROVIDED nobody ever launched another pico-8 binary game...

yes, that's mostly useless and should be the other way round somehow.

one thing you could do is provide a bat/sh file that starts the binary with the "-windowed 1" parameters. (maybe a shortcut for windows)

@ultrabrite Thanks for digging up that information. Neither solution sounds great to me TBH, so I've opted for "post some information for first-time users on the itch page" for now.

@ChristopherD, as it sounds like you are looking for configuration in execution, you might be interested in this:


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